EDUC 730 WK 6 Technology Integration: Problem-Based Learning Plan Assignment Instructions Overview The goal of this assignment is to create a learning/lesson plan for a single 50-60 minute learning se

Technology Integration: Problem-Based Learning Plan


Begin by discussing what is meant by Problem-Based Learning (PBL), what this approach looks like in classrooms, and how it is different from project-based learning. Include a minimum of three scholarly articles in support.

Technology Integration

In this section, discuss what is meant by technology integration and what it looks like in classrooms. Spend some time exploring the Technology Integration Matrix (TIM) (link provided in the assignment area), and briefly explain the interdependent characteristics of meaningful learning environments (active, collaborative, constructive, authentic, and goal-directed) and how these relate to the levels of integration (Entry, Adoption, Adaptation, Infusion, and Transformation). Include a minimum of two scholarly articles in support.

The ASSURE Model for Instructional Design

Begin this section with a brief introduction to the ASSURE model. Then, in the sections below, identify the instruction plan according to the model.

Analysis of Learners

Describe your learner and their characteristics such as learning styles, prior knowledge, skill level, attitudes towards learning, comfort level and experience with technology, and other relevant characteristics. For instance, some learners are very hesitant in learning math skills but are excellent writers.

Analysis of Technology in the Local Setting

Describe the technology that is available to you in your local setting. If your resources are limited, you will want to leverage every tool possible to the highest extent in order to maximize learning potentials and discovery through learning. Include Internet access, tools, and software.

Standards and Objectives

Introduce this section with background on the curriculum standards you are using to establish the foundations of the lesson. Then, below, identify the specific standards you will use.

List one or two curriculum standards used for the lesson:



Select one or two ISTE standards for students:



Determine the 2-3 associated specific and measurable learning objectives. The objectives of this lesson are:

1) Learners will construct a persuasive presentation with supporting evidence and publish it to a class wiki (Example 1).

2) Learners will be able to articulate the advantages of using Venn diagrams to contrast and compare different representations of a concept (Example 2).


Planning the Strategies, Technology, Media, and Materials

This section and the one following (Utilize Technology, Media, and Materials) together represent the largest portion of the assignment. Begin by identifying the strategies and methods you will use for instruction and engagement and discuss the technology you will use in the lesson. Use the Technology Integration Matrix (TIM) to help you evaluate the integration of technology and make decisions about ways to integrate the available technology to best promote learner success.

Select one key focus from the five interdependent characteristics of meaningful learning environments: active, collaborative, constructive, authentic, and goal-directed. Your goal is to move as far down on the meaningful engagement scale and as far right on the 5 levels of technology integration scale as possible. Seek to push deeper than active learning and past the Entry and Adoption levels of integration to the Adaptation, Infusion, or Transformation levels. This is not easy to do and the TIM provides examples in video form to help you. For instance, if you click on the Active Learning, Infusion Level you will find several videos that model this level of use with active learning taking place. If you click on Goal-Directed Learning, Adaptation Level you will find video demonstrations of what this looks like in practice.

Identify your chosen Engagement Level and Integration Level (replace the example below with your selections).

Goal-Directed Learning, Adaptation Level

List the Extended Descriptors for your selection.




Next, identify the technology, media, and materials you will use. This can be done in list form. Add links where appropriate.




Utilizing Technology, Media and Materials

In this section, you will briefly describe HOW the technology, media, and materials will be used. This should read like a road map so that someone else could implement your plan with your learners. Include step-by-step instructions for implementing your plan.

Requiring Learner Participation

This is where you plan the learner’s actions. How will you plan for your learners to engage with the ideas and with the technology tools in order to meet the learning goals and objectives? The plan should include good questioning, specifically addressing the ill-defined problem of focus. Questioning will function as a part of or your instruction as well as the formative and summative assessment.

Evaluating and Revising

This final section is where you will describe the methods you will use to assess the learning. One tool you may want to include in your evaluation is the rubric from the Triple E Framework (see the link provided in the assignment area). Once you have evaluated for effectiveness, describe how you might use the resulting data to revise the instruction plan for next time. Think in terms of questions an instructional coach might ask after observing the actual lesson.


Insert all references here.