Instructions in the attached file

This requires that you write a ONE paragraph ‘digest on each of three cases.

In [Name of Case and proper citation], the plaintiff ( or the state in a criminal case) appealed, and asserted that SET FORTH THE LEGAL CLAIM. The Court noted that the evidence established that… (explain the evidence upon which the court is basing its conclusion). Based on the foregoing, the court ruled that…

Pickett v. Copeland, 236 So.3d 1142 (DCA 1 2018). In this case you will learn about the elements of stalking, and the proof needed to get an injunction.

Second case is H.W. v. State, 79 So,3d 143 ( DCA 3 2012). Student threatens school administer. Has he committed the crime of Assault?

Third case is Rogers v. Rogers, 12 So.3d 2009 (DCA 2 2009). Is a student loan a “marital debt”, and how is it distributed in a divorce case.