Pick a Trademark , any trademark research and discuss a company’s trademark that has been awarded protection by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. You may select the company that you work for, or

Samhita Jude Jangam 



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Facebook Trademarks

Trademarks such as company logos and slogans are intellectual properties that are protected under the copyright and trademark laws in the US. Logos need to be registered under copyright and trademark protection to ensure it is not used without the owner's consent (Ginsburg, 2016). Facebook® is a standard character trademark that has no stylization or design and is among the various trademarks registered under Facebook, Inc. The trademark encompasses various products and services including computer application programming software that enhances online services. The online services take into account the establishment of social networking applications while allowing for upload, retrieval, access, download, and management of data. Other services under the trademark are social introduction, networking along with dating services. Among other design marks registered under Facebook, Inc. is the term “Facebook” that encompasses products and services such as application service providers and computer software search engines.

Facebook, Inc. emphasizes that when using Facebook logos or the name “Facebook”, an individual is prohibited from implying partnership with Facebook unless granted permission by the company or Facebook is highlighted as the primary page feature. The company also prohibits any modification or combination of the icons. Facebook also prohibits individuals from featuring Facebook materials on illegal activity pages such as pornographic content (Ginsburg, 2016). Special permission is required to use the full “Facebook” name logo. An individual will submit a form requesting permission to use the brand logos. Instances such as commercial products and film placements will require special permissions.

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Rashmi Veerabhadraiah 

Week 6 Discussion


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The trademark I have chosen for this discussion is Apple, Inc., Trademarks are designs and symbols used to represent certain goods or services. Trademarks help distinguish certain companies or brands from others. Apple trademarks include merchandise and services. Apple trademarks include computer hardware – desktop, laptops, iPad, mobile phones, logo, television, etc., Apple faced multiple objections to its trademark related to its goods. On the other hand, Apple has also objected to other business owners to protect their trademark – Apple recently objected to Prepear`s pear logo being the same as the Apple logo. There is also a constant litigation battle between Samsung and Apple (Barcena, 2013).

Apple products are sold all over the world, and there is a high risk of infringement. Apple does not own copyrights to its products and services because of its creative nature. But the ideas can be easily duplicated. There are certain international IP implications related to using the word “Mac” and the apple symbol (Apple Trademark List, 2021). Apple contains a Trademark list listing all their trademark products and some generic terms. Apple also trademarks related to the domain names and provides examples of non-acceptable trademark names. Apple provides strict guidelines on distributing apple products within the United States and outside the United States. The trademark also defines the rules and regulations regarding endorsement, sponsorship, and compatibility for advertisement.

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