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IHP 315 Milestone Three Guidelines and Rubric You have developed your first three sections of your project and should be integrating feedback from your instructor to prepa re for the final submission in Module Seven. For this next step, you will develop your analysis of the patient safety culture of your chosen case study and then propose communication and teamwork strategies to promote patient safety initiatives within your organization. In each of these sections, be sure to add ress the following element s: IV. Patient Safety Culture: In this section, you will analyze patient safety culture through the use of a survey as an assessment tool. Specifically, you should address the following: A. Analysis: Analyze all of the patient safety culture survey results at th e facility where the error occurred. These results are in your Final Project Case Studies document . W hat does this survey’s result tell you about the patient safety culture at the facility? Based on your analysis, what are the areas for improvement? B. Outcome: In what ways might the outcome have been different if the facil ity had a stronger patient safety culture? Your response should be based on your analysis of the patient safety culture survey. C. Recommendation: Recommend one method that could be used to improve the patient safety culture. Justify your recommendation with your analysis of the survey. V. Communication: In this section, you will propose communication and teamwork strategies, explaining how these strategies promote safer patient care. Specifically, you should address the following: A. Strategy: What strategy or strategies could be used to improve communication and team building? Explain why you selected the strategy or strategies, basing your response on your analysis of the medical error and the patient safety culture. B. Safer Patient Care: How does the strategy (or strategies) promote safer patient care? What evidence do you have to support your response? C. Measurement: How will the communication and teamwork strategy or strategies be measured? In other words, how will we know that communication improved? To help with this milestone, see also the Sample Patient Safety Plan document . Specifically, take a look at the communication chann els that exist within the organization to address safety events. Guidelines for Submission: Submit an APA -referenced and formatted paper that is 3 to 4 pages in length, excluding the cover page and reference list. This will be a Microsoft Word document wi th double spacing, 12 point Times New Roman font, and one -inch margins. Rubric Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value Patient Safety Culture: Analysis Analyzes the patient safety culture survey at the facility where the error occurred and identifies areas for improvement based on analysis with few gaps in the details Analyzes the patient safety culture survey at the facil ity where the error occurred and identifies areas for improvement, but analysis is cursory or inaccurate or areas for improvement are not based on analysis Does not analyze the patient safety culture survey at the facility where the error occurred and does not identify areas for improvement 15 Patient Safety Culture: Outcome Identifies ways the outcome might have been different if the facility had a stronger patient safety culture, primarily based on analysis of patient safety culture survey Identifies ways the outcome might have been different if the facility had a stronger patient safety culture, but response is not based on analysis of patient safety culture survey or has gaps in detail or logic Does not identify ways the outcome might have been diffe rent if the facility had a stronger patient safety culture 15 Patient Safety Culture:

Recommendation Recommends method for improving patient safety culture, justifying recommendation with analysis of survey Recommends method for improving patient safety culture, but does not justify recommendation with analysis of survey or response has gaps in detail or logic Does not recommend method for improving patient safety culture 15 Communication: Strategy Proposes strategy or strategies that could be used to improve communication and team building, basing explanation on analysis of medical error and patient safety culture Proposes strategy or strategies that could be used to improve communication and team building, but explanation is not based on analysis or has gaps in detail or logic Does not propose strategy or strategies that could be used to improve communication and team building 15 Communication: Safer Patient Care Explains how strategy promotes safer patient care, supporting response with evidence Explains how strategy promotes safer patient care, but with significant gaps in detail, logic, or support Does not explain how strategy promotes safer patient care 15 Communication:

Measurement Explains how the communication and teamwork strategy or strategies will be measured with minimal missing, unclear, or illogical details Explains how the communication and teamwork strategy or strategies will be measured, but with gaps in clarity, detail, or logic Does not explain how the communication and teamw ork strategy or strategies will be measured 15 Articulation of Response Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas 10 Total 100%