Please see attachments, I need assistance with the document labeled the attachment and I need for the possible outline to be corrected, along with the 20 annotated reference list with particular atte

1. Provide an overview of your topic and problem statement


The human resource segment is an integral part of any organization (Al-Madi, 2017). Organizations strive to remain competitive in a very dynamic by efficiently utilizing all their resources. Thus, companies should ensure all their employees perform their jobs efficiently. Human resource needs to properly motivated to attain the organizational goals. Committed, dedicated, and motivated human resource is an essential asset for a company. According to (Al-Madi, 2017) motivated employees in the service provide better customer service to clients. Motivation involves compensating the employees for their services and providing them with a conducive environment to perform. Companies should thus ensure that employees are adequately motivated across all organizational levels. According to (Girdwichai, 2020) training slightly increases employee performance compared to creating a healthy and positive working environment. The study also finds that creating a relaxed and positive work environment will encourage employees to be more innovative. This shows that organizations should ensure that they create a positive environment and keep employees motivated.

Problem Statement

The objective of my work is to conduct a study, to demonstrate why human resources should have a larger role, in positive organizational behavior and effective leadership. Leadership styles are important, the style of a person who is in a leadership position determines employees behavior. Human resources has little to no role in training and correcting people who are in leadership positions. Leaders who have positive attitudes, listens and understands the needs of their employees, will receive respect and trust from their employees. Positive leaders can fuel an individual, group, and create a positive work environment. Negative leaders are toxic for the company and the employees. Toxic leadership comes with consequences, it creates a decrease in workplace performance, and productivity, causes mistrust and the employees are now involved in office gossip, instead of focusing on their day-to-day duties.   

2. Provide an overview of your ongoing research including your literature review methodology, the key sources you have found thus far, and any issues that you are encountering in your research

3. List some of the headings and sub-headings you foresee using in Chapter 2 that are subject specific to your topic and research project.

4. Include your reference list (Note: a minimum of 20 is expected at this stage in your research)

5. Annotate your reference list with particular attention to how the source fits in your field of study as well as how it relates specifically to your dissertation topic.