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The human resource segment is an integral part of any organization (Al-Madi, 2017). Organizations strive to remain competitive in a very dynamic by efficiently utilizing all their resources. Thus, companies should ensure all their employees perform their jobs efficiently. Human resource needs to properly motivated to attain the organizational goals. Committed, dedicated, and motivated human resource is an essential asset for a company. According to (Al-Madi, 2017) motivated employees in the service provide better customer service to clients. Motivation involves compensating the employees for their services and providing them with a conducive environment to perform. Companies should thus ensure that employees are adequately motivated across all organizational levels. According to (Girdwichai, 2020) training slightly increases employee performance compared to creating a healthy and positive working environment. The study also finds that creating a relaxed and positive work environment will encourage employees to be more innovative. This shows that organizations should ensure that they create a positive environment and keep employees motivated.


Employees may play a significant part in determining the rate of success that a company or organization experiences. This is made possible because a positive work environment influences the employees' motivation towards the work and thus their satisfaction through the creation of a positive working environment. The human resources department can correct any negative behavior by employees or their supervisors. The satisfaction of the employees can help companies retain their employees. Adverse working environments affect the employee's performance and negatively impacted their motivation, showing a need to create a positive work environment for employees (Hanaysha et al., 2018).

Problem Statement

The objective of my work is to conduct a study, to demonstrate why human resources should have a larger role, in positive organizational behavior and effective leadership. Leadership styles are important, the style of a person who is in a leadership position determines employees behavior. Human resources has little to no role in training and correcting people who are in leadership positions. Leaders who have positive attitudes, listens and understands the needs of their employees, will receive respect and trust from their employees. Positive leaders can fuel an individual, group, and create a positive work environment. Negative leaders are toxic for the company and the employees. Toxic leadership comes with consequences, it creates a decrease in workplace performance, and productivity, causes mistrust and the employees are now involved in office gossip, instead of focusing on their day-to-day duties.   

Purpose of the Study

There are increasing rates of employee turnover and workplace violence as a result of negative workplace environments. This has affected companies as they have lost competitive and highly innovative employees. Attempts to retain employees and reduce workplace violence through other strategies have failed to address the high employee turnover and workplace violence in the workplaces.

Significance of the Study

Companies invest a lot of resources to attract, hire, and retain employees. The investment includes a financial reward system or establishing a free and positive environment where employees feel appreciated and secure (Antoni, 2017). The significance of this study will be to help workplaces understand the importance of creating a positive work environment to foster employee retention and reduce workplace violence. This will help organizations reduce extra costs incurred in re-training employees as a result of employee turnover. It will also help companies achieve a competitive advantage due to retaining highly skilled and innovative employees. This would help organizations and companies achieve sustainability.

Nature of the Study

The research methodology will identify, select, process, and analyze my topic's information. Therefore, the methodology will help in evaluating the reliability and validity of my data. The first method will involve the qualitative method, which involves quantifying the quality of employee satisfaction by describing the characteristics and traits categorization. The qualitative details of data will be obtained from observed sources that cannot be categorized numerically, like how healthy the workplace is, how clear the communication process is and whether the employees are satisfied or not.

While quantitative methodology involves analyzing the numerical and statistical data related to the level of employee satisfaction, the numerical information such as the number of employees pay, the period (in years) it takes for one to get promoted, and the annual salary increments. These are some factors that will be evaluated to understand how they relate to better job satisfaction (Lorincová et al., 2019).

Hypothesis/Research Questions

1. Can a positive work environment increase employee motivation ?

2. Can A positive work environment could increase the ability of an organization to

retain its employees ?

 3. Cab correcting negative behaviors among employees could reduce workplace violence ?

Conceptual Framework

Past studies have determined that employee motivation and organizational commitment affect employee productivity (Hanaysha, 2018). Many organizations shy away from this research because it encourages aggressive competition among employees. It can be noted that some organizations can increase employee productivity by increasing directs benefits such as more salaries and private insurance plans than through creating a positive work environment.

Data collection will first begin with identifying the suitable sample for my research. This will include obtaining information concerning the levels of employee satisfaction and the manager's view on how employee satisfaction can be improved. The check sheet will involve a blank form designed to efficiently, easily, and quickly record the needed information, either qualitative or quantitative. My data will be collected from diverse sources, including peer-reviewed articles, journals, books, government publications, and reputable organizations relevant for understanding how workplace environments can be improved. According to Dr. Wallace's recommendation, I will also use an interview data collection method for qualitative data. Due to the current pandemic, a call may be made to the companies to seek clarification on what they are doing to ensure employees are motivated.

Definition of Terms
  • Organizational Commitment-this is the strength of the employee's involvement in the organization.

  • Employee productivity-this is determining the capability of different employees by comparing their performances with set goals.

  • Employee motivation-this is the desire of human resource to demonstrate its full capability and achieve the organizational goals (Hanaysha, 2017).

  • Qualitative results in the research are based on context.

  • The researchers had minimal personal contact with those being researched.

  • The qualitative results may have different interpretations; the researcher(s), individuals being investigated, and the reader(s).

  • The quantitative results can be generalized and applied to large populations.

Scope, Limitations, and Delimitations Scope

In today's world, the efficiency of the human resource department is one of the criteria used to determine an organization's competitiveness. Thus, companies should ensure that they acquire the right employees and equip with the necessary resources to perform their duties. This includes providing them with a safe and positive environment for them to undertake their duties efficiently.

  • Future researchers using the data in this study should consider the context to gain better insights into the impact of creating positive work for employees.

  • The study did not investigate all predictors of employee productivity, and thus future researchers should test all other variables left out.


The study will include data from; peer-reviewed articles, journals, books, government publications, and reputable organizations that analyze the research questions. In addition, it will also include data from interviewing different employees. The results from this study can be generalized in any modern and competitive organization .


Today's world is very dynamic and full of demands, and this has increased competition as enterprises strive to find new efficient and sustainable business strategies (Ozkeser, 2019). One of these strategies is having an efficient human resource. The human resource segment has been identified as one of the critical assets of organizations. Thus, companies are investing e lot of resources to attract, recruit and maintain an efficient workforce. Providing employees with a positive environment improves their performance and thus aids the organization in achieving its goals and objectives. (Lorincová, 2019)


Business Research

Bell, E., Bryman, A., & Harley, B. (2018). Business research methods. Oxford university press.

This book is essential, especially for people seeking to conduct research related to organizations and management contexts. It also introduces the readers to values, concepts, and methods of developing research. Finally, it also informs the leader about several psychological and ethical issues people are exposed to when developing business research.

Easterby-Smith, M., Jaspersen, L. J., Thorpe, R., & Valizade, D. (2021). Management and

business research. Sage.

This book is essential especially for the business and management researchers; we understand the business research is often dedicated to ensuring that problems in business are solved along with contributing new knowledge to the existing research.

Wilson, J. (2014). Essentials of business research: A guide to doing your research project. Sage.

From the book, we learn that the business research articles help in contributing to the academic and business fields. For organizations to remain updated about the trending and daily occurrences, they have to keep continued research relating to the environments and clearly understanding their customer’s demands.

Corporate Managerial Finance

Ghosh, D. K., & Khaksari, S. (2005). Managerial finance in the corporate economy. Routledge.

For most nations, the financial landscape and economic structures are often dominated by corporations. Therefore this research examines the importance of the corporate economy and applied new empirical evaluations. Furthermore, the book is subdivided into five topics, including; market volatility, credit availability, dividend reinvestment plan, etc.

Perez, F. Principles of Managerial Finance. Atlantic International University.

Managerial finances are essential since it combines the accounting and economics. An example, the finance managers often used accounting information such as cash flows to plan for the retribution of the financial resources. Additionally, the economic principles are used when guiding the making of financial decisions to ensure they meet the company’s interests.

Ullah, S., Siddiqui, A. F., & Tashfeen, R. (2017). Corporate leverage: structural equations

framework in an emerging economy. Managerial Finance.




This article is relevant since it seeks to investigate the financing behavior among

organizations in Pakistan. Therefore is shows how debt financing behavior often flows

among the large and textile industries.

Global Business

Braithwaite, J., & Drahos, P. (2000). Global business regulation. Cambridge university press.

This book is concerned with the increase in global regulations and restrictions of the expanding companies, especially within the growing companies, to protect their upcoming companies. Global business regulations are the principles, standards, and rules that control globalization and commerce. However, the rules are not incorporated in international law.

Peng, M. W. (2016). Global business. Cengage learning.

A global business is a firm that engages in cross-border economic activities; it is also the actions of conducting abroad business. Therefore this book is essential in informing the leaders on how foreign companies enter new global markets and why glowing countries are against globalization.

Vogel, D. (2008). Private global business regulation. Annu. Rev. Polit. Sci.11, 261-282.

This article is about the gradual increase in the civil regulations that helps to protect the environmental and social effects of the global companies. The article further addressed Organizations adopting voluntary regulatory standards to protect their brands and prevent further regulations.

American Business and Leaders

Kranz, R. (2004). African-American business leaders and entrepreneurs. Infobase Publishing.

This book focuses on the African-American business leaders where that work in sectors like masons, carpentry, dressmaking, tailors, etc. the authors acknowledge the importance of African Americans in society due to their creativity and resourcefulness, especially when serving customers despite being included in the slavery and fighting for civil rights.

Ojeda, A. H., James Ree, M., & Carretta, T. R. (2010). Personality similarities and differences between Mexican and American business leaders. Journal of Leadership Studies4(2),


This study was meant to summarize potential comparisons and contrasts between the US and Mexican leaders, which is essential in understanding the differences and similarities after cross-nationality leadership tactics. Mexican leaders scored higher than their American counterparts on the warmth, emotional stability, social boldness, and openness to change scales.

Taussig, F. W., & Joslyn, C. S. (1932). American business leaders.

This study is used in showing how leadership is hereditary; for example, based on questionnaires administered, it showed that 57% of the total leaders had their fathers as businessmen. Therefore 70% of the business leaders are produced by 10% of the US population. Therefore successful leaders come from a strong business perspective.

Ethical Leadership

Den Hartog, D. N. (2015). Ethical leadership. Annu. Rev. Organ. Psychol. Organ.

Behav. 2(1), 409-434.


According to the article, the demand for ethical leadership has been fostered by leaders

failing to develop ethical frameworks in their organizations. Therefore for ethics to be

keenly followed in organizations, leaders should ensure there is a clear approach of

following morals while they lead by example.

Mihelic, K. K., Lipicnik, B., & Tekavcic, M. (2010). Ethical leadership. International Journal of

Management & Information Systems (IJMIS)14(5).

The study holds discussions regarding qualities of ethical leaders, especially when making decisions they focus on the long-term drawbacks, benefits, and consequences. Ethical leaders are also trustworthy, fair, humble, and responsible and set high ethical standards by acting according to them.

Corporate Strategic Planning

Croxton, K. L., Garcia-Dastugue, S. J., Lambert, D. M., & Rogers, D. S. (2001). The supply

chain management processes. The international journal of logistics management12(2),



From this article, we understand that the supply chain process is among the crucial business activities that should be networked in the entire organization. We understand the many advantages related to this; we also learn about process efficiency, process design, business process engineering, etc., from the article.

Czerny, W. (1995). Corporate Strategic Planning. In Recent Essentials in Innovation

Management and Research (pp. 157-170). Deutscher Universitätsverlag, Wiesbaden.

The authors acknowledge corporate strategic planning tactics are often

used in answering the challenges in relation to the complicated business

environments that organizations are exposed to today. The major prerequisites of

the strategic approach are strategic orientations and strategic competence.

Strategies are based on the worker’s viewpoints of the leadership. Research

helps us in understanding how leader’s properties help in creating a good workforce.

Ferguson, W. C., Hartley, M. F., Turner, G. B., & Pierce, E. M. (1996). Purchasing’s role in

Corporate Strategic planning. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics


This article seeks to evaluate how the corporate strategic planning process can be involved in purchasing participation. For the past five years, participation has increased exponentially. Therefore this article will help us in understanding why participation rates have increased.

Hugos, M. H. (2018). Essentials of supply chain management. John Wiley & Sons.



This article is essential, especially in the supply chain sector, through the following; firstly, it helps us in understanding how to align the supply chain process to the business strategy. Secondly, it helps to develop intelligent methods to evaluate issues in the supply chain process. Finally, it helps is in appreciating what the supply chain process does to our companies.

Lambert, D. M., & Cooper, M. C. (2000). Issues in supply chain management. Industrial

marketing management29(1), 65-83.

According to this research, we understand that for supply chain management to succeed, it should be integrated into cross-functional marketing. Therefore the research was conducted in several companies showing how this integration leads to successful marketing activities in the organization.

Raymond, M. A., & Barksdale, H. C. (1989). Corporate strategic planning and corporate

marketing: Toward an interface? Business Horizons32(5), 41-49.


The article seeks to examine the relationships between corporate strategic planning and corporate marketing departments. A questionnaire research method is used in collecting opinions from various companies. Therefore this research will help in informing us how companies tend to push the planning and marketing departments into a divisional level while linking the functioning of the two departments.


Daft, R. L. (2014). The leadership experience. Cengage Learning.


This article seeks to make readers understand how organizational environments are

gradually changing today; therefore, amidst the turmoil, leaders struggle to ensure that

they are successful. The article further explains several issues faced by leaders,

including; political turmoil, ethical scandals, economic crisis, shifting prices of oil

products, among others.

Day, D. V. (2012). Leadership. In S. W. J. Kozlowski (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of

organizational psychology, Vol. 1, pp. 696–729). Oxford University Press.

Day (2012) develops research concerning leading and leadership behavior in organizations. It also examines classical leadership theories like contingent, evolutionally, trait, and behavioral leadership. Additionally, bridging theories like charismatic leadership perceptions and leader-member exchange are also reviewed.

Hughes, R., Ginnett, R. C., & Curphy, G. J. (1996). Leadership. Chicago, Irwin.



This article reviews the meaning of leadership as the ability to influence other people to achieve organizational goals. Therefore the leadership success and failures are based on the leader’s traits and abilities. Examples include strategic thinking, communication skills, leadership intelligence, among others used in leadership practices.

International finance management

Chwieroth, J. M. (2015). Managing and transforming policy stigmas in international finance:

Emerging markets and controlling capital inflows after the crisis. Review of International

Political Economy22(1), 44-76.

For the over ten years, international financing communication has begun accepting the norms in the financial government. Additionally, the non-compliant states have been issued with social sanctions; however, there are few details known about how deviant nations manage programs like policy stigmas in international finance. Therefore this article uses South Korea and Brazil to understand policy stigmas related to the capital inflow controls.

Moffett, M. H., Stonehill, A. I., & Eiteman, D. K. (2003). Fundamentals of multinational

finance. Addison-Wesley.


This course seeks to firstly explain the theories and concepts of international finance in financial and strategic management practices. Secondly is seeks to observe the perspectives of top managers at international; companies regarding financial management issues. Finally, it seeks to example international finance from a macro perspective based on secondary data and observations collected from developing nations.

Rugman, A. M. (1980). Internalization theory and international corporate finance. California

Management Review23(2), 73-79.

This article focuses on the internalization theory that has to be accepted as the general theory in foreign direct investments. The theory seeks to integrate and unify several areas in international finance. The article is also educative in the multination enterprise concept, which has been developed to respond to the government regulations on free trade and private foreign investment approaches.


Cohen, W. A. (2005). The marketing plan. John Wiley & Sons.



From this article, we understand the advantages of creating a good marketing plan,

especially when launching a new product into the market. Without a clear marketing

plan, even if the organization develops great quality products, they may not succeed since it

involves direct handling of the customers.

Foreman, S. (2003). Marketing. Henley manager update15(1), 10-19.

From the article, we learn about concepts related to relationship marketing which is capturing and developing customer loyalty. Additionally, it included managers developing approaches that pull various customers into the company and designing methods to evaluate marketing contributions to the organization’s success. Finally, we learn about loyalty programs that increase the perceived value of the brand by the customers.

Kotler, P. (2012). Kotler on marketing. Simon and Schuster.



From this book, we learn about transformational marketing, which is the revolutionary

impact on the marketplace and marketing practice of the new technologies and new

media in marketing. It also including sales automation software, video conferencing,

newspaper marketing, etc.

Project management

Lenfle, S. (2008). Exploration and project management. International Journal of Project

Management26(5), 469-478.

The study seeks to question why project management in academic studies is referred to as

an adequate solution to innovation problems. This problem of equating projects and

innovation has led to the improper application of management innovation.

Pollack, J. (2007). The changing paradigms of project management. International journal of

project management25(3), 266-274.

This article seeks to assess the academic literature relates to project management, especially in the soft and hard paradigms. The authors understand that there is a relationship between project management and hard paradigm, while there is a growing acceptance for soft paradigms. Finally, the authors analyze how soft paradigms in project management can be improved gradually.

Walker, A. (2015). Project management in construction. John Wiley & Sons.



From this article, we understand that project management is essential, especially for organizing people to complete projects. Additionally, project management also involves the management of skilled people through planning and ensuring that everyone is conversant with the project’s requirements.

Human resource management

Boxall, P., & Purcell, J. (2011). Strategy and human resource management. Macmillan

International Higher Education.



The book analyzes why in the previous thirty years, the field of HR management has gained popularity, especially to respond to the dramatic growth of technology, business leaders, and new regulations. The authors argue that for the organization to progress properly and evenly, the HRM strategies should include managerial powers and social legitimacy on the HR activities.

Hendry, C. (2012). Human resource management. Routledge.



From the book, we learn that human resources have gained popularity, especially in the

United Kingdom; this has led to the creation of human resource management departments

in different organizations to manage personnel. Therefore this book is essential, especially

in learning about human resource management and how to promote employee satisfaction

and increase their productivity.

Stewart, G. L., & Brown, K. G. (2019). Human resource management. John Wiley & Sons.



We understand from the article that HR management is focused on the people within an organization; therefore, when an organization has more productive employees, it tends to perform better and effectively. However, employees tend to perfume better when qualified employees are hired and continuously trained. Finally, the organization should seek to satisfy their employees, which will make them work harder and satisfy clients.

Organizational and group dynamics

Alderfer, C. P. (1983). An intergroup perspective on group dynamics. Yale Univ New Haven CT

School of Organization and Management.

The author sought to determines how intergroup differences and perspective changes the human behavior understanding. Through the article, we also understand how intergroup theory normally provides the interpretations for the relations between intergroup, interpersonal and individual differences. Finally, the article also explains the intergroup dynamics based on leadership behavior, power, and cognition, affect, and group boundaries.

Butson, R., & Thomson, C. (2014). Challenges of effective collaboration in a virtual learning

environment among undergraduate students. Creative Education2014.

From this article, we understand how our relations and communications have been affected by web-accessing devices. However, online web services have made us shift away from personal or social computing. This research is applicable especially during this period when employees are working from home or in different geographical locations.

Lucas, C., & Kline, T. (2008). Understanding the influence of organizational culture and group

dynamics on organizational change and learning. The learning organization.




The authors sought to assess the relationship between group dynamics, organizational

learning, and organizational culture when organizational change occurs. Therefore they

used a case study design to understand the relationship between group-level factors and

culture that affect group learning in an organization. From the article, we learn

making that occur when organizational change occurs, such as; leadership, mistrust

culture, changes in the psychological contracts, and occupational culture differences .

Chapter 3: Methodology

This chapter deals with the evaluation and selection of suitable research philosophy, approach, and methodology as per the nature of this study. Furthermore, this chapter also identifies the appropriate data collection and sampling methodology for this study. The chapter will also highlight the technique adopted by the researcher for analyzing the data collected from the participants and management of the ethical implications existing in this study.

Research Philosophy

The researcher had the option of selecting between the Positivism and Interpretivism philosophies. The researcher did not choose the Interpretivism philosophy due to its subjective nature. This methodology would have been suitable for the researcher to explore all the critical aspects related to the development of positive work culture and its impact on employee motivation (Almalki, 2016). However, this methodology would not have been able to deliver suitable statistics or quantitative information to support the claims drawn from the study indicating minimum reliability or validity level (Coburn, 2015). With the same consideration, the researcher selected Positivism as the research methodology option for this study. It is a suitable selection as it allowed the researcher to carry out the complete research study with a scientific rationale (Fryer, Larson-Hall, & Stewart, 2018). This philosophy benefits the researcher in identifying the scientific explanation existing behind the occurrence or observation of the study.

Research Approach

Deductive and inductive approaches were the available option to the researcher for completing the current study. The researcher has not selected the inductive approach due to its theory continuation process. This approach would have benefitted the researcher in continuing any particular theory or literature (Mertler, 2020). However, the key focus of this study is to develop an approach based on the observation related to the impact of a positive work environment on the employee motivation level (McCusker & Gunaydin, 2015). With the same consideration, the researcher selected a Deductive research approach for this particular study. The researcher also established different hypotheses as a part of this study to verify that either they are valid in the contemporary business environment or not (Fryer, Larson-Hall, & Stewart, 2018). This approach supports the researcher in developing a new theory to benefit the organizations in creating and sustaining a suitable culture at the workplace, leading towards the generation of desired positive results.

Research Methodology

The researcher had the option of using either qualitative or quantitative research methodology for completing this research study. The researcher did not select the qualitative research methodology due to its focus on the exploration or in-depth analysis of the survey (Queirós, Faria, & Almeida, 2017). The methodology would have benefitted the researcher in identifying and analyzing all the critical aspects of the positive work environment and their potential impact on organizational productivity. However, this methodology is limited by offering no scientific rationale or quantitative results to support the study's claims (Mertler, 2020). Therefore, the study made use of quantitative research methodology for completing this research study. It was a suitable selection as it allowed the researcher to establish a causal relationship between the critical factors like employee motivation, positive work environment, etc. (Saunders & Bezzina, 2015). This methodology benefitted the researcher in gaining information about all the key aspects that need to be focused on by the organization for setting a suitable work culture. Furthermore, this methodology benefitted the researcher in determining all the benefits available to the organization with the collaborative work culture to divert their attention towards the positive work culture for attaining the desired positive results (Silva, 2017).

Data Collection Technique

Multiple data collection techniques like an interview, survey, focus group, etc., were available to the researcher for collecting the desired information for this research study. However, as the nature of the research study is quantitative; therefore, the researcher preferred using the survey technique to gather the data (Queirós, Faria, & Almeida, 2017). This technique was a suitable selection for the researcher as it allowed him to collect the data from a large number of participants to meet the study aim and objectives (Saunders & Bezzina, 2015). The survey was conducted using the Likert Scale, offering five options ranging from not agreed to agreed options to gather the data from the participants (Silva, 2017). The closed nature of the survey provided a key benefit to the researcher for analyzing the research data positively to meet the aim and objectives of the study entirely.


The research study population focused on the employees working at different business organizations in the United States. Due to the large size of the study population, the researcher couldn't collect data from all the participants (McCusker & Gunaydin, 2015). Therefore, the researcher made use of the sampling technique in this regard. Mertler (2020) explains the sampling technique to extract a limited number of participants from the entire population carrying complete characteristics. Multiple sampling techniques were available to the researcher; however, the researcher used the Stratified sampling technique in this regard. As per this technique, the researcher developed different groups based on the employee designation working in the organizations (Queirós, Faria, & Almeida, 2017). Afterward, the researcher selected 100 participants randomly amongst them to complete the data collection process (Silva, 2017). The group development aspect of the sampling technique benefitted the researcher in gathering data from the employees working at different designations at the organizations to create a holistic view (Fryer, Larson-Hall, & Stewart, 2018). The random selection of the participants amongst each group benefitted the researcher in avoiding biases in the study to meet the study's aim and objectives positively.

Data Analysis Technique

The researcher needed to use a suitable technique to analyze the data gathered from the study participants. Multiple methods were available to the researcher in this aspect; however, the researcher preferred using the Frequency Distribution technique (Queirós, Faria, & Almeida, 2017). It was a good selection as it benefitted the researcher in extracting quantified or numerical meaning from the study findings (Fryer, Larson-Hall, & Stewart, 2018). Moreover, the researcher could develop frequency tables to graphically illustrate the study findings to meet the study's aim and objectives.

Ethical Implications

Due to the primary nature of the research study, multiple ethical implications were existing in the research study. The researcher made use of suitable techniques for managing the same ethical issues living in the study as follow:

No Bias: The researcher selected the research participants randomly in each group to eliminate the potential of biases in the study positively (Queirós, Faria, & Almeida, 2017).

Informed Consent: The researcher shared complete information about the research study and its purpose with the participants before gathering the data from their side.

Right to Withdraw: There was a complete open opportunity provided to the participants to withdraw from the research at any time without giving any suitable justification (Saunders & Bezzina, 2015).

No Harm: No object or subject was harmed by the researcher during the completion of the research study.

Confidentiality: All the personal data of the participants had been stored in a secure locker and password-protected USB (Fryer, Larson-Hall, & Stewart, 2018). This data will not be shared with any third party without consent coming from the participants' side.

Chapter 4: Results

This chapter deals with the information about the results obtained by the researcher after collecting and analyzing the data from the participants' side.

Critical Factors of Positive Work Environment

Multiple aspects need to be ensured by the workplace to develop and sustain a positive work environment. One of the critical factors existing in this regard is Leadership (Arditi, Nayak, & Damci, 2017). The organizational leadership must establish and retain a strong leadership at the workplace, offering regular coaching or support to the team members for overcoming their issues. Felipe, Roldán, & Leal-Rodríguez (2017) agree to the same informing about Contingency Leadership by which the leader must be using the suitable approach as per the changing situation to handle the employees' concerns effectively. Arditi, Nayak, & Damci (2017) also recommend the organizational leadership, in this regard, make use of a suitable leadership style taking value from Goleman's Leadership Theory to manage the employees' performance positively.

Another critical aspect related to the positive work environment is the organizational culture. The organization must set an open and influential culture at the workplace respecting the ethics, norms, values, etc., of all the individuals despite their social background. Baird, Su, & Tung (2017) agree to the same informing that the organizations must ensure to embrace and foster diversity positively at the workplace leading towards the targeted results. Felipe, Roldán, & Leal-Rodríguez (2017) argue similarly informing about Hofstede Cultural Dimensions that the organizations could utilize to understand and manage the cultural differences amongst all the employees to lead positively.

Another critical aspect that the organization at the workplace must focus on is the delivery of suitable intrinsic and extrinsic benefits to the employees (Helms Mills & Mills, 2017). As per this factor, the organization must deliver appropriate rewards and benefits based on their performance. Baird, Su, & Tung (2017) agree to the same, using Vrooms Expectancy Theory that when the organization offers suitable rewards and benefits to the employees, the employees will raise their performance and benefits the organization.

Business organizations also need to focus on solid team development and building to establish a strong culture. It means that all the team members must be willing to collaborate or coordinate (Mohelska & Sokolova, 2018). It will also encourage the team members to positively support each other to compensate for each different strengths and weaknesses. Ukawa et al. (2014) agree to the same informing about the Tuckman Team Development process that could be utilized by the organization to set strong teams.

Impact of the Positive Work Environment on the Organization

Now, it is imperative to determine the relevant results for the organization with the setting of solid culture at the workplace. When there is a stable or positive culture at the workplace, then the motivation level of the team members is improved positively. Arditi, Nayak, & Damci (2017) argue similarly using Herzberg's Two Factor Theory that motivated employees can deliver maximum productivity to the organization, benefitting them in generating suitable profits. Furthermore, the organizations also experience an inevitable decline in the turnover rate of the employees at the workplace (Helms Mills & Mills, 2017). Due to the same reason, the organizations can reduce their HR expenses leading towards high-profit generation. It also supports the organization in maintaining consistency at the workplace, leading towards offering quality services to the customers without any disruption. Baird, Su, & Tung (2017) agree to the same, informing that the positive work culture also enables the team members to collaborate and coordinate with each other effectively. Due to the same reason, they can compensate for each different strength and weaknesses, leading towards the generation of desired positive results (Arditi, Nayak, & Damci, 2017). The reputation of the business organizations also improves positively due to embracing and fostering diversity at the workplace, leading to boosted business sales.

Chapter 5: Conclusion

Overall, multiple aspects need to be focused on by the business organization to develop and sustain a suitable work culture at the workplace. Some of the critical factors existing for the organizations include embracing and fostering diversity, employee performance management, change management, team development, and leadership. Furthermore, an organization tends to gain a wide range of benefits with solid culture at the workplace, including employee motivation, effective results delivery, muscular coordination, high employee retention rate, better resources utilization, and strong team coordination. Business organizations must use suitable or effective strategies to set and sustain a unified culture at the workplace to experience all of these benefits.



Al-Madi, F. N., Assal, H., Shrafat, F., & Zeglat, D. (2017). The impact of employee motivation on organizational commitment. European Journal of Business and Management9(15), 134-145.

Antoni, C. H., Baeten, X., Perkins, S. J., Shaw, J. D., & Vartiainen, M. (2017). Reward management: Linking employee motivation and organizational performance.

De Sousa Sabbagha, M., Ledimo, O., & Martins, N. (2018). Predicting staff retention from employee motivation and job satisfaction. Journal of Psychology in Africa28(2), 136-140.

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