For this assignment, you will select an article that is about research and theory on criminal justice theory. The article may be one of your choice; however, it must focus on a criminal justice theory

Unit 2 will require students to read: Hayes, R., & Downs, D. M. (2011). Moving evidence-based crime prevention forward tying good theory and evaluation research together. Security Journal, 24(3), 195–197. Kanable, R. (2010). A lesson in modern policing: Cincinnati police and university partner to fight crime with data. Law Enforcement Technology, 37(8), 16. n95108&sid=PPCJ&xid=e866f6bf Lee, J. P., Moore, R. S., & Martin, S. E. (2003). Unobtrusive observations of smoking in urban California bars. Journal of Drug Issues, 33(4), 983–999. Lizotte, A. J., & Hendrix, N. (2019). Shoot first and ask questions later: The interplay of social science research and firearms policy and use. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 1–19. .