Instructions in the attached file

Research on the urban area of downtown Los Angeles. make observations and respond in detail to the following questions. Some of the questions (ex. Do you see any renewable/sustainable building features) may require you to complete some outside research to find out what your community is doing in regards to green infrastructure. 


DESIGN & PUBLIC SPACE: Networks of well-used and enjoyable public spaces that feature equitable and convenient access for all residents is the key to achieve a livable community.

o Describe the street: pedestrian crossings, signs, markings on pavement, design features. Why do you think they look like that? 



o Can you shop for food, groceries, go to banks, bars, restaurants, etc. easily? Explain:



o Are there places for people to rest or sit? Is there shade, public water fountains, restrooms? Why would having these areas be important?



o What is traffic like? Is the walk pleasant? Do drivers and pedestrians behave well? What factors do you think influence this?



SAFETY: Urban planning experts say that the number of “eyes” (civilian, patrol, cameras or otherwise) on the street at all times of the day and night is critical to sustaining a safe, dynamic, and interactive city life. 

o How would you judge the number of “eyes” on the street as you walk around? Do you see people sitting outside?



o How does the number of “eyes” on the street effect the level of safety? Is this area doing a good job of keeping “eyes” on the street?



HEALTH & RECREATION: Health professionals say a strong community must have safe accessibility to non-motorized transportation options.

o Describe the recreational activities in the area.  Do you see people outside exercising, playing or involved in other activities? 



o What do you think is the importance of recreational areas for building sustainable communities?



TRANSPORTATION: A healthy community promotes diverse transportation modes, including walking, bicycling, and transit that are safe, low-cost, and reduce vehicle miles traveled.

o Describe the various modes of transportation you observe while in this area?




o Do you think this area was created with cars or people in mind? 




o Is this area ‘walkable’? Do you feel comfortable moving around?What factors contribute to or diminish this area’s walkability? 


ART & HISTORY: A complete community empowers vibrant, educated and diverse cultures.

o Describe the public art you see. Be aware of statues, galleries, sides of buildings, etc. (PICTURE). How does art impact a community?


o Describe any places that look like they may be historic. What might be the benefit of maintaining historic structures?



BUSINESS: Business professionals say a strong economy is based on equitable shared prosperity and access to quality jobs and services.

o What are the major types of businesses in this area? Are there empty shops? Explain: 



o Are the businesses chains/franchises or are they locally/individually owned? What are some pros and cons of this?



o Who do you think the targeted consumer is? Tourists, locals, working people, college students, retirees? Explain why you think this.



MIXED-USE: Urban development that blends residential, commercial, cultural, and institutional uses that provide pedestrian connectivity.

o Do you see any mixed-used buildings? Are things close together and easily accessible? What would be the benefit of this? 



GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE: Resource management that protects, restores or mimics natural systems.

o How is water stored in this area? Describe where the water flows during afternoon storms. Is this effect?



o What are some renewable/sustainable building features in this area (solar panels, grey water systems, rechargeable vehicle stations, etc.)? 



o Are there enough trash and recycling containers on the street? Are they accessible and encourage people to use them? 


ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY: Biologists agree that the condition of the local environment can have a positive or negative effect on the human population.

o How would you assess the area’s environmental quality? Explain why. 

NATURAL RESOURCES: Natural ecosystems and cultural landscapes support clean water, air, food supply and public safety

o Is there a lot of green space/open space? Why would green or open space be important to have in a community?




o On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being low and 10 being high) how would you rate the level of biodiversity in the area? Explain why. 



o How could the area be more inclusive for the animals who lives in the region? Is this a worthwhile endeavor? 




Find the highest vantage point that you can view the city and record your impressions from above. Describe what you see.