USGU Assg #7–Please see attached instructions. Thank you.

Assignment #7: Urban Planning and Design –Inclusion, Representation and Equality

Required Readings:

  • How Better Urban Planning Can Improve Gender Equality - Behavioral Scientist Article (See attached)

  • U.S. Global Urban Presentation- PP7 (See attached).

  1. Please write a short essay for the following questions:

  1. In urban development and planning, what is the difference between Equality and Equity?

  2. Why is it necessary in Urban Planning and Development?

  1. Prepare an original and thoughtful (including references) response of 400 words.

  1. Student participation includes the following attributes:

  • Comments show evidence of a thorough reading and analysis of the material(s) -- this means the inclusion of references

  • Points are relevant to the discussion in terms of increasing everyone’s understanding and are not merely a regurgitation of the readings. 

  • Care is taken to distinguish among different kinds of information; i.e. facts, opinions, assumptions, or inferences. 

  • There is a willingness to test new ideas rather than remain cautious and safe. 

  • Submissions utilize correct word usage, spelling, and punctuation.


Follow the instructions above and response to the questions. The essay should be no less than 400 words in length. Sources cited should be included.

You should quote at least three works mentioned in the required readings.

Sources cited should be from reading documents.

Thank you,
