Summative Discussion Board Review and reflect on the knowledge you have gained from this course. Based on your review and reflection, write at least 3 paragraphs on the following: What were the most c


The most compelling topics in this course that I’ve learned were scheduling algorithms and concurrency mechanisms which I thought were interesting as I learned how operating systems uses these concepts for specific operations. Reading and learning scheduling algorithms helped me thought about how computer’s process tasks in specific ways and how they utilize multiprocessing to be able to run its hardware effectively. And looking at the concurrency mechanism approach I was able to grasp the idea of how important it is for operating systems to use conditional instructions for processes to be able to run tasks for multiple applications.

Participating in discussions helped me understand the subjects that we’re talking about by allowing me to research the topic and express my own understanding to the group while also looking at other student’s discussion topic and learn new things from them. There are times where a student’s discussion would talk about a similar topic as I am and there would be different aspects to it that allows me to look at it in different perspective and learn from it. I thought it was a great opportunity to be able to look at other student’s discussion on different aspects of the topic that I’ve never went over, and it helped me expand my knowledge on those concepts.

I think both concurrency mechanisms and scheduling algorithms could have more information because of how they could potentially be mashed together to creating another mechanism or algorithm for an entirely new purpose. There were several research articles where lab teams come up with theories about mixing algorithms to find a solution for certain processing task that would increase performance and how it would benefit operations in multi-tasking. Learning the fundamentals of these concepts could spark new ideas and would bring developments of creative researches for operating systems to find effective solutions for real-world problems that computer scientists could still be investigating.


The most compelling topic that I learned in this class is the virtue machine and how it works. VM is like installing a computer inside a computer with the help of hypervisors and creating one or more operating systems on one computer. Allow more efficient utilization of resources, lower cost of IT infrastructure, and more. I believe each topic is in chronological order, crucial, and valuable to enhance understanding. For someone like me coming from the healthcare field, I find every topic has a foundation to a bigger picture of my goals.

The group discussion reinforces understanding. I never knew having an open submit group discussion would be that helpful. I believe it is a way of sharing knowledge without going off the topic.

The other approach that I would suggest is that one of the weekly projects should be handle in the group, and each group member would suggest how they will apply the questions to their enterprise and ask for suggestions if possible. Nevertheless, reading through each other projects also helps a lot in realizing where each other has fall short and ways to improve.