Problem Behavior Written Report Please read all instructions first carefully

Child Development

Department of Education

3214 Austin Street, Houston, TX 77004

713-718-6303 phone 713-718-6235 fax

Problem Behavior Written Report

For this assignment, you will write a report from one chosen journal article. Your journal article should deal with some aspect of child misbehavior. This should be a behavior seen in children from 0 – 8 years old. In other words, this report should not be about teenagers smoking. Use the “Examples of Problem Behaviors” as a starting point when looking for a journal article. You may get your article online or use one from the early childhood journals available in the library. (NAEYC Standards 1, 4 & 5)

On the first page of your report, type your name, the course, and the complete reference for your article. A cover sheet is not necessary. Use APA style for your reference. For example:

Jane A. Doe

CDEC 1319

Tasleem Abitha, S., Yuvaraj Babu, K., & Mohanraj, K. G. (2018). Onychophagia – an awareness

based survey on its situation. Drug Intervention Today (10)12, 2465-2468.

Next, type your report in five paragraphs. Use at least three sentences in each paragraph. You should include these in your report:

  1. a summary of the article

  2. how the information can be used by the classroom teacher

  3. the strong points in the article

  4. the weak points in the article

  5. your opinion of the information presented

Here are the five headings that you will use in your report:


Classroom Teacher

Strong Points

Weak Points

My Opinion

Upload your report in Canvas. Do not include a copy of the article. I only need to see your report.