PA Assg. #15–Please see attached instructions. Thank you.

Assignment #15 - Public Administration & Information & Communication Technology (ICT)

Required Readings:

  • A three‐stage adoption process for social media use in government (See attached)

  • Big data in public affairs (See attached)

  • Chapter 12 in Textbook 1 (See attached)

Source cited-Textbook 1: Holzer, M., & Schwester, R.W. (2016). Public Administration: An Introduction. 2nd Edition. M.E. Shape.

  • Looking for friends, fans, and followers Social media use in public and nonprofit human services (See attached)

  • We all need help “Big data” and the mismeasure of public administration (See attached)

  • Information Communication Technology (ICT) and Its Uses In Public Administration (See attached)

  • ICT & Public Administration (See attached)

Source cited: ŞANDOR, S. (2012). ICT and Public Administration Reforms. Transylvanian Review Of Administrative Sciences, 8(36), 155-164. Retrieved from

Your assignment:

Part 1 - Provide an outline of your paper (The outline is about one page, single-spaced and should provide the following:

  • Provides a brief overview of the paper’s anticipated sections; the concluding section in the outline and paper should be “Implications for a theory/practice of public administration/the specific topic in public administration as discussed in this course”

  • Indicates the sources of information that you will use.

Part 2 - Students are asked to write an elaborated response to the leading question:

Leading question: How can ICTs be used to contribute to public administration practice?

  • Describes the focus of the paper and its links to the literature of this course

  • the concluding section in the paper should be “Implications for a theory/practice of public administration/the specific topic in public administration as discussed in this course”

  • Provides a list of references

Formatting: 9 pages of content, Title Page, References page, double-spaced, Times New Roman, 1-inch margins, and 12-point font.

Citations: APA (7th edition) style citations.


Please read the required readings. See attached materials.

Follow the instructions above and response to the leading question.

You should quote at least nine (9) works mentioned in the required readings.

Sources cited should be from reading materials.

Thank you,
