I had attached the files of instructions and case. Please check.


Read the appropriate materials and prepare an 8-10 page case analysis report for each of the cases, organized as you see appropriate for the topic, in a way that address all the questions provided for each case on the course website (not within the case itself).

Carefully read the case and consider its context in relation to purchasing strategies, including insourcing/outsourcing, readings and concepts learned in this unit. The case includes situational information, which should be used to perform the required analysis and make the appropriate recommendations. You do not need to address the questions stated inside the case itself. You are, however, required to address all of the questions provided here.

Case Questions

1st is

a)       Perform a quantitative insourcing/outsourcing analysis using the data provided.

b)       What qualitative issues might affect your final decision?

c)       Identify any costs or issues that are not part of your analysis that might affect your decision.

d)       What is your recommendation regarding what FlexCon should do with its family of pistons? Support your arguments with evidence gathered during your analysis.

  1. Assume your group decided to outsource the pistons to the external supplier.

a)       Conduct a plan that would enable FlexCon to carry out a successful outsourcing strategy.

b)       Perform a portfolio analysis to classify Flexcon Piston suppliers.

c)       What further information would you collect to proceed with a purchasing strategy with the piston supplier. How would you proceed to collect this information?


The case should have



Action plan
