Laboratory Assignment

CDEC 1319 practicum I – page 3

Department of Education

Child Development Program

3214 Austin Street, Houston, TX 77004

713-718-6303 phone 713-718-6235 fax

CDEC 1319 – Child Guidance Alternate Assignment

Required ComponentThis assignment is required for completion of this course. If this assignment is not completed and earned at least 70% of possible points for the assignment, you will not receive a passing grade in this class.

Observation Form – View the videos about early childhood experiences. To view each video, be sure that you have internet access. Then, press the Ctrl key plus point to the hyperlink. Or, copy the link and paste it in your browser window. After viewing each video, write two or three sentences about what you observed. (NAEYC Standards 1 & 3)

Reaction Paper – Write a paper which includes at least three personal reflections or reactions about your video observations. Also, compare and contrast the information obtained from the videos to your textbook. (How are they similar? How are they different?) The paper does not need to be longer than a page. (NAEYC Standard 4)

The gray boxes       are available for you to highlight and type right in. Typing is required. This form is not formatted to be handwritten. Spelling and grammar count!

For each numbered item on the form, write two or three sentences to respond to the item.

1. Observe the classroom arrangement. How does the arrangement of the classroom act as an indirect guidance technique? Watch the video before typing in your two or three sentences.


2. Locate the schedule for the classroom. How does the organization of the child's day act as an indirect guidance technique?


3. Observe the materials and equipment in the classroom. How does the type and amount of material affect guidance?


4. Watch the teacher and give an example of how she modeled positive behavior for a child or children.


5. Observe the children's activity. When a child exhibits an inappropriate behavior the teacher will often redirect them to a more acceptable activity. Give an example of a situation you observed where redirection was used.


6. Setting clear limits for the children is important. How did the teacher set clear limits? Were consistent, clear rules explained?


7. Cite an example of how one of our rules (Be kind, Be safe, Be neat) was used in guiding a child.


8. The best form of positive guidance is prevention. What did the teacher do to plan ahead in order to prevent problems?


9. Give an example of how positive reinforcement and encouragement were used to help children behave constructively.


10. The teachers encourage pro-social behavior in children. Give an example of how children were encouraged to cooperate, help or take turns.


11. As the children's language development progresses, the children are encouraged to use words to solve problems. Give an example of how a child was encouraged to talk about his or her feelings or to solve a problem with another child.


12. What methods were used by the teacher to help children deal with anger, sadness, and frustration?


13. Children need the freedom to make choices. Give an example of how the teacher offered a choice to an individual child or the class.


14. What causes the learning environment to be nurturing, relaxed and playful?


15. Consistency and persistence are the keys to positive guidance. Give an example of how the teacher was consistent and persistent with a child.


16. Give an example of inappropriate behavior exhibited by a child. How did the teacher handle this behavior?


17. Listening to children is very important. What did the teacher do to practice attentive listening with the children?


18. Independence in children is always encouraged. Give an example of the teacher allowing the children to resolve their problems independently?


19. How does the teacher convey to the child that they are valued and loved regardless of their behavior?


20. Look at the children's faces, what exactly do you see? Are they happy and relaxed, involved in play? Do you think positive guidance techniques by the teacher play a part in this feeling? Explain.


Revised 3/20