do the two 1.Assignment Two- Please Download assignment two and follow the directions located at the top of the assignment. For each of the eight topics, answer the questions listed in the assignment

Name_________________________________ Date_______________________

Political Party Platform: Policy Recommendation

Create a party platform: (policy recommendation): Using the 8 topics or issues from assignment one, week two, please fill in the chart below. Answer the questions displayed in Figure 1, for each topic. Your responses for figure one should follow the format and answer the questions in each column below. Make sure to explain your topics and policies thoroughly. (Research must be conducted to provide evidence for your topics, please provide a work cited page, APA or MLA is acceptable.)

Example: If your topic is “Education,” explain why education reform is necessary? (To answer this question, you must research problems with the current education system and provide evidence to support your claim. Please use in-text citations.) According to the research you have conducted, who will benefit the most from the policy change? (Research who is most affected by the current system, and provided sufficient data, etc.)

Figure 1.

Topic/ Issues


Topic name: Education

  1. What is the issue/ topic of concern?

  2. Why is (your topic) important to citizens in U.S?

  3. Who is most affected by the Issue?

  1. How do you suggest we fix the issue?

  2. Who will benefit the most (explain why and how)?

  3. How will your party pay for the implementation of the policy (If applicable) (ex. Raise taxes etc.)



Topic/ Issue # 1:

Topic/ Issue # 2:

Topic/ Issue #3:

Topic/ Issue #4:

Topic/ Issue #5:

Topic/ Issue #6:

Topic/ Issue # 7:

Topic/ Issue #8:

All (Democrat, Republican & Third Party) platforms are considered public information and are located on the World Wide Web. Feel free to review the platforms for guidance on your policy recommendations.