Discussion: Business Analytics, Intelligence and You Business/Data Analytics What are trends in the field? User-friendly data, scalable artificial intelligence, machine learning, the augmented consu

Module 4 - Case


Assignment Overview


**Complete Module 4 SLP before Module 4 Case**

You compiled a comprehensive report based on the findings for the Module 4 Session Long Project. It included workplace applications that may be implemented based on the findings. You will present your findings to industry leaders.

Case 4 Resources
Presentation Tips to Improve Your Data Science Communication Skills
Overcoming Obstacles in Your Presentation
Functions of the Presentation to Persuade
Developing Pitches for Various Audiences and Goals

Case Assignment


You will deliver your presentation by video.

  • You may use visuals like graphs to deliver the message.

Write a 250- to 350-word document that is the basis of your presentation.


You can talk about the same content that is written but do not read it. Impromptu speaking has a different impact than reading from a screen.

It is up to you to decide what information should be covered in the time allowed. Content beyond 3½ minutes will not be viewed or considered.

Case 4 Assignment Guidance Files

BUS520 Case 4 Assignment Video Guidance

BUS520 Case 4 Assignment Guide

Assignment Expectations


A 250- to 350-word written document using the attached template (BUS520 Case4 Template) which MUST contain a YouTube, Vimeo, or other video link to your presentation (should be 3½ minutes maximum). Content beyond 3½ minutes will not be considered for grading. Do not upload the video to the dropbox since the file size may be too large.

Video Files may be uploaded to YouTube and the link shared. Set as public or unlisted, NOT PRIVATE. Unlisted means your video will not come up in search results. Only those who know the link can view it, even if they do not have a YouTube account/username.