Hello I have an assignment due soon which can be on either obsessive compulsive disorder or alcoholism. I am supposed to briefly describe the disorder and create a treatment plan for the same. The wor
CATEGORY Unacceptable Acceptable Good Excellent Case Description Missing or incorrect description of diagnostic criteria. Missing key information on the disorder, including comorbidities or symptom presentation. Missing components of case description, too long or too short (less than 4 or more than 8 sentences). Missing a significant amount of information regarding diagnostic criteria, comorbidities, and/or symptom presentation. Contains the majority of the information necessary, with some errors or missing information. Thorough description of diagnostic criteria. Not m issing key information on the disorder, including comorbidities or symptom presentation. Well done case description (approximately 4 - 8 sentences). 5 points Theoretical Approaches Does not thoroughly describe two d istinct theoretical approaches, including what the orientation involves and how it is distinct . May also include incorrect information.Does not state which orientation will be used in the present paper. One orientation is described well but the other is l acking necessary detail . May possess some errors or incorrect information. Generally describes two orientations well however is missing some key information, or some information presented is incorrect. Thoroughly describes two distinct theoretical orientations, including what they include and how they are distinct.
Clearly identifies which will be used for the paper and provides adequate justification for choice. 5 points Treatment Treatment plan is po orly constructed. Is missing an outline of a treatment plan as well as a session by session breakdown (ranging from 8 - 16 sessions) including general focus and goals for each session. May not meet minimum requirements for number of sessions, or does not ade quately describe what the sessions would cover. Session content or focus is inappropriate for the orientation or disorder chosen. Treatment plan is somewhat acceptable . May be missing an outline of a treatment plan as well as a session by session breakdow n . May not meet minimum requirements for number of sessions, or not adequately describe session content . Session content may be somewhat inappropriate for the orientation or disorder chosen. May be missing one part of treatment plan. May have included a few errors in regards to inappropriate content for the disorder or orientation chosen. Includes an outline of a treatment plan as well as a session by session breakdown (ranging from 8 - 16 sessions) including general focus and goals for each session. Session content is appropriate for the disorder and orientation chosen. Follows best practices for treatment of the disorder. 10 points Treatment Outcomes Missing key information in regards to projected treatment efficacy as well as rates of recovery, relapse, progression, or challenges. May be missing the description of if they would enjoy working with the client. Significant errors in projected treatment efficacy as well as rates of recovery, relapse, progression, or challenges. May be missing the description of if they would enjoy working with the client. Generally describes projected treatment efficacy as well as rates of recovery, relapse, progression, or challe nges. Describes whether they would enjoy working with the client. A small amount of information is missing or incorrect. Thoroughly describes projected treatment efficacy as well as rates of recovery, relapse, progression, or challenges.
Describes whether they would enjoy working with the client and provides justification . 5 points Grammar & Mechanics Grammatical errors or spelling & punctuation substantially detract from the paper. Some grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors interfere with reading the paper. Grammatical errors or spelling & punctuation are rare and do not detract from the paper. The paper is free of grammatical errors and spelling & punctuation. 5 points APA Style Paper Errors in APA style detract substantially from the paper.
Missing tit le page, title, formatting, running header, page numbers , or reference page . Errors in headings and subheadings. Referencing errors detract significantly from the paper.
Incorrect length or font style. Noticeable errors, lacks title page or header, page numbers. Many errors in references including missing or incorrectly written. Missing other necessary information. Rare errors in APA Style on title page, running header, page numbers . Few errors in references. No errors in title page, title, running header, formatting, page numbers , or referenc es. Appropriate length and font style. Sources are cited correctly. 5 points