ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS: Please answer the following questions in your written report: Question 1. Were the company’s supply chain capabilities a source of competitive advantage? Question 2. What is th

SCM 800

Individual Assignment

Walmart Supply Chain Management Case Analysis

Assignment Document: This document includes the following assignment information:

  1. Assignment Goal

  2. Assignment Introduction

  3. Assignment Directions

  4. Assignment Deliverables

  5. Assignment Formatting

  6. Assignment Grading Criteria and Rubric

  7. Assignment Questions

  8. Cover Page and Academic Integrity Pledge Statement

ASSIGNMENT GOAL: This case assignment is designed to illustrate the concepts explored and studied during this semester in SCM 800. It will also help students evaluate various supply chain concepts employed by Walmart.

ASSIGNMENT INTRODUCTION: This case assignment is designed to help students evaluate the use of various supply chain concepts that help improve the broader strategic goals of a firm. According to the author the case

provides a detailed description of the company’s supply chain network and capabilities. Data in the case allows students to compare Walmart’s source of competitiveness with those retailers both online, including and traditional brick-and mortar retailers….”

The case is set in 2019, before Covid-19. The assignment will ask you to get behind the case discussion and assess the challenges that the CEO and the company face. It is a wonderful case to help explore a large well-known firm with a global supply chain. By understanding its supply chain and the concepts presented this semester you will be in a better position to improve the outcome of these decisions.

ASSIGNMENT DIRECTIONS: You are to answer all of the assignment questions. Please make sure that you provide professional well-reasoned responses to the questions. Just giving an unsubstantiated or limited answer without explanation on how it might tie to supply chain concepts taught in the course may reduce the credit you receive. Make strong arguments to underpin your thoughts and liberally utilize examples. We are looking for critical thinking and synthesis of ideas.

ASSIGNMENT DELIVERABLES: This individual assignment should be submitted by the due date provided on the course schedule to the M6L3 Dropbox: Walmart Case Assignment. The M6L3 Dropbox is located under the Module link on the Course Menu.

The following assignment questions address the decisions faced by the Walmart Company presented in “Walmart: Supply Chain Management” by Ken Moss under the supervision of Professor P. Fraser Johnson.


1. Please include a cover page that includes your name(s), email address(es), assignment name, and date.

2. Please use an 8.5 by 11 portrait type document for this assignment.

3. Maximum of four pages, single-spaced (not smaller than 11-point font)

3. Please use a Word Document format for the text of the answers in the four-page document (NO PDF or Excel files).

4. Please use citations as necessary--do not plagiarize. They can be listed on a separate page and NOT included in the page count.

5. Points will be deducted for not following formatting directions!

ASSIGNMENT GRADING CRITERIA: This assignment will be assessed with 25 points per each question.

Professional writing skills, including appropriate but not limited to proper grammar, punctuation etc. is required. Multiple errors will cause points to be deducted.

We realize that many different answers can be utilized for these questions. For each question we are expecting well thought out, rational responses using information gleaned from the semester, cited, and using examples to help articulate a particular point of view.

Note: The instructor reserves the right to change the points for this rubric at his discretion. Points shown in the rubric are only approximate and may change.

ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS: Please answer the following questions in your written report:

Question 1. Were the company’s supply chain capabilities a source of competitive advantage?

      1. Why or Why Not?

      2. Explain: Use examples to help support your answer!

Question 2. What is the single biggest challenge facing Walmart?

      1. What are the implications for its supply chain?

Question 3. If you were Doug McMillon (President and CEO)

      1. What one major step would you take to improve the company’s supply chain?

      2. Why? Explain!

      3. Utilize examples to help support your recommendation.