Must be in Times New Roman. The body of the document should be printed in standard 12-point font size. Indent paragraphs in all assignments and use double spacing between and within paragraphs. Must b


  • Paper should be 2500-3000 words including footnotes and references.

  • Total number of words should be on the very top line on the first page of the paper.

  • The paper is based on a Leadership environment and should have an Alternative Management orientation, that is, an orientation that puts people and planet ahead of maximizing profit (e.g., as is evident in Social and Ecological Thought, or big “S” Sustainability).

  • The paper can cover any topic: from electric vehicles (e.g., Tesla) to mental health (e.g. mindfulness) to the carbon economy (e.g., wind power) to farming (e.g., soil erosion) to economic inequality (e.g.sweatshops) to food waste (e.g., dumpster diving) to architecture (green renovations) to philosophy (e.g., meaning of life) to video games (different genres), and so on.

  • Someone reading the paper should walk away with a better understanding of the mutual relevance of the Alternative Management orientation and the topic.


  • First, the paper should provide sufficient content/information for the reader to be able to begin to engage in a knowledgeable conversation on a topic. For most papers this will mean providing key facts or empirical data related to a topic (not simply providing an opinion).

  • Second, the paper should be grounded in relevant scholarly literature and/or credible sources from the internet (e.g. to get started, you may want to do a search on Google Scholar with your topic and the term “sustainability”). These sources should be properly referenced and placed in footnotes so that the reader can easily find out more about a topic if they wish. For the purposes of this assignment, depending on the nature of the paper, it is expected that most papers will have at least ten different credible sources properly cited.

  • Third, the paper should have from three to five Questions for Reflection and Discussion. To encourage readers to reflect on the implications of the information/arguments in the paper.