Statistics in Quantitative Methods The purpose of the assignment is to develop skills associated with selecting and applying methods for data collection, stationary and time series data analysis and h
1 Assessment Rubric for Research Proposal Part 1 Criterion Developing 0-3 Satisfactory 4 Exemplary 5 Marks 1 Introductory Title and Abstract Title or abstract lacks relevance or fails to offer appropriate details about the proposed study or is too lengthy Title or abstract are missing or inappropriate given the problem, research questions, and method Title and abstract are relevant, offering details about the research project Title and abstract are of required size, offering details about the problem, research questions, and method Title and abstract are concise, informative, and clearly indicate the problem, research questions and method /5 2 Introduction: Problem, Significance, & Purpose of the Study Research issue is identified, but statement is too broad or fails to establish the importance of the problem The research purpose, questions, hypotheses, definitions or variables are poorly formed, ambiguous, or not logically connected to the description of the problem and conte xt. Unclear connections to the literature Identifies a relevant research issue.Research questions are succinctly stated, connected to the research issue, and supported by the literature Variables have been identified and described. Connections are established with the literature Presents a sig nificant research problem related to the topic Articulates clear, reasonable research questions /hypothesis given the purpose, design, and methods of the project All variables have been appropriately defined. Proposals are clearly supported from the resea rch and theoretical literature. All elements are mutually supportive /15 3 Literature Review Key components are not connected to the research literature. Selected literature is from unreliable sources Literary supports are vague or ambiguous Number of relevant business - related sources are less than the required number Key research components are connected to relevant, reliable theoretical and research literature Number of relevant business - related sources are less than the requ ired number Adequate critique and synthesis of the reviewed peer reviewed theoretical and research literature Each key research component is grounded to the literature. Attention is given to different perspectives, threats to validity, and opinion vs. ev idence Uses a minimum of 15 relevant business -related literature sources /15 2 5. Organization Lacks continuity between topics The length of the proposal exceeds the suggested limit indicated in the assignment’s description The ideas are presented in a random manner with no focus Little evidence of an organi zational pattern; unclear structure Includes continuity between topics The content and length of the proposal are inadequate ( i.e., there is some logic in the narrative part, but th e ideas lack of clear focus). Mostly clear organi zational pattern, adequate structure Includes continuity between topics; includes transitions from topic to topic . The proposal has the appropriate length, and the ideas are presented in a clear structural and logic manner identifying reasonably well the reasons and means to achieve the goal of the proposal. /5 6. Mechanics More than 10 errors in spelling , grammar, and punctuation 5 to 10 errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation Less than 5 errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation /5 7 Referencing Cites irrelevant literature; includes too few citations; uses inconsistent or non - APA format Inconsistently references according to the APA style Cites relevant literature; uses consistent, standard format Mostly references according to the APA style Cites relevant literature; includes citation for every fact not part of general knowledge; uses consistent, standard format /5 Total: _____/ 50 3 Part 2 Criterion Developing 0-3 Satisfactory 4 Exemplary 5 Marks 1. Methods:
Design The research design is confusing or incomplete given the research questions and strategy Important limitations and assumptions have not been identified Unfeasible; topic too vast or too vague Identifies inappropriate research methods; vaguely describes their use and application to your topic Ignores ethical considerations presented by the research design The research design has been identified and described in sufficiently detailed terms. Some limitations and assumptions have been identified Feasible in terms of time and resources Identifies appropriate research methods; describes their use and application to your topic Considers some ethical aspects of presented by the research design The purpose, questions, and design are mutually supportive and coherent Discusses appropriate research methods; fully describes their use and application to your topic Appropriate and important limitations and assumptions have been clearly stated. Fe asible and efficient in terms of time and resources Considers all ethical aspects presented by the research design /15 2. Methods:
Instruments Description of the instruments and techniques are confusing, incomplete, or lacked relevance to the research questions and variables. Identifies appropriate research tools; fully describes their use and application to your topic Instruments and observation protocols are identified by name and described. Identifies appropriate research tools; describes their use and application to your topic Descriptions of instruments and techniques included protocols and replications. Evidenc e of the validity and reliability was presented Identifies appropriate research tools; fully describe their use and application to your topic /10 3. Methods:
Procedures Procedures are confusing, incomplete, or lacked relevance to purpose, research questions, or sampling strategy. Completely describes procedures for obtaining data/evidence; completely describes appropriate analysis procedures Procedures for project are identified and described in an appropriate fashion Clearly describes procedures for obtaining data/evidence; describes appropriate analysis procedures Procedures are thorough, coherent, and powerful for generating valid and reli able data Procedures are replicable Completely describes procedures for obtaining data/evidence; completely describes appropriate analysis procedures /15 4. Methods:
Data Analysis Descriptive or statistical methods are confusing, incomplete or lacked relevance to the research questions, data, or research design Both descriptive and statistical methods were identified. Level of significance was stated. Uses well -defined qualitative or quantitative methods /5 4 Analytical methods are sufficiently specific, clear, and appropriate for the research questions 5.Organization Lacks continuity between topics The length of the proposal exceeds the suggested limit highlighted in the assignment’s description The ideas are presented in a random manner with no focus Little evidence of an organi zational pattern; unclear structure Includes continuity between topics The content and length of the proposal are inadequate (i.e., there is some logic in the narrative part, but the ideas lack of clear focus ) Mostly clear organisational pattern, adequate structure Includes continuity between topics; includes transitions from topic to topic The proposal has the appropriate length, and the ideas are presented in a clear structural and logic manner identifying reasonably well the reasons a nd means to achieve the goal of the proposal /5 6. M echanics More than 10 errors in spelling , grammar, and punctuation 5 to 10 errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation Less than 5 errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation /5 7. Referencing Cites irrelevant literature; includes too few citations; uses inconsistent or non -APA format Inconsistently references according to the APA style Cites relevant literature; uses consistent, standard format Mostly references according to the APA style Cites relevant literature; includes citation for every fact not part of general knowledge; uses consistent, standard format /5 8. Power Point Presentation Poorly organized. Not appealing to the eye (e.g., unclear text, too much information on single slides) . Too many extras (e.g., transitions) Message is not the most important characteristic. Organization apparent and appealing. Clear transitions Too many extras A high degree of originalit y, organization, and eye appeal. Simple and clear slides Uses graphics for illustrations Message is the most important characteristics All key aspects of the proposal are included in the slides /5 Total: _____/ 65