I need assistance in my Annotated Bibliography. Please review the PDFs attached for all the information related to the assignment. My main topic for the AB is Trisomy 21 and the effect it has on peopl

Genetics Bio 2410L 8/30 /2021 Annota te d B ib lio gra p hy ( 7 5 t o ta l p ts ) D ue d ate s: AB t o pic S ele ctio n 9/2 7 /2 02 1 (2 p ts ) Abstr a ct P e er R evie w 10/2 5 /2 02 1 (5 p ts ) Peer R evie w o f D ra ft 1 1 /1 5 /2 02 1 (5 p ts ) Fin al p ap er d u e d ate 1 1 /2 9 /2 02 1 (63 p oin ts ) Fo r your annotated bibliography , you will pick any topic in genetics and identify 3 papers from the primary scientific literature. The assignment is to read these papers and present an annotated bibliography for each, followed b y a summa ry. There are 3 main goals in this assignment: 1) to have you investigate a topic of interest to you and have you engage with material on a deeper level, 2) to be able to distill the important ideas from dif ficult scientific material and to becom e used to read ing papers w here you may not initially know all of the more technical jargon, 3) to become used to writing in a clear and concise manner , following a standardized format. Annotated Bibliography Guidelines:d Number of papers: Each student wi ll annota te 3 papers from the primary literature. 1) Subject area: All three papers should address a single topic in genetics. The choice of topic and papers you pick are up to you. Choose a topic that interests you (e.g. a genetic disease, genomics, DNA rep lication, cont rol of prote in s ynthesis, genetics of the immune response, etc.) The papers must be peer-reviewed, primary scientific literature. If you are not sure about a specific paper, talk it over with your grou p or consult the CNM libra rian. 2) Sources of papers : No more than 2 of the papers may be from the same author or the same journal. Do not use textbook chapters, review or summary articles, books, interviews , popular magazines or internet sites (except from an on-line scientific journal.) Revie w ar ticles ar e art icles th at r eview a concept or technique. They don’t describe an experiment performed by the author(s). Review articles will often provide you with excellent background information and are a good start for learning more about your chosen topi c. Howeve r, be cause th ey d on’t contain descriptions of original research by the author(s), they are not appropriate to annotate for this assignment. Look in the sources cited in these articles to find original research papers. 3) Contents of each annota tion (max 250 word s ea): F or e ach paper , include the following: 4) Full list of authors, full title and journal citation (year , journal name, volume, page, numbers; you must follow the APA citation style (Purdue Owl has a great site for explaining APA style : https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/ ) a. 2 or 3 sentences about why the author did the study . This should include the main question identified by the author and the general p uzzl e the pap er is address ing (i.e. the broader relevance; note that sometimes the authors themselves may not say much about this.) The goal here is to draw in your reader so we want to read the rest of the annotation. b. 2-4 sentences of bac kground informati on r equired t o und erstand the study’s c. 1 Both sections should be well-reasoned and carefully argued. The key to a carefully ar gued overall conclusion an d a compelling statement of personal interest lies in the careful choice of the subject area and articles to be annotated. https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/614/02/ (examp le AB) This g ives an exam ple of the authoritative t one and style of writing used for an AB. We are using APA style for the citations. The AB should be written for a non-scientific audience. Explain technical terms and acronyms in plain English, if necessa ry. Make sure to spell che ck and look for grammar er rors before turning in. To avoid plagiarism, do not simply re-word or re-organize the author ’s original words (no direct quotes.) Set the paper aside and summarize the materia l entirely in your own words . For hel p, se e the Purdue OWL website here: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/589/01/ Page 1: a cover page including name, date and topic Page 2: Annotations 1 an d 2 P age 3: An notation 3 and summary Grading Rubric Each Annotation ( 20 pt ea, 2 point per letter) First Annotation: Paper comprehension: b. Adequate background info to understand study signi ficance ___ ___ c. Summary of main methods and results ______ significance.

3-5 sentences about the primary methods and results of the study . a. 2-3 sentences summarizing the general conclusions of the study, including the answer to the question stated at the beginning. b. Summary of all 3 annotat ions (250 wor ds) After the 3 rd annotation, include a 2- paragraph summary that includes: 5) 1 paragraph Overall conclusion – an overview of the combined results of all 3 studies, indicating why the general issue they address is important; this could include o ne or more key questions that r emai n unanswered. a. 1 paragraph Your personal interest – w hat you personally thought was the most interesting about the issue(s) addressed by the 3 papers. b. W riting Style - Refer to the Purdue OWL examples for an annotated bibliography . https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/614/01/ (general) 6) Length Limit: 2 pages maximum , not including abstracts or cover page ; 12 point font, singl e spaced 7) Word Count – Y ou must include a word count at the end of each annotatio n an d at the end of the summary section. 8) Final Format : The final document should consist of 3 pages 9) Photocopies of t he original abstracts - Pl ease submit the abstract for each of the 3 papers you have chosen. (Doesn’t count toward page limit ). For online courses you can include a full pdf of each paper or a digital link to it rather than t he abstra cts. 10 ) Grading Rubric 11 ) Clea r statement of the puzzle to b e solved ______ a. 2 d. Summary of conclusions, including solution to puzzle ______ e. Author has made paper und erst andable to a non-scientist ______ First Annotation: Followed Format Second Annotation: Paper comprehension a. Cl ear state ment of the puzzle to be solved ______ b. Adequate background info to understand study significance ______ c. Summa ry of main methods and res ults ______ d. Summary of conclusions, including solution to puzzle ______ e. Author has made paper understandable to a non-scientist ______ Second Annotation: Followed Format Third Annotation: Paper comprehension: a. Clear statement of the puz zle to be solved ______ b. Adequate background info to understand study significance ______ c. S ummary of main methods and results ______ d. Summary of conclusions, including solution to puzzle ______ e. Author has made paper understandable to a non-s cien tist ______ Third Annotation: Followed Format Summary ( 3 pt) A concise summary of overall conclusions from the 3 papers (1 pt ) ______ A clear statement of your own interests ( 1 pt) ______ Spelling and grammar (1 pt) ______ TOT AL SCORE ____________ _____ __/ 63 Correct c itation f ormat ______ a. Article is primary literature ______ b. Stayed within word count and included word count ______ c. Att ached abstract __ ____ d. Spelling and grammar ______ e. Correct citation format _ _____ a. Article is primary lite rature ______ b. Stayed within word count included word count ______ c. Attached abstr act ______ d. Spelling and grammar ______ e. Correct citation format ______ a. Arti cle is primary literature ______ b. Stayed within word count included word count ______ c. Attached abstract ______ d. Spelling and gram mar ______ e. 3 Reviewer Comments 4