The project documentation file is introduction of my project and i need someone to do the part highlighted part on page 12 and 13 I also attached that in separate file project kickoff.

The project documentation file is introduction of my project and i need someone to do the part highlighted part on page 12 and 13 I also attached that in separate file project kickoff. 1The project documentation file is introduction of my project and i need someone to do the part highlighted part on page 12 and 13 I also attached that in separate file project kickoff. 2

Project DocumentationThe project documentation file is introduction of my project and i need someone to do the part highlighted part on page 12 and 13 I also attached that in separate file project kickoff. 3

November 30th, 2021

Table of Contents

Team Charter 1

Project Scope Statement 4

Cost Analysis 9

Risk Analysis 10

Project Kickoff 12

Project Plan 13

Project Closure 14

Team CharterThe project documentation file is introduction of my project and i need someone to do the part highlighted part on page 12 and 13 I also attached that in separate file project kickoff. 4

Team Name


Project DescriptionThe project documentation file is introduction of my project and i need someone to do the part highlighted part on page 12 and 13 I also attached that in separate file project kickoff. 5

We are planning on building a unique electric vehicle charger. EVCharge2Go will be a portable charger that can provide an ultrafast charge to an electric vehicle in a very short time.

Currently, many companies are in the process of manufacturing electric vehicles. As the electric vehicles demand increases, people will want to take their car for a long distance that could go beyond the high voltage battery range. In order for the vehicles to be able to extend those battery times, we will be producing this product. This product will work on every electronic vehicle and be designed in a way so that any vehicles made in the future would be able to function with it as well. Along with being able to charge the vehicle, it will also have the ability to fill up your tire pressure or even charge your devices via a USB plug. All in all, this product will prevent you from ever having to purchase roadside assistance memberships and will encourage more people to buy electric vehicles.
Examples of problems to resolve:

  1. Running out of battery and being stranded

  2. Unable to drive long distances

  3. Low tire pressure and no gas station nearby

  4. Save costs from roadside assistance

Oakland University, Michigan, USA

Estimated time to complete: 

Project Start Date: September 7th, 2021

Product Release Date: October 14th, 2022 

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We have agreed to meet (online meeting) as a team on the following days: 

Tuesday - After Lecture (Usually 8:30PM)

Friday - 8PM - 9:30PM

Sunday - 8PM - 9:30PM

Software/ Other Technological Tools for Collaboration

  1. Collaboration Tools: Google Drive (Docs, Slides etc.)

  2. Communication Tools: WhatsApp and Email

  3. Meeting Tools: Google Hangouts or Zoom

Team Rules and Expectations The project documentation file is introduction of my project and i need someone to do the part highlighted part on page 12 and 13 I also attached that in separate file project kickoff. 7

  1. All team members are required to attend every team meeting. If they are unable to attend, they are to alert every group member of their absence.

  2. Every team member should be actively participating in team discussions and providing valuable ideas and suggestions. 

  3. In the case of disagreement on ideas, team members should conduct an open discussion and determine which direction they would like to proceed with.

  4. If a team member fails to attend or is consistently late for 3+ meetings, the team has the right to deduct their points during the evaluation process. 

  5. If a team consistently fails to meet the team's standards for the quality of work that is being completed, they will be provided feedback regarding areas of improvement. If they fail to improve, the professor will be alerted.  

  6. When work is distributed between team members, it will be expected that their portion of the work is completed at least 2 days before the submission deadline. 

  7. Team members will take turns on completing final reviews for submissions, so that one person doesn’t get stuck with the responsibility of submitting assignments every time.

  8. If any team member has proposed changes to the team charter midway through the semester, all team members will listen openly to the proposed changes and will decide together on whether the changes should be made or not. It will require a majority of votes in order for the charter to be changed. 

A Code of EthicsThe project documentation file is introduction of my project and i need someone to do the part highlighted part on page 12 and 13 I also attached that in separate file project kickoff. 8

As a responsible and educated individual, I understand that it is my duty to always behave in an ethical and courteous manner. I will constantly strive to set an example of the highest caliber for those that work with me. 

I will use and incorporate the principles of honesty, respect, integrity, and professionalism in my academic and professional career. 


1. I will employ a practice of fairness and forthrightness in all my dealings 

2. I will uphold and maintain the College of Business’s policies on cheating and plagiarism and make this practice a part of my life 


1. I will strive to promote teamwork, sensitivity towards others, and a sense of tolerance for all individuals and their opinions no matter how different from mine  

2. I will respect my work and that of others and constantly strive to improve 


1. Under no circumstances will I compromise my reputation and the reputation of my University by involving myself in unethical practices 

2. I will strive to be competent and effective in all my dealings despite distractions and changing circumstances 


1. I will abide by and maintain the same high standards to which I hold others 

2. I will avoid stereotyping by race, religion, age, etc when dealing with others both in the classroom and beyond 

Project Scope Statement

Objective The project documentation file is introduction of my project and i need someone to do the part highlighted part on page 12 and 13 I also attached that in separate file project kickoff. 9

The main objective of EV2ChargeGo is to create a product that helps every electric vehicle owner drive beyond the limits they are currently able to. It is to give them the freedom to take their vehicles on a road trip or long drive and enjoy the same luxuries that other gas fueled vehicle owners have. This product will work on any electric powered vehicle and be compatible with any EV’s in the future as well. Along with having the feature of charging the vehicle, this charger will provide the ability to fill up your tires and charge your devices via a USB plug. It will be priced at $3,000 per portable charger. This product will be launched in the United States. This project will be completed within 14-18 months, at a cost that does not exceed $1,000,000. We are expecting revenue of $3,500,000 over the course of 4 years.

Key DeliverablesThe project documentation file is introduction of my project and i need someone to do the part highlighted part on page 12 and 13 I also attached that in separate file project kickoff. 10

  • A charger that holds up to a range of 60-80 miles (17 kWh) worth of charge depending on the size of the vehicle (Ex. Full-Size EV Truck up to 60 miles, Mid-Size Sedan up to 80 miles)

  • A charger that can complete a charge cycle in less than 10 minutes

  • Integrate tire pressure gauge which is able to control and monitor the pressure of air going in the tires

  • Integrate 45W USB output allowing any USB cables to be plugged into it

  • A charger that weighs no more than 45 LBs

  • EVCharge2Go can be recharged using traditional 110-volt or 220-volt household outlets

MilestonesThe project documentation file is introduction of my project and i need someone to do the part highlighted part on page 12 and 13 I also attached that in separate file project kickoff. 11

  • Technical/Physical Requirement Sign Off - October 20th, 2021

  • Design Creation and Development Phase of the Charger - December 15th, 2021

  • Presentation of Charger Prototype - March 21st, 2022

  • Testing and Quality Assurance of the Charger - May 19th, 2022 

  • Successfully Comply with Legal Requirements - August 8th, 2022

  • Launch of EVCharge2Go - October 14th, 2022

Technical RequirementsThe project documentation file is introduction of my project and i need someone to do the part highlighted part on page 12 and 13 I also attached that in separate file project kickoff. 12

  • Integration with all electric vehicles, regardless of make and model

  • Lightweight battery strong enough to hold 60-80 miles (17 kWh) worth of charge depending on vehicle size

  • Booster charging for cars that will allow for a complete charge within 10 minutes

  • AC Adapter output to charge EVCharge2Go

  • 45W USB Output to allow charging of all devices using USB

  • Accessible to recharge with traditional 110-volt or 220-volt household outlet

Limits and Exclusions The project documentation file is introduction of my project and i need someone to do the part highlighted part on page 12 and 13 I also attached that in separate file project kickoff. 13

  • In terms of production employees, we will need to outsource some work to reduce cost of production and labor costs

  • EVCharge2Go always must be fully charged

    • In order to gain its full potential of 60-80 miles per full charge. 

    • In order to charge the car with/within less than 10 minutes

    • In order to efficiently fill up tire pressure

    • In order to properly charge devices via USB

  • EVCharge2Go will only function in the US, as the AC adapter will not be compatible with other countries. A converter can be used, but there will be a caution towards voltage. 

Customer ReviewThe project documentation file is introduction of my project and i need someone to do the part highlighted part on page 12 and 13 I also attached that in separate file project kickoff. 14

In order for us to conduct a customer review, we will provide our customers and stakeholders that currently own an EV, our charger prototype. After 2-3 months of testing, we will conduct a feedback survey which will help us gauge the areas of improvement, what may require immediate attention, and what features they would like to see in future iterations. These are the following stakeholders and customers who will receive a survey:

  • Customers who enrolled in the EVCharge2Go customer prototype program

  • All employees who were involved with the project, in both direct and indirect capacities

  • Real Time Testing Committee

Critical Success FactorsThe project documentation file is introduction of my project and i need someone to do the part highlighted part on page 12 and 13 I also attached that in separate file project kickoff. 15

Charging Speed - This EV charger charge rate will be twice as fast. EV fast charging with the capability to add up to roughly 200 miles of range in 15-20 minutes. If a driver can add 120 miles in around 10 minutes they may simply stop, use the restroom and buy a cup of coffee and then drive on to their destination or next stop 2 hours later for a full meal where they then might add 300 miles of range in around 30-40 minutes.

Insight-Driven Analytics and Reporting - Comprehensive dashboards ensure effective operations. With real-time insights into vehicle charging status, charger utilization and availability, energy usage, battery status, CO2 emissions reduction, and more.

Fast and Proactive Issue Resolution - Customers demand 24/7 access to well-functioning charge points, so automated self-healing, proactive. If the charger breaks, we provide the guarantee that we will waive the cost of their roadside assistance. 


Long Term Value - EV chargers will have the ability to withstand all kinds of weather. It should be able to take a hit and keep on charging safely. EV will have a rugged and weatherproof exterior, with a steel and aluminum architecture that makes it shockproof, as well.

Work Breakdown Structure

Coded Work Breakdown StructureThe project documentation file is introduction of my project and i need someone to do the part highlighted part on page 12 and 13 I also attached that in separate file project kickoff. 16

1. EV Charge2Go Prototype

1.1 Design

1.1.1 Charger Architectural Design

1.1.2 System and Hardware Design

1.1.3 Charger Interface Design

1.2 Production

1.2.1 Charger Build Planning and Requirements

1.2.2 Hardware Procurement

1.2.2 Key Functionality Requirements

1.3 Testing & Quality Assurance

1.3.1 Fire Hazard and Compliance Testing

1.3.2 USB Device Charging Testing

1.3.3 Tire Pressure Air Testing

1.3.4 Tire Pressure Gauge Testing

1.3.5 Battery Charge Testing

1.3.6 Charge Capacity Testing

1.4 Product Deployment

1.4.1 Data migration

1.4.2 User manual

WBS DiagramThe project documentation file is introduction of my project and i need someone to do the part highlighted part on page 12 and 13 I also attached that in separate file project kickoff. 17

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Activities for Project Network DiagramThe project documentation file is introduction of my project and i need someone to do the part highlighted part on page 12 and 13 I also attached that in separate file project kickoff. 21



Preceding Activity


Scope/ Planning


Resources management plan


Estimate costs and budget



Approve budget


C, B







Testing/Customer Review




Product Launch




Project Network DiagramThe project documentation file is introduction of my project and i need someone to do the part highlighted part on page 12 and 13 I also attached that in separate file project kickoff. 22

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The critical path for the above project network will be the activity path A, B, D, E, F, G, H, I, J. The project will take a total of 410 days.

Cost Analysis

Cost BreakdownThe project documentation file is introduction of my project and i need someone to do the part highlighted part on page 12 and 13 I also attached that in separate file project kickoff. 24

  • Cost of Charger: $3,000 per charger

  • Estimated Sold Per Year: 334 Units Sold Per Year

    • The expectation will be for the company to recoup the invested amount in Year 1. The hopes are for the company to sell consistently higher units every year as time progresses in order to recoup the $1,000,000 invested in the project.

Net Present Value of ProjectThe project documentation file is introduction of my project and i need someone to do the part highlighted part on page 12 and 13 I also attached that in separate file project kickoff. 25

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Return on InvestmentThe project documentation file is introduction of my project and i need someone to do the part highlighted part on page 12 and 13 I also attached that in separate file project kickoff. 27

As we observe the cost structure of this project, we look at the initial investment value to be $1,000,000. We plan to have that cost funded via the initial savings from our project and GoFundMe campaigns which displayed our prototypes. With our team expertise being in production, engineering, and basic understanding of marketing/finance, we will be able to keep our initial upfront investment to a lower value. We expect the cash flows to increase year-by-year as we plan the target launch date of this charger. With the data notated above, we expect to recoup the cost of our initial investment by the first year.

Summary of Project FeasibilityThe project documentation file is introduction of my project and i need someone to do the part highlighted part on page 12 and 13 I also attached that in separate file project kickoff. 28

The calculation shows that the project will return a positive cash flow over a four-year timeline, so the team has no concerns relating to cash flow generation over the stated timeline. The NPV indicates that the project returns are likely to exceed the returns on an investment, so this project is a safe investment from that point of view. These factors, in combination with a relatively short payback period, indicates that this project is feasible.

Risk Analysis

Risk Assessment FormThe project documentation file is introduction of my project and i need someone to do the part highlighted part on page 12 and 13 I also attached that in separate file project kickoff. 29

Risk Event



Detection Difficulty


Extreme Weather Cautions (Too Hot/Too Cold)




Charger might lose power in the winter months at low temperatures.

Storage Location in Vehicle




Charger may take up more real estate in a car than expected

Charger Malfunction




Chargers may malfunction due to wear and tear or poor handling.

Compatibility issues




Need to make sure the charger is compatible with all EV vehicles. Some manufacturers might have some restrictions

Shortage in Employees

Natural disease

Shortage in Resources

Parts delayed

Risk Response Matrix
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Risk Event


Contingency Plan


Who is Responsible?

Retaining power during cold temps.

Keep the device covered

Test the device

Low power


Storage location in vehicle


Utilize space near rear quarter panels

Lack of space


Shortage in resource

locate another resource

Delayed or prat not arrived

Use located option


Compatibility Issues

Mitigate: Select reliable vendor and confirm product description

Transfer: Warranty

Order replacement

List compatible vehicles in the owner’s manual or the device


Risk Management SummaryThe project documentation file is introduction of my project and i need someone to do the part highlighted part on page 12 and 13 I also attached that in separate file project kickoff. 31

The largest risks this project faces are the compatibility, power storage and retaining power. Most of our risks we face are technical risks, putting a large importance on the design and testing stages of development. These risks will be addressed with a Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA). This will be used at the initial design to determine possible risks, issues and how to address them. If design needs to be changed for any reason a similar analysis will be completed to make sure no new issues will occur.

Another analysis will be performed after the device completes all the testing to review the test results to confirm if the device operates as intended or if it needs to be modified and retested.

Project Kickoff

The project kickoff meeting involves the project stakeholders, project manager, and the four project team members: Karan, Jubaida, Rana and Kunika. The kickoff establishes the planning, tracking, change, and relationship decisions for the project lifecycle, and sets the tone and energy for the project, as all team members and project managers become acquainted with each other. Questions and concerns that individuals may have are addressed.

Establishing Ground Rules and NormsThe project documentation file is introduction of my project and i need someone to do the part highlighted part on page 12 and 13 I also attached that in separate file project kickoff. 32

The team charter is established, along with code of ethics, expectations, responsibilities, communication methods, and meeting schedules. NEED TO BE FIXED

Planning DecisionsThe project documentation file is introduction of my project and i need someone to do the part highlighted part on page 12 and 13 I also attached that in separate file project kickoff. 33

The methods for planning are established by cooperation between project stakeholders and all project team members. Policies for changes to these plans as the project progresses through its lifecycle are established. NEED TO BE FIXED

Tracking DecisionsThe project documentation file is introduction of my project and i need someone to do the part highlighted part on page 12 and 13 I also attached that in separate file project kickoff. 34

The team members and project stakeholders establish procedures for tracking the project’s progress. Progress is assessed by using the agreed-upon milestones. Should these milestones not be completed at the initially scheduled time, team members would report this to the rest of the team as soon as possible. Milestones are reported to the stakeholders by phone, email, Virtual or in-person meetings. Team members may occasionally check-in by providing informal updates and demonstrations. The method of the meeting (in-person, virtual, or other communication) is individually determined for each milestone by the team and stakeholders, whichever method is deemed most appropriate. NEED TO BE FIXED

Managing Change DecisionsThe project documentation file is introduction of my project and i need someone to do the part highlighted part on page 12 and 13 I also attached that in separate file project kickoff. 35

Changes are mutually agreed upon by stakeholders and team members. Whoever is proposing a change will need to communicate with the project team members and appropriate stakeholders. NEED TO BE FIXED

Relationship DecisionsThe project documentation file is introduction of my project and i need someone to do the part highlighted part on page 12 and 13 I also attached that in separate file project kickoff. 36

The project team coordinates with project stakeholders. Stakeholders include customers who are purchasing the application as per their needs and requirements. NEED TO BE FIXED

Project Plan

Task ID

Start Date


Number of Days

Finish Date



Scope/ Planning





Resources management planning





Estimate costs and budget





Budget approval

























Product launch








Gantt ChartThe project documentation file is introduction of my project and i need someone to do the part highlighted part on page 12 and 13 I also attached that in separate file project kickoff. 37

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Project Closure

Closure ChecklistThe project documentation file is introduction of my project and i need someone to do the part highlighted part on page 12 and 13 I also attached that in separate file project kickoff. 39


Completed (Y/N)

Explanation if No


Has staff been released or notified of any changes or new assignments?

Have performance reviews for team members been conducted?

Has staff been offered outplacement services and career counseling activities?


Have performance reviews for all vendors been conducted?

Have project accounts been finalized and all billing closed?


Has the customer signed off on the delivered product?

Have an in-depth project review and evaluation interview with the customer been conducted?

Have the users been interviewed to assess their satisfaction with the deliverables? With the project team? With vendors? With training? With support? With maintenance?

Design and Production

Design completed?

Production completed?

Testing and QA completed successfully?


Posted the information on all billboards, Hoardings in the Commercial areas?

Emails sent to all the Potential customers and Business owners?


Collected the feedback from Customers?

Check for any issues with the working of the application?