The minimum word count should be anywhere between 1300-1500. It is due on 10th December 2021 at 5PM Attach a plagiarism report as well. Course is Religious Diversity

Final Research and Analysis Writing Assignment: 20%

The final writing assignment is to be minimum 1000 words and maximum 2000 words. Therefore, 1500 words would be the best word count to aim for in this assignment.

In short, I want you to choose a topic of interest to you that is generally related to the course themes around religious diversity in Canada. (If you have any questions as to whether your chosen topic fits within the parameters of the course, please don’t hesitate to email me your ideas). Once you have your topic of interest, I want you to find at least one peer-reviewed academic article that addresses your topic in a way that you find useful, helpful, or interesting. Your main task for this written assignment is to discuss and analyse this article using the suggested question guidelines below.

There are several ways you may want to go about choosing a topic for this assignment.

If you have an idea of what you would like to do as a career after you graduate from Saint Mary’s University, try to think of a way that religious diversity in Canada may need to be addressed in the context of that career. Try to anticipate a challenge or opportunity you might face in the context of that job. Or, perhaps you have already had an experience at work, or witnessed an issue personally at some point in your life that you now realize touches on issues of religious diversity in Canada. Then seek out a useful and informative academic peer-reviewed article that you find helpful for addressing this issue.

You can use the case studies covered in this course as good examples of articles that address issues related to Canadian religious diversity that any Canadian may face in the workplace today or in civil society generally, but I don’t want you to use any of those readings as your research article for this assignment.

If you don’t have a clear idea of where you would like to end up in your career quite yet, perhaps think about a career that you think might involve interesting challenges and opportunities with regard to interacting with and addressing issues of religious diversity in Canada. Think about how religious diversity in Canada may present issues, challenges, and opportunities for lawyers, judges, health care workers, police officers, government workers, politicians, teachers, military personnel, various business owners or workers, journalists, etc.

Another way to find an issue related to religious diversity in Canada is to have a look at the news for current or recent issues that have arisen there.

Suggested Question Guidelines for the Writing Assignment:

You do not have to answer all of these questions individually in your assignment as they are only meant as a general guideline, but I would like you to try to incorporate the “spirit” or gist of most of these questions generally into your discussion and analysis of your academic peer-reviewed article and how it helps address your topic or issue of interest.

  • What is your topic or issue of interest for this paper? Why is it of interest to you generally?

  • Summarize generally what the article is about and why you found it helpful for addressing the particular challenge, issue, or opportunity you are interested in here.

  • What have you learned from this article, and what have you learned through the process of completing this assignment generally about religious diversity in Canada?

  • Think critically about the article you have chosen. Do you agree with everything stated in the article? Are there things missing from this article that you think should have been addressed. Are there things that could be better addressed? (Have you learned things in this course that help you to think about how this article might be improved in these ways?)

  • How might having completed this assignment helped prepare you to be aware of and address issues, challenges, and opportunities related to religious diversity in Canada generally?

The final writing assignments will be due Wednesday April 14 by 11:59 pm Atlantic Standard Time, in the appropriate drop-box in Brightspace (please see the due date posted in the dropbox itself to confirm the due date and time.

If you are in doubt at all about what counts as an academic reference, please see the following link on how to identify academic sources: opens in new window And if you are ever in doubt about the status of a specific reference you have found, please email me.

Criteria for Grading: This assignment will be marked both on content and style.

"Content" includes such elements as originality and pertinence of the topic and examples chosen, coherence of analysis, judgment, use of your own reference as well as course readings and classroom material if relevant, etc.

"Style" includes clarity of expression, organization of the argument, grammar, syntax, spelling, and fidelity to the citation style noted below.

  • File name: Please write the file name of your paper as follows: “Student name (last name first) RELS 1252 Research Paper”. So for example: “Doe, Jane/John RELS 1252 Research Paper”. (Please submit your midterm and final take-home exams using the same file format.)

  • Late penalty of 5% per day (including Saturday and Sunday).

  • Please enter your Course number, Name, Date, and Student number in the cover page or first page.

  • All text, including quotations, must be double-spaced.

  • Number your pages.

  • Leave only one space after periods or other punctuation marks.

  • Set the margins of your document to 1 inch on all sides. Indent the first line of a paragraph one half-inch (five spaces or press tab once) from the left margin.

  • Use italics throughout your essay for the titles of publications.

When referring to outside sources, it is essential to document these through recognized citation style methods. You are free to use whichever recognized writing style guide you are accustomed to using (i.e. MLA, APA, Chicago, etc). I only ask that you use it properly and consistently throughout your paper. If you are not accustomed to a particular style guide, then for this paper I suggest you use parenthetical notation style (e.g. Casanova 1994, 194). Please note that the period is placed after the parenthetical notation, not inside the quotation itself. For example: Casanova argues with regard to religion that “privatization is not a modern structural trend” (Casanova 1994, 215). Note that there is no period after “trend”, only after the parenthetical reference. Also note that I have integrated the quotation into my sentence. That is, I introduce quotations in my own words, and the quotation is integrated grammatically into my sentence in a way that forms a complete sentence. Do not simply insert a quotation as its own sentence without an introduction.