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Abortion the term itself is intriguing and means that the termination of a human pregnancy, by clinically proved methods. Abortion in the light of modern philosophy has two sides that are pro abortionist and anti abortionist. Philosophers such as Marquis has provided us with the moral side of the argument as well as Sherwin who talked about the feminist side of the argument.

Classic anti abortionist side has arguments to prove their side and some of them are praised by many people. Anti abortionists main claim is that they think that abortion is on the same level as killing a human being because terminating the pregnancy means the killing of an innocent fetus. On the other hand, pro abortionist agrees with the fact that killing of humans is unacceptable morally and ethically but they claim that a fetus is an unborn thing, it is actually not a human being unless it is born and have no intellectual nor physical power thus terminating the fetus is not equal to the killing of a human being because it is not actually a 'being' at this stage of pregnancy.

Marquis provided us with the moral side of argument that is proposed by both parties, he agrees with both parties as well as that killing a person is morally wrong thus terminating pregnancy is usually wrong. Also, he agrees with pro abortionist side that unborn being is not a human being. Marquis also added his point of view in the argument by explaining the wrongness of killing, he explained that that killing either of human innocent adult or a fetus is wrong in itself. He urged that it dehumanizes the killer, for example, a certain young woman is pregnant and have agreed for an abortion but the aftermath of that doing would be that she would feel guilty because she ended the life of something, although she chose to do this but she ended something that might have been beautiful or beneficial to society. The point marquis explaining is that killing a fetus is providing less value to society, it is like the opportunity cost that benefit which is going to be gained is foregone when a life is killed. For example, if a person is thrown to jail for some reason, then he his whole life ahead is going to be wasted. Similarly, if abortion is done somebody's actual life is going to be wasted along with the benefit he/she provides in the future.

Sherwin provides us with the feminist side of the argument and made some relevant points. In her writings, she made clear that women are the most prime subject during a pregnancy thus women rights must be respected. She also explained the mother-fetus relationship that a woman is the carrier of a child thus making her a medium. According to Sherwin a fetus's responsibility, privilege and social status is because of the mother that is carrying it. All of the points made above are clearly showing the importance of a mother who is going through pregnancy. As women are directly co-related with the fetus so women must have a say in the important decisions such as abortion. Also, non-feminists only show concern and attention to the fetus and no one talks about the mother. Additionally, as women has a direct connection with the baby so any harm done to women would be ultimately disrupting the efficient growth of a fetus and that is why women is called the medium. women's decisions regarding abortions must be considered because pregnancy is full of hardships and pain and can be calamitic sometimes, for example if a teenager gets pregnant and not be given an option of abortion then her whole future could change vastly as instead of going to college, she would be going to maternity homes and doctors etc, as well as a pregnancy at this young age could raise health concerns for the baby as well as the mother. So, in short abortion is a decision which should mostly be taken by a woman.

Both of these philosophers generated great points on the matter which is quite delicate in our society but I disagree with the Marquis approach, in which says that abortion should not take place because a fetus could be of great value in the future but in counter following could happen as well. Suppose a child is born and instead of providing great value to society he causes catastrophic events and this had happened in the past and we witnessed live examples such as Adolph Hitler. Also, I disagree with the fact that Marquis compares a fetus with an adult human being in terms of the killing part of his writing because I think a fetus is innocent and an adult could be innocent but the line that separates them is intellect and physical ability do something, probability of a fetus causing harm to society is near to zero but an innocent adult could change in the future due to any reason and might cause harm.

On the other hand, Sherwin's point made on whole feminist side is fascinating and I agree with her mostly because she explained the fact that how a woman is a medium to a fetus and causing harm to mother would affect the fetus. I also agree with her that during pregnancy a woman bears a lot hardships and restrictions which is medically correct but morally wrong as women should have freedom to have abortion at her will. Numbers of sexual assaults and rape cases are increasing drastically and because of them unwanted pregnancies are increasing and abortion could be a solution because we cannot reverse what happened in the past but can get a better future

In conclusion both of these authors provided great arguments on the current topic of abortion. Sherwin's arguments were more on the feminist side and most of the women would agree to this because a mother knows what is best for her and the fetus that it is carrying, but if she is not comfortable with the situation then no one should stop her to abort a fetus. Marquis showed interest in the moral side of the argument and decided the fate of a fetus on behalf of whatever value it would provide in the future, this could be beneficial morally but not practically as a lot of other factors takes place determining the truer self of a person. Both of the side pro abortionist and anti abortionist side agrees that abortion in some cases is the only answer as the example of sexual assault given above shows that abortion is beneficial in these circumstances. Also, some countries are facing famine and drought so contraceptives and abortion could help them to solve the problem of overpopulation and will put less restraint on the resources. And in the end abortion should be performed by will not by power and is the only solution in extreme cases.