Portfolio Milestone Building on your work in Module 1, 2, and 4 Portfolio Project Milestones and with a specific focus on your product project at the company you selected, develop the following subsec

Portfolio Milestones Expectations

Part One

  • Milestones support your end of course project

  • These are designed to be practitioner-oriented

  • You’re writing as if you are the actual project manager for the project you’ve selected and everything you assemble is for your company and/or client

  • Do not waste time or space explaining project manager terms or concepts, instead use these terms, concepts, and artifacts to discuss your project.

Part Two

  • Use APA Style

  • Purpose: To demonstrate that you know how to use the terms/concepts of Project Management that are covered in a given week as if you were professionally tasked with creating actual project management artifacts

  • Things to do: Write as if you have been hired to manage a project and you are creating documents that reflect the current, past, or future status of your project, given the week’s current topics

  • Things not to do: Don’t explain terms and concepts

Part Three – Example

  • Based on the analysis of needs and resources, we’ve broken the project out into 7 phases (please see appendix XX for a complete look at the WBS). Notice that phase two is the critical phase of the remodel. If that phase is delayed, the project schedule will be delayed. Also, to date, we are having issues in phase three in securing the necessary vendors. We continue to work with procurement to find other sources of resources for these tasks.