Hi, Please see the attached.

Josh post  

Final: outline

The topic I chose is gangs and gang violence, and how the crimes that happen have a relationship with the cultures that surround them. 

  • The first slide will be an intro

  • The next few slides will be an overview of the gangs and how the violence that comes with it is felt not just by their own community but also in the surrounding ones. While also showing examples of how the cultures within those communities directly link to why crime is happening. 

  • The next slide will have a short interview I found with an actual gang member. 

  • The next few slides will be examples and descriptions of the impact gang warfare and violence play on overall society, and the reason why this is a real problem in today's society. 

  • The next few slides will be on what criminologist theory I picked, (social disorganization theory) and why it is one of a few good theories for why gangs are still relevant, even more so today. 

  • The final couple slides will be my solutions for bettering communities affected by gangs and possible solutions for diminishing gang activity and sizes. Aided by social disorganization theory’s solutions.


Ciera post

The Prevalence of Domestic Violence and its Affects on Children and Families

  1. Overview of a crime or delinquency that interacts with culture

Domestic violence is a serious crime and delinquency that interacts with culture. Violence against those closest to an individual is a challenging concept, however, it is prevalent, and it does not discriminate. Many individuals feel that domestic violence happens in low-income households and although the statistics may be higher, it occurs in middle- and upper-class families as well.

  1. Description of location, profile of individuals, statistics of prevalence

Domestic Violence occurs across the United States. Offenders are usually males, and the victims are usually females although either gender could be the victim or offender.

  1. Resources and organizations that are addressing the problem.

Police departments, Restraining orders (209A), Domestic Violence Shelters and counseling, Title 9 at BSU, VAWA- Violence Against Women Act, Supportive family members and friends of victims.

IV.       Why is this important, relevant (why should we care? -what is the impact on others in society?) Bringing awareness to domestic violence is important because it often goes unreported leaving many victims and their children to suffer in silence. Children who witness domestic violence are more likely to engage in domestic violence as an adult. With the appropriate interventions and treatment, the prevalence of domestic violence can be significantly reduced.

V.        What criminological theory explains why this is occurring?

Conflict Theory best explains why domestic violence continues to be a societal issue. This theory explains domestic violence through gender inequalities and views that support men as the breadwinner in families and relationships.

VI.       Solution to address this issue (guided by the selected criminological theory).

Bridging the gap of gender equality in employment, wages, education and so on would help address this issue. Also, implementing programs to help victims of domestic violence and programs that work with the offenders and hold them accountable would help to address this issue.



D D Witt. (1987). Conflict theory of family violence. Conflict Theory of Family Violence | Office of Justice Programs. Retrieved January 5, 2022, from https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/conflict-theory-family-violence

Comins, L. (2020, September 18). Domestic violence. Bridgewater Police Department. Retrieved January 5, 2022, from https://bridgewaterpolice.org/programs/domestic-violence/

Community Action Pioneer Valley. (2019, June 13). SafeLink Domestic Violence hotline. Look4Help. Retrieved January 5, 2022, from https://www.look4help.org/search/?id=66445623

DOVE. (2021). Dove inc: Ending domestic violence: Massachusetts. DOVE. Retrieved January 5, 2022, from https://www.dovema.org/

NNEDV. (2017). Violence against women act. NNEDV. Retrieved January 5, 2022, from https://nnedv.org/content/violence-against-women-act/

Office of Equal Opportunity and the title IX coordinator. Bridgewater State University. (2022). Retrieved January 5, 2022, from https://www.bridgew.edu/office/titleix

Lauren Post  

Final Overview


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I. Cyberbullying is when a perpetrator uses some sort of electronic to intentionally harm others. Most likely occurs within the homes of the victim and bully or anywhere that have electronics such as libraries, schools etc. In a study with respondents between the ages of 12 and 20, 29.4% reported being victims of cyberbullying and 47.1% reported they witnessed cyberbullying. Cyberbullying happens amongst all ages but it is mostly occurs from the ages of 12 to 18. 

Carter, J. M., & Wilson, F. L. (2015). Cyberbullying: A 21st Century Health Care Phenomenon. Pediatric Nursing41(3), 115–125. 

Varela, J. J., Zimmerman, M. A., Ryan, A. M., & Stoddard, S. A. (2018). Cyberbullying Among Chilean Students and the Protective Effects of Positive School Communities. Journal of School Violence17(4), 430–442.


II. Law enforcement, school officials and parents take cyberbullying cases all differently based on the severity of the case. Just like how the cases are treated differently each school district addresses cyberbullying in various way as well such as increase supervision on electronics during school and at home, rewards for positive behavior and immediate and serious action when occurred. Law enforcement is rarely involved unless the cyberbullying has evolved into threats or harassment that is not though the school. 

GLSEN. (n.d.). School administrators: Steps to address bullying at your school. GLSEN. Retrieved January 5, 2022, from https://www.glsen.org/activity/school-administrators-steps-address-bullying-your-school


III. I need to find someone to interview for this part. Just having issues in finding someone. 


IV. Cyberbullying is important because it is a serious topic that is continuous in schools which actively affect both the victim and bully’s mental health. It also relates to families moving or switching schools because of the atmosphere that the child is in. The victim’s view of the media or internet can be damaged and their online identity will be reshaped. Cyberbullying allows no where to be a safe place since the internet is everywhere and it makes a sad world around us since there is no escape from it.


V. General Strain Theory explains that individuals would cyberbully to experience power and control. Individuals who experience more forms of strains are prone to negative emotions which may be released into deviant behavior. The relationship between strain-based factors and cyberbullying is that strain causes negative emotions that establish a need for restorative action which is mostly likely bullying in adolescents.


VI. A solution to cyberbullying to have schools have a positive relationship of strain based social factors such as bad grades, a new school, feelings about school etc. in a way of making those things easier to overcome so there is no need of negative behaviors. 


Paez, G. R. (2018). Cyberbullying Among Adolescents: A General Strain Theory Perspective. Journal of School Violence17(1), 74–85. https://doi-org.libserv-prd.bridgew.edu/10.1080/15388220.2016.1220317

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