"Introduction of Sociology" course final exam for final assessment max word limits for questions overall is 1200 please check the "files" everything will be added there questions file is also added

Questions Answer only one question in each part Part A (30 pts) 1) Define relative nature of deprivation feeling . E xplain how it can contribute to the emergence of social movements . Provide an example. 2) Define the concept of ethnicity . Explain how ethnic identities can be socially constructed . Provide an example . Part B (30 pts) 3) Urbanisation causes change in social bond s. Explain how people are tied to each other in urban life in comparison to traditional life . 4) Early industrial societies experience rapid population growth during the transition period . Explain which factors contribute to this phenomenon. Part C (40 pts) 5) Explain how m odernity can be understood as a process of rationali sation. Analyse the role of secular isation in modern societies . 6) Explain how concentration of capital influences free markets . Analy se the role of elites in political power models . Bonus (5 pts) 7) How do es a city dweller react to the overwhelming stimulations of urban life?