Need help with these two assessment tasks. The task requirements and template has been provided.


Business Name:

Prepared by:


Table of Contents

1. Introduction ____

2. Identify the Change ____

3. Rationale for the Change ____

4. Change Approach ____

5. Action Plan ____

6. Consolidation ____

7. Evaluation of the Change ____

1. Introduction

(a brief introduction of the business, a brief description of the change that the CEO wants to implement in the business, and the purpose of this Change Management Plan)

2. Identify the Change

2.1. Type of Change

(describe the type of change)

2.2. Change Objectives

(Outline the objectives of the change)

2.3. Scope of the Change

(Describe who in the business it includes and how far reaching in the organization is the change?)

2.4. Organization Current Situation

(describe the situation in the organization currently? Describe the problem? What is the cause?)

2.5. Organizational Change Readiness

(Provide a checklist to see whether the organization is ready for the change)


Completion (Yes/No)


3. Rationale for the Change

3.1. Drivers for the Change

(outline and describe 2 drivers)

3.2. Barriers for the Change

(outline and describe barriers for the change)

3.3. Risks for the Change Process

(outline and describe the risks for the change process)

4. Change Approach

4.1. Stakeholder Analysis



Response to the change

Stakeholder’s needs

Communication Method

4.2. Resistance to the Change

(outline and describe key areas of resistance to the change, and outline the actions to address resistance)

Areas of resistance



5. Action Plan


Responsible Person

Time Frame

Performance Measures


HR manager

3 days

Observation/ performance checklist

6. Consolidation

Ensure policies, procedures and performance measures reinforce the changes.

Remove organisational barriers to the change.

Reinforce how changes have provided benefits.

7. Evaluation of the Change

(How will the change be evaluated in relation to the achievement of the planned objectives?

How will the change management processes be evaluated, you could consider summative as well as final evaluations?

How can you assess your change management strategies as you implement them?

How will the evaluation outcomes be circulated and promoted to stakeholders?

How will evaluation outcomes be used in other organisational processes?)