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Student Name

HCM 440 - XXXX

Healthcare Research & Evaluation

Southern New Hampshire University

XXXX, XX, 2021


Background. The problem being addressed in this integrated review is

Suggestions: Introduce the topic of interest. Discuss the significance of the problem to healthcare administration. State intervention PICO and why this is the focus of the review. Identify and define the independent variable (IV) and dependent variable (DV) from the PICO.

Aim. The aim of this integrative review is to conduct a review of the literature using a systematic approach for current research and synthesize six high level of evidence (LOE) research studies on XXX intervention compared to XXX intervention for XXX to validate a XXX program for XXX Hospital.

Literature Review Design and data sources. Systematic literature searches from XXXX databases of these years XXXX for previously published peer-reviewed studies. Inclusions were XXX. Exclusions were XXX.

Reminders:Which evidence-based databases were searched (such as Medline/PubMed, Cochrane, CINAHL)? Why were these databases chosen for your PICO? Assess the characteristics that make these databases the most reliable for your integrative review (give an overall of each database characteristics).

What keywords and combinations were used in the initial search? Which were the most effective? Explain why these keywords and combinations provided the most useful results. Explain how you used MeSH terms.

Methodology Analysis

Review method. A five-stage integrative review method was used. This method consisted of (a) problem formulation was developed using a PICO format, XXXX state PICO (b) searches of these evidence-based databases XXX state databases by using the key words XXX and MeSH terms XXX , (c) evaluation of data, (d) data analysis and interpretation, and (e) presentation of results in an evidence table by the identification and evaluation of was used to review and synthesize current knowledge. (Adapted from Whittemore & Knafl 2005).


Include the search and focus the review (such less than 5 years, systematic reviews, meta- analysis, no books, blogs etc.)? How will these variables (IV and DV) help throughout this integrated review? How were the final six research articles determined? Be sure to include the process.

General rules on objective writing,

"Avoid starting sentences with “I” or “we”: this pulls focus away from the scientific topic.

Avoid using “I” or “we” when you are making a conjecture, whether it is substantiated or not. Everything you write should follow from logic, not from personal bias or subjectivity. Never use any emotive words in conjunction with “I” or “we” (e.g., “I believe,” “we feel,” etc.).

Never use “we” in a way that includes the reader (e.g., “here we see trait evolution in action”); the use of “we” in this context sets a condescending tone."

To read more about objective writing read the quotes source webpage:

Excerpt from Professional Writing Tips --- A reader may perceive a narrator when the words they are reading are phrased as though a person is speaking. In normal conversation, it is common to use first person (I, me, and mine), second person (you), or third person (they, them) which is personification. Personification is using a narrator’s voice (see examples below) --which can be perceived as non-academic and subjective.

Ways to remove the narrator’s voice and be objective:

First person

With first person narrator: “I think that this intervention could improve by …”

CHANGE to without narrator: “This intervention may improve by …”

Second person

With second person narrator: “This model suggests that you may …”

CHANGE to without narrator: “This model suggests that people may …”

Third person

With narrator: “In this study, they didn’t account for…”

CHANGE to without narrator: “In this study, there were shortcomings, which included…”



Must be alphabetic order by author, do not number references.

Use APA style, to read more go to:

PubMed and PubMed Central (PMC) databases has ‘cite’ capabilities which include the DOI.

Formatting video:

These are examples citations in APA style.

Brook, J., Aitken, L., Webb, R., MacLaren, J., & Salmon, D. (2019). Characteristics of successful interventions to reduce turnover and increase retention of early career nurses: A systematic review. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 91, 47-59. doi:10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2018.11.003

Jacobsen, K. H. (2017). Introduction to health research methods (2nd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.