INDIVIDUAL SCHOLARLY WORKS ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW The literature review is a process where you synthesize current research and scholarly literature to identify historical aspects of the to

EDUC 850

Individual Scholarly Works Template


Type your central research question below. Then, you will choose two different scholarly peer-reviewed journal articles that were published within the last 5-years that pertain to your research topic. Complete the template below for each article. This must be completed thoroughly, thus each template should be a minimum of 1000 words.

Central Research Question:

Article One:

Title of the scholarly work:

Is this a journal article, book, or other?

Is it peer-reviewed?

What is(are) the major topic(s) presented?

Which words are repeated often?

How does this scholarly work answer the problem or address the topic?

How does this scholarly work neglect to answer the problem or address the topic?

What evidence does the scholarly work present regarding the problem or topic?

What data collection methods were used?

What data analysis methods were used?

What are the strengths of the scholarly work?

What are the limitations of the scholarly work?

What is the theoretical or conceptual framework, if presented?

Does this relate to your study? If so, how?

What are the results of the study?

Include quotes from the scholarly work below (include the page numbers). Use quotes sparingly.

Include the correctly formatted reference here.

Paste the link to the article here.

Article Two:

Title of the scholarly work:

Is this a journal article, book, or other?

Is it peer-reviewed?

What is(are) the major topic(s) presented?

Which words are repeated often?

How does this scholarly work answer the problem or address the topic?

How does this scholarly work neglect to answer the problem or address the topic?

What evidence does the scholarly work present regarding the problem or topic?

What data collection methods were used?

What data analysis methods were used?

What are the strengths of the scholarly work?

What are the limitations of the scholarly work?

What is the theoretical or conceptual framework, if presented?

Does this relate to your study? If so, how?

What are the results of the study?

Include quotes from the scholarly work below (include the page numbers). Use quotes sparingly.

Include the correctly formatted reference here.

Paste the link to the article here.
