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How to approach Business Law homework questions

As you prepare to address homework questions in a business, or other, law courses you should be familiar with the IRAC method.  IRAC is a method for organizing law related essay answers.  It is a tool for organizing your thoughts and writing when you are analyzing a case.  All homework answers should be written in this format.  Though many homework cases will have a question for you to answer, that question is typically not the Issue of the case.  You will only be able to answer that question once you identify the Issue and work through the IRAC method.

IRAC stands for: 

1.      I = Issue – What is the legal question you are trying to answer. To determine the this question, review the notes posted for the individual module.  The legal concepts in the notes are the basis for the issue in your homework.  Once you review the concepts, review the facts of each homework question to determine which concept applies.  This will help you to identify the legal question for the issue.  The Issue is a single sentence that addresses a legal concept related to the case. 


2.      R = Rule of Law – Once you determine which concept applies to each question you need to list the rule of law, including any exceptions, related to that issue.  Here you will provide a definition of the legal theory and concepts, any exceptions to the general rule, and any limitations that apply to the legal question you identified in the Issue.  This information is found in the notes associated with the homework question. 


3.      A = Analysis – This is where you examine the facts of the case and compare them to the rule of law, and any exceptions, you have defined in the Rule of Law.  The Analysis requires that you examine the facts of the case and determine whether they meet the definition outlined in the legal theory (or any exceptions).  Address only the facts that apply to the homework question.  Do not include information, or make assumptions, that does not apply to the information provided.


4.      C = Conclusion – This is where you answer the legal question that has been identified in the issue. 




IRAC Method for Homework Questions


The following is a question that relates to what you learned in your notes “Nature of Law”.  Using the facts of this question, we will review the format that you will use to submit all of your homework assignments.  A sample answer using the IRAC Method follows the case.



Sample Homework Question

Greg Anderson was arrested for driving with a suspended license.  He was searched, handcuffed, and placed in the back seat of the squad car of the arresting officers.  After handcuffing Anderson, the arresting officers searched his car and found cocaine in the pocket of a jacket lying on the back seat.  At that point Anderson was charged with possession of cocaine as well as the driving with a suspended license.

Mr. Anderson’s lawyer challenged the search of the vehicle on the grounds that there was no legal reason for the search.  Therefore, a warrant was needed to search the car.  Therefore, the lawyer argued, the cocaine could not be used as evidence in the case against Mr. Anderson and the charges should be dropped. 

Sample Answer using the IRAC Method

5.      I = Issue – The issue in this case is whether the search of Mr. Anderson’s vehicle was a violation of his right to privacy.


6.      R = Rule of Law – The right to privacy protects against unreasonable search and seizure.  A lawful search requires reasonable suspicion of a crime.  Additionally, while a person may be searched when stopped for a traffic violation, the car itself cannot be search unless the driver has the ability to reach the car at the time of the search, and there is reason to believe that there is evidence related to the arrest. 


7.      A = Analysis – Mr. Anderson was stopped for driving with a suspended license.  He was handcuffed and placed in the squad car.  At the time of the search, Mr. Anderson had no ability to reach his vehicle.  Since the police knew that Anderson was driving on a suspended license, it is unclear why they found the need to search the car for evidence.  No evidence of drugs was found on Mr. Anderson when he was searched, therefore there was no reason to believe that his car would contain any illegal substances.  Since neither of the requirements needed to search the car were met, the police could not search the car without a search warrant. 


8.      C = Conclusion – The search of Mr. Anderson’s car was a violation of his right to privacy and the cocaine cannot be used to charge Mr. Anderson with drug possession.

Actual Homework:

1. Four applicants for jobs at Smith and Smith Legal Services received a letter from the company indicating that if they took and successfully completed the Massachusetts Bar Exam, they would be offered employment by the company.  All four applicants studied, registered for, and successfully passed the exam.  When they presented documentation to Smith and Smith indicating their successful completion of the exam, they were told that the positions were no longer available as the company had already hired other lawyers.  Was Smith and Smith required to hire the original four applicants based on the law?

2.  Donavan Painting Company agreed to install siding on Anderson's home at 431 Main Street.  Due to a mix up, Donavan installed the siding on Murray's home at 431 Main Terrace instead.  Murray was an accountant and he worked from home in an office above his garage.  He watched Donavan pull up and begin to work on the house.  He stayed in his office and didn't leave until Donavan finished with the work.  Later he received a bill from Donavan but he refuses to pay.  Is he required to pay?

3.  For many years Gary provided yard services to Mr. Restivo during the spring and summer months.  After the first snowstorm in October 2020, Mr. Restivo notified Gary that he no longer wanted to use him for his yard services. In April of 2021, Gary started to provide services again to all of his customers.  On April 10 at 6:45am Gary arrived and worked on Mr. Restivo's yard. When Mr. Restivo woke up at 9:00am, he found that his lawn had been cut and his bushes were trimmed.  He also found a bill from Gary indicating that he owed him $300.  Mr. Restivo refused to pay.  Is he legally required pay the bill?