The NOVA RNA Virtual Lab: Get started by visiting the NOVA RNA Lab website: The Tutorial will take you though all of the first six simple RNA puzzles, whi

  1. What do RNAs do in the cell?

  1. Switch cellular machines on and off

  2. Carry coded messages from the nucleus to the ribosome

  3. Ratchet up the speed of operations

  4. All of these are correct.

  5. Carry molecules

2.) Which is the correct order of assembly in the cellular factory?

  1. DNA -> protein -> RNA

  2. RNA -> DNA -> protein

  3. DNA -> RNA -> protein

  4. RNA -> protein -> DNA

  5. Protein -> RNA -> DNA

3.) Which RNA carries amino acids to the ribosome and helps translate a coded message?

  1. rRNA (ribosomal RNA)

  2. DNA

  3. tRNA (transfer RNA)

  4. mRNA (messenger RNA)

  5. mitochondrial DNA

4.) According to the RNA world hypothesis, which came first?

  1. Mitochondria

  2. RNA

  3. Proteins

  4. Photosynthesis

  5. DNA

5.) What do scientists think was the first RNA that led to life?

  1. mRNA

  2. Self-replicating RNA

  3. Nucleotide-building RNA

  4. RNA switch

  5. tRNA

6.) What is the main functional difference between RNA and DNA?

  1. RNA acts on molecules; DNA stores information.

  2. RNA carries information and acts on molecules; DNA stores information.

  3. RNA carries information; DNA acts on other molecules.

  4. There is no difference.

  5. Neither RNA or DNA store information, but they both act on molecules.

7.) Why do viruses attack cells?

  1. To compete for food

  2. To harvest the cell’s energy

  3. To hijack the cell’s factory

  4. To cause the cells to replicate more cells.

  5. In order to watch the world burn

8.) How does RNAi fight viruses?

  1. RNAi disables the virus’s ability to inject RNA through the cell membrane.

  2. RNAi destroys viruses before they can land on the cell.

  3. RNAi uses chopped up bits of viral RNA to screen mRNA before it’s translated.

  4. None of these are correct.

  5. RNAi makes the cell destroy itself before the virus can spread.

9.) How is RNAi a useful research tool?

  1. RNAi creates antibiotics to destroy viruses.

  2. RNAi lets scientists deactivate genes one at a time and see what happens.

  3. RNAi stores information about various viruses.

  4. RNAi is the origin of life.

  5. RNAi can sequence DNA.

10.) How does RNA differ from DNA?

  1. All of these are correct.

  2. RNA has a double chain.

  3. RNA has a single chain.

  4. RNA can copy itself.

  5. DNA can carry proteins.

11.) Which types of bonds in RNA are the strongest?

  1. C and U

  2. G and U

  3. A and T

  4. G and C

  5. A and U

12.) Which types of bonds in RNA are the weakest?

  1. C and U

  2. A and U

  3. G and C

  4. A and T

  5. G and U

13.) How does placing a weak bond affect the folding of an RNA molecule?

  1. All of the above.

  2. Weak bonds create more loops.

  3. A weak bond prevents base pairs from separating.

  4. Weak bonds create more stacks.

14.) Why do many scientists think that life began with RNA, rather than with DNA?

  1. DNA can only replicate proteins.

  2. DNA can store information and replicate proteins.

  3. RNA can perform various functions, but not store information.

  4. DNA can only store information, but it can’t replicate proteins

15.) How can one RNA molecule have more than one function?

  1. Each RNA molecule can only have one function.

  2. RNA codes for proteins.

  3. All of these are correct.

  4. Some RNA molecules can switch their shape.

  5. RNA can change into DNA.

16.) In the below image, what would be the best color to bond with the Red nucleotide for the strongest possible bond?

  1. Yellow

  2. Green

  3. Red

  4. Blue

17.) In the below image, what would be the best color to bond with the Yellow nucleotide?

  1. Yellow

  2. Green

  3. Red

  4. Blue

18.) In the image below, what would be the best nucleotide bond to include at the end of the stack:

The NOVA RNA Virtual Lab:   Get started by visiting the NOVA RNA Lab website:  The Tutorial will take you though all of the first six simple RNA puzzles, whi 1

  1. G and U

  2. C and G

  3. G and G

  4. A and U

19.) In the example below, if you want to allow the RNA to "slide" from one shape into another, what kinds of bonds should you place on the stack?

The NOVA RNA Virtual Lab:   Get started by visiting the NOVA RNA Lab website:  The Tutorial will take you though all of the first six simple RNA puzzles, whi 2

  1. Alternating C/G and A/U

  2. All G's

  3. Alternating A and U

  4. All A's