Critical Thinking Assignment Data Manipulation of Clothing Store Data In this assignment, you will import the Portfolio_Clothing_store.csv into SAS. (You can find this information by clicking "Next" a

List of variables for Portfolio_Clothing_Store.csv data set

  1. Customer id: a unique customer identification number

  2. ZIP_CODE: Customer’s zip code

  3. FRE: Total number of purchase visits

  4. MON: Total net sales

  5. CC_CARD: 0 indicates does not use a credit card, 1 indicates the customer uses a credit card

  6. AVRG: Average amount spent per visit

  7. The following variables contain the percent of total sales spent by the customer on the respective product category:

    1. PSWEATERS: Sweaters

    2. PKNIT_TOPS: Knit tops

    3. PKNIT_DRES: Knit dresses

    4. PBLOUSES: Blouses

    5. PJACKETS: Jackets

    6. PCAR_PNTS: Career pants

    7. PCAS_PNTS: Casual pants

    8. PSHIRTS: Shirts

    9. PDRESSES: Dresses

    10. PSUITS: Suits

    11. POUTERWEAR: Outerwear

    12. PJEWELRY: Jewelry

    13. PFASHION: Fashionable wear

    14. PLEGWEAR: Leg wear

    15. PCOLLSPEND: Collectibles

  8. GMP: Gross margin percentage

  9. PROMOS: Number of marketing promotions on file

  10. DAYS: Number of days the customer has been on file

  11. MARKDOWN: Markdown percentage on customer purchases


  13. PERCRET: Percent of Returns

  14. In days between purchase: Number of days between purchases

  15. In lifetime average time between visits in days: Lifetime average time between visits in days.

Six most common lifestyle cluster types in the dataset:

  1. Cluster 10 Home Sweet Home: families, medium-high income and education, manager/professionals, technical/sales

  2. Cluster 1 Upper Crust: metropolitan families, very high income and education, homeowners, managers/professionals

  3. Cluster 4 Mid-life Success: families, very high education, high income, managers/professionals, technical/ sales

  4. Cluster 16 Country Home Families: large families, rural areas, medium education, medium income, precision/crafts

  5. Cluster 8 Movers and Shakers: singles, couples, students and recent graduates, high education and income, managers/professionals, technical/sales

  6. Cluster 15 Great Beginnings: young, singles and couples, medium-high education, medium income, some renters, managers/professionals, technical/sales