Hello, I need help with nutrients. Can you please do the document? Please read the paper and answer them please.

Diet Analysis Project

Purpose: To assess the nutritional adequacy of the foods you eat and to help you plan a dietary change that could benefit your overall health and wellbeing.

Due: February 20Th, 2022 By 11:59 P.M.

Total: 60 Points


You will be using online food trackers for this assignment. These Trackers will assess your food choices and provide personalized feedback on your total intake of energy (calories) and nutrients.

A person’s dietary intake varies from day to day, therefore dietary assessment results are more reflective of typical intake when at least several days of dietary intake are included in your analysis. For this assignment, you will record your food intake for three days, one of which should be a weekend day.

Results of dietary assessments are only as accurate as the information recorded and entered. The more accurate the input, the more accurate the results of the dietary assessment. Food intake over the 3 days should be carefully and completely recorded and amounts of foods consumed should be estimated as accurately as possible.


  1. Record Your Food Intake:

Record your dietary intake for at least 1 weekend day and 2 weekdays. You can use paper, a journal, or any of the many online food trackers. This must be submitted as part of the assignment.

Tips For Success:

  • Have a small notepad, journal, or smartphone app with you during the days that you will be recording your food intake.

  • Try to record your food intake right after each meal or snack. If you wait until the end of the day and try to remember what you ate, you will likely forget to write something down and it will be difficult to capture the detail that you need.

  • Write down foods, beverages, and ingredients in mixed dishes and the amount of each you consumed on the form.

  • Fully describe each food item to the best of your ability (e.g., 2% milk, whole wheat bread, medium egg, lean ground beef). The more detail that you give, the easier it will be to conduct the dietary assessment online.

  • Review your dietary intake record for completeness.

  1. Dietary Intake Assessment:

Use any of the following online assessment tool:


www.myfitnesspal.com (Online and/or Free Smartphone Apps) www.myplate.com



www.myfooddiary.com (Free 7 Day Trial)

For Day 1 (Thursday):

Breakfast: Eggs and Waffles with Blueberry Maple Syrup

Lunch: Turkey Sandwich with Sliced Apples

Dinner: Spaghetti with Red Sauce

For Day 2 (Friday):

Breakfast: Boiled Eggs

Lunch: Cheese Sandwich

Dinner: Spaghetti with Basel Oil

For Day 3 (Saturday):

Breakfast: Scrambled Eggs with Vegetables and Avocado

Lunch: Lentils Soup

Dinner: Cereal with Lactaid Milk

  • You can also use any other nutrition assessment tool so long as the data can be downloaded and submitted with the assignment (email me first before using please!)

  1. Complete the Diet Analysis and Average Daily Nutrient Intake worksheets at the bottom of this document.

  2. Answer each Diet Analysis summary question on the following pages.

  3. Submit your worksheet, answered questions, and a copy of your food intake journal into the assignment link as file attachments (attach them all before you hit submit).

Diet Analysis Worksheet

Your Actual Intake (Kcal)

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

Average Of

3 Days


Estimated Energy Requirement

(You Can Use Site’s Recommendations)

% Recommended

(Actual/EER X 100)

Total Calories

Your Actual Intake (Grams)

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

Average Of

3 Days


Recommended Daily Intake





Saturated Fat





Average Daily Nutrient Intake


Your Actual Intake (Units)


Intake (RDA/AI)

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3


Vitamin C

Vitamin D






Diet Analysis Summary Questions

Using the results of your dietary assessment, answer the following questions regarding the quality of your food intake and your plan to improve your eating habits.

  • Answer each question (some have more than one question). Be sure answers are detailed and insightful. Points taken off for short answers.

  1. Macronutrients: Discuss how your proportion of energy intake coming from fat, protein and carbohydrates compares to the recommended values (Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range or AMDR). Should you be increasing/decreasing one or more of the energy nutrients and explain your reasoning.

  2. Micronutrients: Describe the adequacy of your dietary intake for vitamins and minerals. Which nutrients appear to be adequate in your diet? Are there nutrients intakes that concern you – why or why not?

  3. Keeping in mind your average intake of vitamins and minerals, how well do you meet the recommendation for optimal intake to prevent the development of osteoporosis and cancer? Include discussion for at least 2 types of cancer.

  4. Referring to choosemyplate.gov, how do you fair as far as serving sizes? Are your servings generally in line with the recommendations? If so, what strategies do you use to maintain a proper proportion on your plate? If not, what are some ideas you can implement in your daily eating habits to decrease portion sizes? Which food group is your strongest as far as following portion sizes and which food group is the weakest?

  5. Which of the five food groups are you running low on compared to the recommendations and therefore would be important to consider increasing? Which of the food groups are you meeting or exceeding the recommendations? Where do you stand with the “oils” group and “other foods” such as sweets, fats, etc.?

  6. Detail 3 specific differences in your dietary intake on weekdays versus weekend days.

  7. List and discuss 2 facts you learned about your current food intake while completing this assignment.

  8. Summary– Are you pleased with the results of your dietary analysis or is there an area that you would like to work on improving– explain? List at least 2 new ideas, changes, modifications, or strategies you can use in the future to improve your current dietary intake measures.

End Of Document