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7.1 Quantitative Data Collection Instrument

Overview: Using the topic and research question you developed in week 1, you will design a quantitative instrument that could potentially answer your topic/research question if it were to be applied to a quantitative study. Keep in mind, this may take some stretching if you wrote your question leaning quantitatively. The purpose here is not to box you in but to ensure that you have a solid understanding of both methodologies. This assignment functions similar to 3.1 but in a quantitative format. Finally, view the rubric and examples to make sure you understand the expectations of this assignment.


You will develop a word document to include:

Your research question in the form of a quantitative question (if it was not already).

An instrument or protocol (survey, questionaire, archival data, etc) that could be used to answer the quantitative version of your research question.

*Special note for those using archival data, you will describe the process of data retrieval for your archival data. See examples to help.

A one paragraph description/justification of how your chosen instrument/protocol is the best choice for answering the quantitative version of your research question.

See examples to help guide your writing: Quantitative Instrument Samples.pdf Quantitative Instrument Samples.pdf - Alternative Formats

View the rubric: Rubric for Data Instrument.docx

Topic is “Enhancing Cyber Security In Healthcare -With The Help Of Machine Learning”.

Research Questions:

How can we control the access to sensitive healthcare information and systems?

How to provide data security for affected healthcare data breaches?

How to enhance the cybersecurity in healthcare to overcome the cyber attacks ?