EDUC 850 02/27 Literature Review: Paper Assignment Instructions Overview A formal literature review should be approached strategically to ensure a high-quality review of the current literature that in

Today we are going to talk about creating a literature review outline. An outline for a literature review should begin by incorporating the main topics that you determine to be important during your review of the literature. And that must be covered when you're writing your literature review. I want to encourage you not to skip this step when researchers omit the step, three things happen. They waste time, their papers disorganized, and it is presented in an illogical manner. So the main points of your outline that you're going to write will become the main headings for your literature review. So let me show you an example literature review outline. In this very beginning process of the process, you're going to see the overview, the narrative review, and the summary. These are the three main parts of your literature review and thus your outline. So now let's look at how to expand this outline to incorporate the information that was learned while reading through the vast amount of, of journal articles that you read. So let's use the example of How can scores on the Ohio educational assessment for science be improved? So the general outline that we talked about before is now expanded to include more specific information that was discovered during the literature review. So you notice the overviews the same and the summary is the same. But the narrative review, which is the main part, has been expanded to include standardized testing, characteristics of standardized testing, Ohio educational assessment for science, strategies to improve standardized test scores, student motivation, teacher effectiveness, and instructional resources. All of this information was learns in the review of the literature and these will become main headings. So now we're going to take this outline and we're going to be more specific with it. So we're going to develop a specific literature review outline. Now in this next example that I'm going to show you, you're gonna see that sub-headings for the main headings were added to the outline. So again, the overview is the same. The narrative review is the same. And you have standardized testing characteristics of standardized testing, Ohio educational assessment for science and strategies to improve standardized test scores. Well, under d, strategies to improve standardized test scores, a lot of information was learned about analysis of data, parental involvement, bubble students monitoring progress and instructional practices. So subheadings were added to this section for four 0s. Student motivation. That's just going to be general information that's presented. But again, an f, you're going to see teacher effectiveness. Subheadings are added for teacher effectiveness to include teacher credentials, professional development, new teacher's class and school size, teacher attendance, substitute teacher qualifications, and instructional resources. All of this is information that pertains, pertains to that heading. So for the above outline, the researchers will compose a literature review that is anywhere from 15 to 30 pages or more. It could be easy for you to see at this point how a literature review could become convoluted and it can very quickly become illogical. Using this amount of information, if an outline is not written first, to guide your thoughts through the writing process. So the most effective strategy for writing a literature review is to create a general outline first, and then to create a more specific detailed outline to include the sub-headings. After year. Fully developed outline is complete, began the process of composing the narrative section of your literature review. Remember that the narrative section of your literature review should present the argument for your proposed research.