EDUC 850 03/04 Literature Review: Outline Assignment Instructions Overview A formal literature review should be approached strategically to ensure a high-quality review of the current literature that


Recommendations for Improving Students Test Scores on the Ohio Educational Assessment for Science at Hampton High School

Liberty Student

School of Education, Liberty University

In partial fulfillment of EDUC 850

Literature Review

  1. Overview

  2. Narrative Review

  1. Standardized Testing (Gallagher, 2003)

  2. Characteristics of Standardized Tests (Christensen, 2018; Frey, 2018)

  3. Ohio Educational Assessment for Science (ODOE, 2018c)

  4. Strategies to Improve Standardized Test Scores (Education World, 2019)

  1. Analyzing test data (National Association of Elementary School Principals, n.d.)

  2. Parental involvement (Garcia & Thornton, 2014)

  3. Bubble students (Cole, 2008)

  4. Monitoring progress (Herman, Osmundson, & Dietel, 2010)

  5. Instructional practices (Case & Zucker, 2015)

  1. Student Motivation (ODOE, 2018c)

  2. Teacher Effectiveness (Stronge, 2018; DeMonte, 2015)

  1. Teacher credentials (USDOE, 2018)

  2. Professional development (Fischer et al., 2018)

  3. New teachers (Frey, 2018)

  4. Class and school size (Thijs & Fleischmann, 2015)

  5. Teacher attendance (Okeke et al., 2015)

  6. Substitute teacher qualifications (Davies, 2019)

  1. Instructional Resources (Koedel & Polikoff, 2017)

  1. Summary


Case, B., & Zucker, S. (2005). Horizontal and vertical alignment [Policy Report]. Pearson.

Christensen, V. (2018).  What makes a test standardized?  The Classroom.

Cole, R. W. (2008). Educating everybody’s children: Diverse teaching strategies for diverse learners

Davies, R. (2019). 5 reasons your students misbehave for a substitute & how to prevent it. Differentiated TEACHING.

DeMonte, J. (2015). A million new teachers are coming: Will they be ready to teach? American Institutes for Research.

Education World. (2019). Boosting test scores: Principal strategies that work.

Fischer, C., Fishman, B., Dede, C., Eisenkraft, A., Frumin, K., Foster, B., & McCoy, A. (2018). Investigating relationships between school context, teacher professional development, teaching practices, and student achievement in response to a nationwide reform. Teaching and Teacher Education, 72(1), 107–121.

Frey, B. B. (Ed). (2018). The SAGE encyclopedia of educational research, measurement, and evaluation.

Gallagher, C. J. (2003). Reconciling a tradition of testing with a new paradigm. Educational Psychology Review, 15(1), 83–99.

Garcia, L. E., & Thornton, O. (2014, November 18). The enduring importance of parental involvement. NEA Today.

Herman, J. L., Osmundson, E., & Dietel, R. (2010). Benchmark assessment for improved learning (AACC Report). University of California.

National Association of Elementary School Principles. (n.d.). Using student achievement data to support instructional decision making.

Ohio Department of Education. (2018c). Ohio comprehensive assessment system (MECAS).

Okeke, C. I. O., Shumba, J., Rembe, S., & Sotuku, N. (2015). Demographic variables, work-stimulated stressors and coping strategies of pre-school educators: A concept paper. Journal of Psychology, 6(1), 91–101.

Stronge, J. H. (2018). Qualities of effective teachers (3rd ed.). ASCD.

Thijs, J., & Fleischmann, F. (2015). Student-teacher relationships and achievement goal orientations: Examining student perceptions in an ethnically diverse sample. Elsevier, 42, 52-63.

U.S. Department of Education Office of Innovation and Improvement. (2018). Alternative routes to teacher licensure. Author.