Hello I have a Thesis and draft outline to complete. My chosen topic is '"Gender Dynamic". All Primary sources must be used and secondary sources are NOT allowed. The book is called "The American Yawp

Creating an Essay Outline – Sample Template I. Instructions for outline a. Carefully review instructions before and after you read your chosen primary sources for the assignment b. Develop a thesis statement to compare and contrast your sources i. Consider the question: “What are the conclusions I can draw from these sources? What is the most important overall point I want to convey to my reader?” ii. Start simple and basic, you can always go back and polish it up… iii. A thesis should be an ARGUMENTATIVE statement, not just a DESCRIPTIVE statement 1. Descriptive statement : “In Common Sense , Thomas Paine presents his views on why the American colonists should break with Great Britain.” – provides a basic overview of a source, but does not include YOUR conclusions/argument 2. A rgumentative statement : “In Common Sense , Thomas Paine uses plain language and Enlightenment ideals of natural rights to explain why American colonists should break with Great Britain, and that is why this pamphlet was so influential.” – conveys YOUR concl usions/argument as well as a basic overview of the source c. Make a list of the sections you will include in your paper i. Start with the questions in your chosen option ii. Create a separate section for each point you will discuss in your paper iii. Use bullet points “sketch out” your argument – it helps to underline or highlight your main thesis points, to make sure you are giving each of them appropriate attention 1. Include the details and examples from the documents (with proper citations) you will use to suppo rt your arguments, and double - check your quotes for accuracy d. When you have finished, you will have a useful “rough draft” for your paper – if your outline includes enough detail you can write directly from the outline e. A good rule of thumb is: 1 page of outline = 2 essay pages i. So, for a 6 - 8 page paper, your outline should be around 3 - 4 pages like this one (single - spaced, with bullet points)