Hello I have a Thesis and draft outline to complete. My chosen topic is '"Gender Dynamic". All Primary sources must be used and secondary sources are NOT allowed. The book is called "The American Yawp

Unit 6. Mary Smith Cranch comments on politics, 1786 - 87

In the aftermath of the Revolution, politics became a sport consumed by both men and women. In

a series of letters sent to her sister, Mary Smith Cranch comments on a series of political events

including the lack of support for diplomats, the circulation o f paper or hard currency, legal

reform, tariffs against imported tea tables, Shays rebellion, and the role of women in supporting

the nation’s interests.

On foreign policy, pending legislation, and women’s political participation

I began to write you l ast night but my eyes were so poor that I could not continue it. I am now

risen with the sun to thank you for the charming budget you have sent me. Such frequent

communications shortens the idea of distance by many miles. I believe there have been letters

constantly upon the water for each other ever since you left us. The idea of your returning soon

to your dear friends here would be a much more joyful one if this country would suffer you first

to do all the good your inclinations lead you too, and what th ey really wish you to do though they

put it out of your power to do it. I hope they will come to their senses before winter. The court is

adjourned to next January. The House have been disputing half this session whether we should

have paper money, any law yers or any court of common pleas. They voted finally, against paper

money, sent up to the Senate a curious bill with regards to lawyers and the inferior court. A

committee of five from the Senate have it to consider till next term. Mr. Cranch is one of th em.

Thus do they spend their time in curtailing tea tables, while they are suffering thousand to be

wrested from them for want of giving ampler powers to Congress. It is dreadful to those who see

the necessity of different measures to stand by and see such pursued as they fear will ruin their

country. Ask no excuse my dear sister for writing politics. It would be such a want of public

spirit not to feel interested in the welfare of our country as the wives of ministers and Senators

ought to be ashamed off. Let no one say that the ladies are of no importance in the affairs of the

nation. Persuade them to renounce all their luxuries and it would be found that they are, and

believe me there is not a more effectual way to do it, than to make them acquainted with the

causes of the distresses of their country. We do not want spirit. We only want to have it properly


“Mary Smith Cranch to Abigail Adams, 10 July 1786,” Founders Online, National Archives.

Her frustration with the Massachusetts state legislature

May 22, 1786

“Not one word of politics have I written nor shall I have time to do it now. If I had I would tell

you what wonderfu l things the House are doing with the lawyers, the court of common pleas,

&c, but the newspapers will do it for me. I am thankful there is a Senate as well as a House.

What has Congress done? Anything to detain you in Europe. I love my country too well to wish

you to return yet, much as I wisht to see you. I did design to write to my dear niece by this vessel but fear I shall not have time. My sincere love and good wishes attend her and hers. Tis very late

good night my ever dear Sister and believe me, your s affectionately.

“Mary Smith Cranch to Abigail Adams, 22 May 1786,” Founders Online, National Archives.

Commenting on Shays’ Rebellion

November 26, 1786

There is like to be a great disturbance in Cambridge at the sitting of the Court of Common Pleas

this week. There is an express come to the governor to inform him that Shays, one of the heads

of t he incendiaries, (it is a many headed beast) is determined to come with eighteen hundred men

to stop the court. There will be force sent to oppose them I suppose, and I wish there may not be

blood shed. Are we not hastening fast to monarchy, to Anarchy? I am sure we are unless the

people discover a better spirit soon. We are concerned for our children I assure you. The college

company are wishing to be allowed to march out in defence of government but they will not be

permitted. Mr Cranch will go tomorrow a nd take care of them, of our children I mean…

“Mary Smith Cranch to Abigail Adams, 26 November 1786,” Founders Online, National Archives .

Further thoughts on Shays’ Rebellion

February 9, 1787

“If you have received our Letters by Captain Callahan, you will be in some measure prepared for

the accounts which Captain Folger will bring you of the rebellion which exists in this state. It had

arisen to such a height that it was necessary to oppose it by force of arms. We are always in this

country to do things in an extraordinary manner. The militia were called for, but there was not a

copper in the treasury to pay them or to support them upon their march. Town meetings were

called in many places and promises were made them that if the would enlist, they would pay

them and wait till the money could be collected from the public for their pay. And for their

pres ent support people contributed as they were able and in this manner in less than a week was

collected an army of five thousand men who marched under the command of General Lincoln to

Worcester to protect the court. The result you will see in the papers. Th e season has been stormy

and severe our army have suffered greatly in some of their marches, especially last Saturday

night. Many of them were badly froze, they marched thirty miles without stopping to refresh

themselves in order to take Shays and his army by surprise. They took about 150 of them. Shays

and a number with him scampered off and have gotten to New Hampshire.

Shays and his party are a poor deluded people. They have given much trouble and put us and

themselves to much expense and have greatly a dded to the difficulties they complain off. I think

you must have been very uneasy about us. Shays has not a small party in Braintree but not many

in this parish. They want paper money to cheat with. They called a town meeting about a week

since to forbid collection. Thayers attending the general court but they could not get a vote.

“Mary Smith Cranch to Abigail Adams, 9 February 1787,” Founders Online, National Archives.