Week 8 Assignment - System ImplementationOverviewThis is the fourth in a series of five sequential assignments (the course project) in which you continue to act as the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) o

Running head: Week 8 Assignment – System Implementation 0

[Title Here, up to 12 Words, on One to Two Lines]

By Name Student

Strayer University

Information Technology Capstone

Professor: Michael Bleacher


This should be all new and 100% original outlining this part of the move project. Give a high-level summary here, maybe written after you’ve completed the rest of the document. The best overviews will cover all the important points with little detail. When the reader sees something they want more detail on, they’ll keep reading. This is sometimes also known as an introduction or an executive summary. In the business world, this is one of the most important parts because it may be the only part the executives will read. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?

1. Logical And Physical Layout Of The Company's Information Systems

The logical topology is how the data will move around on your network(s). The physical topology is how the wires are laid out. Are we talking Token Ring? Star? Bus? Mesh? Etc. Include a drawing and a full description. Additional drawings are optional but may be needed for your system design. Build on the previous offerings. Use a program like MS Visio, PPT, or other app to do your drawing and cut and paste into your document with the associated explanation. As always, a half page max for the drawing and a half page minimum for the description/narrative of what’s going on in your design. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus aliquet rhoncus sapien, molestie bibendum velit pellentesque non. Cras tempor neque a nisl cursus, vitae facilisis turpis egestas. Aenean malesuada velit consequat tincidunt vehicula. Quisque imperdiet porta lacinia. Cras maximus facilisis nisl. Pellentesque libero metus, rutrum at sem sed, euismod molestie ante. Fusce pulvinar tortor a diam fringilla, et blandit turpis auctor. Praesent tincidunt odio ut sollicitudin tincidunt. Sed id porttitor orci. Vivamus orci orci, elementum quis velit luctus, rutrum tincidunt orci. Sed sagittis nec turpis a tincidunt.

Ut a odio tellus. Maecenas enim leo, dignissim eget pretium id, tincidunt a justo. Phasellus viverra iaculis velit a mattis. In vehicula lobortis nibh, at fermentum ex cursus in. Aliquam iaculis libero ac leo rutrum, nec aliquam augue placerat. Praesent bibendum mollis ex vel mattis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Nam egestas dignissim mollis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Vivamus sed tincidunt ante. Nullam et porta neque. Duis ut justo dui. Vestibulum auctor, sapien non consequat bibendum, risus lacus hendrerit enim, quis suscipit est erat vitae augue. Sed et lorem porttitor, ultrices mauris eu, tempus quam. Mauris sodales sed erat nec fermentum. Quisque lorem magna, porta eu interdum sit amet, eleifend id dolor. Nulla id vulputate felis. Donec non facilisis nulla. Donec semper augue id massa ultrices, quis tincidunt arcu bibendum.

2. Placement of Key Infrastructure Elements

Same as in item 1 above, include a drawing and narrative with sub-headings for inside and outside the firewall per the instructions, “Use graphical tools to illustrate the possible placement of key infrastructure elements with external connectivity (Internet) and internal connectivity (firewalls, LAN)”. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Agnus Dei qui tolis pecatta mundi. Vivamus aliquet rhoncus sapien, molestie bibendum velit pellentesque non. Cras tempor neque a nisl cursus, vitae facilisis turpis egestas. Agnus Dei qui tolis pecatta mundi miserere nobis, Agnus Dei, dona nobis pacem. Aenean malesuada velit consequat tincidunt vehicula. Quisque imperdiet porta lacinia. Cras maximus facilisis nisl. Pellentesque libero metus, rutrum at sem sed, euismod molestie ante. Fusce pulvinar tortor a diam fringilla, et blandit turpis auctor. Praesent tincidunt odio ut sollicitudin tincidunt. Sed id porttitor orci. Vivamus orci orci, elementum quis velit luctus, rutrum tincidunt orci. Sed sagittis nec turpis a tincidunt.

Ut a odio tellus. Maecenas enim leo, dignissim eget pretium id, tincidunt a justo. Phasellus viverra iaculis velit a mattis. In vehicula lobortis nibh, at fermentum ex cursus in. Aliquam iaculis libero ac leo rutrum, nec aliquam augue placerat. Praesent bibendum mollis ex vel mattis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Nam egestas dignissim mollis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Vivamus sed tincidunt ante. Nullam et porta neque. Duis ut justo dui. Vestibulum auctor, sapien non consequat bibendum, risus lacus hendrerit enim, quis suscipit est erat vitae augue. Sed et lorem porttitor, ultrices mauris eu, tempus quam. Mauris sodales sed erat nec fermentum. Quisque lorem magna, porta eu interdum sit amet, eleifend id dolor. Nulla id vulputate felis. Donec non facilisis nulla. Donec semper augue id massa ultrices, quis tincidunt arcu bibendum.

3. Bill of Materials

Using MS Excel, include a list of things you must buy and tabulate the total cost for the project. Upload your Excel file with this document and your updated MPP file / Gantt Chart. Your narrative will be here in this document explaining in text what the reader will find on your spreadsheet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Agnus Dei qui tolis pecatta mundi. Vivamus aliquet rhoncus sapien, molestie bibendum velit pellentesque non. Cras tempor neque a nisl cursus, vitae facilisis turpis egestas. Agnus Dei qui tolis pecatta mundi miserere nobis, Agnus Dei, dona nobis pacem. Aenean malesuada velit consequat tincidunt vehicula. Quisque imperdiet porta lacinia. Cras maximus facilisis nisl. Pellentesque libero metus, rutrum at sem sed, euismod molestie ante. Fusce pulvinar tortor a diam fringilla, et blandit turpis auctor. Praesent tincidunt odio ut sollicitudin tincidunt. Sed id porttitor orci. Vivamus orci orci, elementum quis velit luctus, rutrum tincidunt orci. Sed sagittis nec turpis a tincidunt.

Ut a odio tellus. Maecenas enim leo, dignissim eget pretium id, tincidunt a justo. Phasellus viverra iaculis velit a mattis. In vehicula lobortis nibh, at fermentum ex cursus in. Aliquam iaculis libero ac leo rutrum, nec aliquam augue placerat. Praesent bibendum mollis ex vel mattis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Nam egestas dignissim mollis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Vivamus sed tincidunt ante. Nullam et porta neque. Duis ut justo dui. Vestibulum auctor, sapien non consequat bibendum, risus lacus hendrerit enim, quis suscipit est erat vitae augue. Sed et lorem porttitor, ultrices mauris eu, tempus quam. Mauris sodales sed erat nec fermentum. Quisque lorem magna, porta eu interdum sit amet, eleifend id dolor. Nulla id vulputate felis. Donec non facilisis nulla. Donec semper augue id massa ultrices, quis tincidunt arcu bibendum.

4. Methodology And Process.

Document the methodology and process to include the engineering, furnishing, and installation of the identified inventory. In other words, this is the meat of the project. Document everything you and your team are going to do and account for each item in your shopping list from section 3 above. How is it going to be installed? Reference your Gantt Chart and maybe cut and paste a visual representation here in addition to submitting it and the other files with your work this week.

Figure 1-Gantt Chart from MS Project

5. Optional: Paste your Gantt Chart here. Week 8 Assignment - System ImplementationOverviewThis is the fourth in a series of five sequential assignments (the course project) in which you continue to act as the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) o 1

Use Microsoft Project to update the previously created Gantt chart with the major and minor tasks identified in the infrastructure design document. In the real world, you would include a cut and paste of the high-level of your Gantt Chart here. In this project, you can export your Gantt Chart as a PDF identifying the major and minor tasks, illustrating dependency relationships between activities. You must also submit your MS Project file to “show your work” If you include your Gantt Chart, it can be ½ page in size. Use one to three pages to describe the detail of each step of your project. Keep in mind that this will change as we progress throughout the class. We do want to have a plan in place before we kick off the project, and this will be it.


Use three NEW sources to support your writing. (Remove these instructions)

  • Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate.

  • Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment.

  • Access the library or review library guides for help with research, writing, and citation.

AlHinai, Y. S. (2020). Disaster management digitally transformed: Exploring the impact and key determinants from the UK national disaster management experience. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 51. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2020.101851

Aydogdu, U. F. (2013). Technological Dimensions of Defence Against Terrorism. IOS Press.

Boeke, S. (2018). National cyber crisis management: Different European approaches. Governance, 31(3), 449–464. https://doi.org/10.1111/gove.12309

Centre of Excellence Defence Against Terrorism. (2008). Responses to Cyber Terrorism. IOS Press.

CYBERSECURITY. (n.d.). Retrieved November 21, 2020, from https://www.cisa.gov/cybersecurity

Gazley, B., & Brudney, J. L. (2005). Volunteer Involvement in Local Government after September 11: The Continuing Question of Capacity. Public Administration Review, 65(2), 131–142. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1540-6210.2005.00439.x

Gheorghe, A. V., Tatar, U., & Gokce, Y. (2017). Strategic Cyber Defense: A Multidisciplinary Perspective. IOS Press.

Jakobi, A. P. (2016). Non-state Actors and Global Crime Governance: Explaining the Variance of Public-private Interaction. British Journal of Politics & International Relations, 18(1), 72–89. https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-856X.12064

Kerrigan, M. (2018). Homeland Security. National Highlights Inc.

Porche, I. I. R. (2020). Cyberwarfare: An Introduction to Information-Age Conflict. Artech House.

Provan, K. G., & Kenis, P. (2008). Modes of network governance: Structure, management, and effectiveness. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 18, 229–252.

Qiqi Jiang, Chuan-Hoo Tan, Choon Ling Sia, & Kwok-Kee Wei. (2019). Followership in an Open-Source Software Project and Its Significance in Code Reuse. MIS Quarterly, 43(4), 1303–1319. https://doi.org/10.25300/MISQ/2019/14043

TRAUTMAN, L. J., & ORMEROD, P. C. (2018). Industrial Cyber Vulnerabilities: Lessons from Stuxnet and the Internet of Things. University of Miami Law Review, 72(3), 761–826.

Ward, M. (2020). State of the States: THIS YEAR’S TECHNOLOGY TRENDS AND PERSPECTIVES FROM NASCIO. Capitol Ideas, 2, 37.