Signature Assignment - TIME TO BRING YOUR TRAINING TO LIFE: For your Signature Assignment, you are going to put together your training program based on the topic (established during Module 2) and the

Instructional Strategy/Training Plan

Name of Program: How to Dress for Success Location: Downstairs on 1st floor in conference room

Classroom configuration: 20 seats with 5 in a row facing projection screen

Evaluation: Conduct a briefing on how to dress professional and dress for success without 2nd guessing your outfit

Target Population: Clients who are ready for a professional career

Overall Training Objective: Clients will be able to put on a professional look while job seeking as well as everyday professional wear



Learning Objective

Learning Points


Material and Audiovisuals


(30 min)

Trainer: Ms. Banks


Welcome ground, directions, agenda, etc.

  1. Get individuals in a group to get comfortable with one another.

  2. Create a warm comfortable environment for learning

Icebreaker activity

Small group discussion

  • Computer with Powerpoint and photo images

  • Actual professional clothing


(30 min)

Trainer: Mrs. Winters

Why dress appropriately?

  1. How to look qualified for the job

  2. It is your personal brand

  3. People judge based on appearance

  1. Know your industry

  2. Know company rules and culture


  • Powerpoint

  • Photo images


(45 min)

Mr. White

First Impressions

The mission of Dress for Success is to empower women to achieve economic independence by providing a network of support, professional attire and the development tools to help women thrive in work and in life.

  1. Recognize that casual and business casual are not the same

  2. Make sure level of clothes match your level of activity


  • Powerpoint

  • Photo images