Anthropology!!! Listen to lecture (3 hours), take a 10 question quiz, then watch a video for the Discussion post (1 hour) make a Discussion post, take a 5 question quiz on the Discussion post, and ans

Week 8 Discussion: The Concept of "Race" and Racism. Post due 3/9, responses due 3/13

1) This week, you will need to view the film "Racism: A History, Part II":

2) Next, go to the link titled "Understanding Race" in the Content for Chapter 12 or here:

Take some time to explore each of the sub-sections of the website, titled "History", "Human Variation", and "Lived Experience". Be sure to take the Human Variation Quiz!

5) Please be sure to take the required Week 8 Discussion Quiz by Sunday night, March 13th at 11:59pm.

6) Reflect on what you have seen and learned in the websites and documentary film(s). Think about the main points that the websites and films are making. Did you learn anything that you had not heard before? How do these websites and films relate to what we are learning? Has your perspective changed since before exploring the websites or films? How? Do you have any remaining questions that these websites or films did not address?

5) Related to the websites and films, post a thought provoking question (it must be a question for your fellow students, not just your thoughts) by midnight in the evening of Wednesday, March 9th.

Please be aware that this can be a sensitive topic, and I ask that we all approach this topic with humility and compassion in both our posts and our responses. Please be open to understanding the varied perspectives and experiences of others, and if you disagree, describe your point of view and refrain from any accusatory or incendiary comments.

6) Reply to two or more of the posted questions by midnight in the evening of Sunday, March 13th.

Type the response here (must be at least 4 to 5 sentences)

The discussion quiz (highlight correct answers)

  1. The film "Racism: A History, Part II" describes how, following the abolition of slavery, events in _________________ set the stage for the genocide of indigenous peoples in the 19th Century.

  1. Mexico

  2. Tasmania

  3. Europe

  4. Indonesia

  1. Following the publication of Darwin's "On the Origin of Species," his ideas were often misinterpreted an applied to human societies by economists like Herbert Spencer, thereby supporting the notion that some human societies and races were naturally superior to others. This idea is called _________________________________.

  1. Natural Selection

  2. Abolitionism

  3. Social Darwinism

  4. Evolution

  1. As discussed in "Racism: A History, Part II," in the 1870's the massive coronation of Queen Victoria was taking place at the very same time as a famine in __________________________ that killed over 8 million people.

  1. India

  2. Cambodia

  3. Tasmania

  4. Ethiopia

  1. What does skin color tell you about a person?

  1. None of these.

  2. It indicates his or her race.

  3. It provides information about his or her cultural heritage.

  4. It offers insight into his or her predisposition to disease

  1. Darwin's cousin, Francis Galton, devised a misguided system of human selective breeding, which ultimately led to the horrors of Shark Island, Namibia, and to Hitler's "Final Solution" during the holocaust, which sought to exterminate those who were deemed "unfit."

Galton named this system of human selective breeding ________________________.

  1. Aryanism

  2. Eugenics

  3. Survival of the Fittest

  4. Genetic Engineering