Using at least two news articles from the last four weeks, provide evidence to support a position on which major theory of international relations best explains world events. Use and list at least two

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One World, Many Actors: Levels of Analysis in

International Relations


This is an excerpt from International Relations – an E-IR Foundations beginner’s textbook. Download

your free copy here.

International Relations (IR) traditionally focused on interactions between states. However, this conventional view has

been broadened over the years to include relationships between all sorts of political entities (‘polities’), including

international organisations, multinational corporations, societies and citizens. IR captures a vast array of themes

ranging from the growing interconnectedness of people to old and new forms of security, dialogue and conflict

between visions, beliefs and ideologies, the environment, space, the global economy, poverty and climate change.

The sheer number of actors and issues that are relevant to IR can be overwhelming. This can make it seem like a

daunting task to not just study various aspects of IR but to try to grasp the bigger picture.

All the more important are the analytical tools that scholars have developed in an attempt to make the field more

manageable – not just for newcomers to the discipline but also for themselves. Social scientists in general spend

quite a lot of time thinking about effective ways of structuring their thinking and of processing the complexity of the

reality they endeavour to study, analyse and understand. A lot of this kind of analytical sense-making in IR happens

in the form of theories. Scholars use theories to explain and capture the meaning of real-life events in the form of

abstract interpretations and generalised assumptions. On the one hand, theories can be ‘empirical’ – based on

measurable experiences, usually through observation or experimentation. Empirical theories generally seek to try to

explain the world as it is . On the other hand, theories can be ‘normative’ – meaning that they build on principles and

assumptions about how social interactions should occur. In other words, normative theories generally seek to present

a version of world that ought to be .

Before scholars develop or adopt any specific theories, however, they take what is often a subconscious decision in

selecting the focus of their analysis. Following this, they normally stick with their choice without reflecting very much

on alternative approaches to the issue. As students of IR it can be helpful to equip ourselves with a basic overview of

the perspectives one can adopt when analysing just about any topic. This chapter will do this by looking at different

‘levels of analysis’ as one of the most common ways of structuring scholarly debates in IR.

Levels of analysis

Thinking of different levels of analysis in IR means that the observer and analyst may choose to focus on the

international system as a whole, parts of the system in interaction with each other, or some of its parts in particular.

What forms the parts or components of this system is again a matter of perspective. The international system can be

conceived of as made up of states, groups of states, organisations, societies or individuals within and across those

societies. IR generally distinguishes between three levels of analysis: the system, the state, and the individual – but

the group level is also important to consider as a fourth. To be able to use the level of analysis as an analytical

device, we need to be clear about what we are most interested in. We have to clarify for ourselves what it is exactly

that we want to look at when discussing a particular theme or issue concerning the ‘international’ sphere. If we were

to study and understand the 2008 global financial crisis and its consequences, for example, there would be various

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Written by Carmen Gebhard ways of approaching, discussing and presenting the issue. To determine the level of analysis we would need to

determine what those levels are and ask ourselves some questions, which we can explore below.

The individual level

Would we look at the actions of individuals responding to the financial crisis according to their own position or

responsibilities? For example, a prime minister encountering the leader of another state to negotiate an important

financial agreement, the head of a large corporation adopting a policy to rescue their business or even the situation of

individual citizens and their attitude towards austerity measures?

The group level

Would we be more interested in the actions of groups of individuals, such as all voters of a country and the way they

express their views in the general election, political parties picking up on the issue in their campaigns or social

movements forming to counter the effects of the crisis on society?

Would we be interested in activist/pressure groups like ‘Anonymous’ that seek to influence the global debate about

the winners and losers of globalisation and capitalism?

The state level

Would we look at states as actors in their own right as if they were clearly defined entities that have certain

preferences, and accordingly, look at their actions and decisions to find an answer to our analytical questions?

Would we then be looking at how states interact with each other to deal with the crisis – in other words, their foreign

policy? How they build off each other’s suggestions and react to international developments and trends? How they

cooperate, say, in the framework of international organisations?

Or would we be looking at them as competitors and antagonists, each of them pushing for a stronger position in what

makes up the world economy?

The system level

Finally, might we try to look at the global level, the big picture, and try to grasp wider ranging dynamics that emerge

from the global economic ‘system’ to affect its various components, states, national economies, societies,


A much-debated example of this kind of system perspective has been presented by Daniel W. Drezner (2014), who

argued controversially that the international system of financial governance did well at coping with the 2008 global

financial crisis. He looked at how various parts of the system worked together to mitigate wider repercussions. After

all, while we call it the global financial crisis, the world has really not changed much since then and you might argue it

has been business as usual for the system.

How the level of analysis determines our findings

Being aware of various possible perspectives helps us to develop an understanding of where we stand as analysts

and observers. It also guides us through the process of investigation and analysis. First of all, the particular

perspective we assume determines the kind of information we would need to gather and look at in order to be able to

answer our questions and draw meaningful conclusions.

A system-level (‘systemic’) study would need to consider global linkages that go beyond single interactions between

states. It would need to look at such things as the balance of power between states and how that determines what

happens in global politics. This could include developments that are even outside the immediate control of any

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Written by Carmen Gebhard particular state or group of states, such as the global economy, transnational terrorism or the internet.

A state-level study would require careful consideration of what kinds of states we are looking at (how they are

ordered politically), their geographical position, their historical ties and experiences and their economic standing. It

would likely also look at the foreign policy of states, meaning their approach to and practice of interacting with other

states. Key indicators of the foreign policy of states would be the policies proposed and decided by governments,

statements of top-level politicians but also the role and behaviour of diplomats and their adjoining bureaucratic


A group level analysis would again need to try and break the analysis down into certain kinds of groups, how they

relate to the state level and where they position themselves with respect to the global dimension of the issues they

are dealing with. An example of this can be seen in the work of Engelen et al. (2012), who discuss the global financial

crisis as the ‘misrule of experts’, pointing at the politicised role of technocratic circles and the relative lack of

democratic control over the boards of large banks and corporations. A group-level analysis focusing on foreign policy

would look, for example, at the role of lobbying groups and the way they influence national decision-making on an


If looking at the actions of individuals, we would likely also need to engage with the implications of human nature.

This can be seen in the psychology and emotions behind people’s actions and decisions, their fears and their visions

as well as their access to information and capacity to make a difference. Psychological factors do not only matter at

the level of individual members of society or of a group. They are also an important factor in the analysis of foreign

policy, whenever particular mindsets and perceptions of political leaders and key actors might influence their

decisions and behaviour.

Which one of these specific perspectives we choose would greatly influence our findings. In other words, the focus or

level of analysis determines the outcome of our scholarly investigations. Meanwhile, the real-life events we are

analysing remain the same, of course. That is a particularly important consideration if we aim at developing

generalised conclusions from our observations. Strictly speaking, our conclusions would only be valid within the

scope of the level of analysis we chose to focus on. Insights provided by other perspectives would remain outside the

remit of our analysis. To illustrate this, let’s stick with the above example of the global financial crisis as it is one of the

more debated issues in contemporary politics.

From the system level

If we studied the global financial crisis from a system-level perspective, for instance, we would expect to gain an

insight into the global dynamics that make up the international financial system. Focusing on the big picture would

enable us to develop a comprehensive model of explanation that could potentially capture the states and national

economies within that global system. The explanations we derive from this systemic model, however, might

exaggerate the system-level factors that have conditioned the global financial crisis. As a consequence, we might

overlook a lot of psychological and sociological issues that would be the subject of a group-level or individual-level


From the state level

If we studied the same theme from a state perspective, we would develop a greater level of detail about specific

circumstances in particular states as well as in their interaction with each other. The distinction here, as will be

discussed further below, is not quite this rigid in practice as the state level is rarely looked at in isolation but more in

its wider systemic context. For our example this would mean that the world financial system is taken as the

framework in which state actors operate, so state action is often conditioned by factors beyond the state’s control.

From the group level

If we studied the issue from a group-level perspective, we would yet again reach a different result in our findings. We

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Written by Carmen Gebhard would potentially emphasise aspects of the global financial crisis that would escape a more comprehensive global

level analysis. This includes analysing the impact of the crisis on society and the livelihoods of individuals as

exemplified in the UN Report ‘The Global Social Crisis’ (2011).

From the individual level

Finally, focusing on the individual level and, say, particular actions of specific personalities in the public realm – be

they politicians, diplomats or bankers – would lead to us drawing different conclusions again about the causes and

consequences of the financial crisis.

The bigger picture

In short, being aware and acknowledging the potential gaps in our observation – that is to say, all of what is not

directly captured by our perspective or level of analysis – is important. Applying rigour in our analysis is also

important. These guidelines for scholarly investigation are applied in many academic disciplines, including the natural

sciences. What German theoretical physicist Werner K. Heisenberg (1962, 58) said in respect to research in his field

very much also applies to IR; ‘we have to remember that what we observe is not nature in itself, but nature exposed

to our method of questioning.’ Scholarly writings are nevertheless not always explicit about their particular

perspective or level of analysis. So, as a reader, it is important to stay critical and to look closely and enquire

whenever an argument presented to us appears to straddle potentially conflicting analytical lenses.

As you start to read deeper on particular IR issues, always remind yourself of the importance of analytical clarity. Do

not hesitate to expect and demand it even from renowned authors and established publications outlets. Note that

clarity concerning one’s level of analysis does not necessarily mean that different perspectives could not be used in

conjunction with each other – on the contrary. As will be argued further below, many of today’s political challenges

are so complex that they require our analyses to span across various levels.

Foreign policy

A crucial area where the need to broaden our levels of analysis is particularly important is the analysis of the foreign

policy of states. Hopefully, we can see this immediately due to the fact that any state activity that crosses their

national borders, such as a foreign policy, will have implications for other states. We can look at foreign policy at the

state level by analysing government policies and diplomatic decisions in isolation. However, governments are also

actors on the world stage and their foreign policies contribute to what we call international relations. As highlighted

above, foreign policy can also be explained by looking at the individual level, for example, the psychological and

political factors that guide leaders and their advisers in their foreign policy decisions. Those decisions in turn then

feed into national decisions that matter at the state level and in relation to other states.

It can be helpful to think of foreign policy behaviour as something that is influenced by a range of factors. Some of

them can be found within a state, in its political traditions, its socio-economic profile, its political party system or in the

minds of leading politicians. Others come from outside, from the global system that builds the context within which

states operate. This does not mean that every meaningful discussion of foreign policy needs to look at all these

aspects: investigations at one particular level should be used very carefully to draw conclusions about a different

level. Where the levels overlap, we need to be aware that each one will require us to look at different kinds of


To help lock in the foreign policy example, we can draw on the case of British prime minister Tony Blair. Blair is often

remembered for his decision to take the UK to war with Iraq in 2003, in coalition with the United States. To examine

this important foreign policy decision from the individual level, we might draw on Blair’s personal convictions as a

committed anti-terrorist with a strong moral sense based on his Christianity, something that helped him forge a

common personal bond with the US president, George W. Bush. If we move our focus to the state level, we can judge

equally as fairly that Blair might have been acting to preserve the Anglo-American ‘special relationship’ that was vital

to British national security. The Iraq war period was a contentious one in Europe, with many European nations

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Written by Carmen Gebhard rejecting American plans for war. If Blair had followed some of his European colleagues and not supported the war,

then he may have put a vital bilateral relationship in danger. Finally, we move to the international, or systemic, level.

Here, we are not so much focused on Blair himself since the systemic level often supposes that it is forces operating

at the international level that shape behaviour. By this reading, Blair may have felt compelled to participate in what he

saw as a shift in world order that was defined by the existence of dangerous transnational terrorism on one hand, and

a coalition led by the United States on the other hand who were waging a war on terrorism. Of course, as has been

noted already, you would also be able to argue that Blair’s motives might have been drawn from more than one of

these levels – perhaps even all of them.

Levels of analysis and the changing ambitions of a discipline

Apart from making us more critical and discerning readers, being aware of the issue of different levels of analysis can

also help us understand the way in which the academic discipline of IR has developed over time. To begin with, in the

early days of IR – say, from 1919 until the after the Second World War – a lot of what could be called traditional or

conventional IR was not concerned with any potential distinctions between different levels of analysis or theoretical

perspectives. J. David Singer (1961, 78) lamented that scholars would simply

roam up and down the ladder of organizational complexity with remarkable abandon, focusing upon the total system,

international organizations, regions, coalitions, extra-national associations, nations, domestic pressure groups, social

classes, elites, and individuals as the needs of the moment required.

Singer’s criticism of this ‘general sluggishness’ (Singer 1961, 78) highlights another value in thinking of IR as

something that can be studied from different and distinctive perspectives. Being clear about our level of analysis can

prevent us from indulging in analytical ‘cherry-picking’, that is to say, from randomly gathering evidence across

different levels in pursuit of an answer to our research questions. This ‘vertical drift’, as Singer calls it, can

compromise the accuracy of our observations and undermine the validity of our findings. That in turn can obscure

some of the detail that might have otherwise turned out to be the key to a conclusive explanation. This does not mean

that any one piece of scholarly work must not consider aspects from different levels of analysis. However, when

moving between different levels of analysis, we need to do so openly and explicitly. We also need to acknowledge the

analytical consequences of drifting between levels: that our search for evidence will need to be comprehensive and

that we might have to look at a different set of data or material for each additional aspect. For example, if you were to

explain Germany’s decision to open its borders to hundreds of thousands of refugees in 2015 you might want to look

at the external pressures as much as the personal motivations of German chancellor Angela Merkel. You would

investigate factors at the system level (such as economic indicators, refugee flows, the attitude of key partners) and

at the individual level (such as Merkel’s ideological background, her interests and perceptions of the problem as it

emerges from statements and key decisions throughout her career). Each would contribute to an overall explanation,

but you would need to be prepared to look at different sets of information.

From the 1950s onwards, more and more IR scholars endeavoured to specify the focus of their analysis more clearly.

The most prominent example was Kenneth Waltz’s Man, the State and War: A Theoretical Analysis (1959) which

introduced an analytical framework for the study of IR that distinguished between what he referred to as different

‘images’ of an issue: the individual, the state and the international system. Waltz’s contributions to the discipline

generated interest in analysing the international system as a place of interactions between states. From this

perspective, the global system is conceived of as the structure or context within which states cooperate, compete

and confront each other over issues of national interest. You might visualise it as a level above the state. Particularly

important in that context is the distribution of power amongst states, meaning, whether there is one main

concentration of power (‘unipolarity’), two (‘bipolarity’) or several (‘multipolarity’). Global circumstances are seen to

condition the ability and opportunity of individual states and groups of states to pursue their interests in cooperative

or competitive ways. The view of states being embedded in a global context traditionally comes with the assumption

that our international system is ‘anarchic’. An anarchic system is one that lacks a central government (or international

sovereign) that regulates and controls what happens to states in their dealings with each other.

Although this idea of the global or system level as a context of anarchy features in many contributions to the IR

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Written by Carmen Gebhard literature, the main focus remains on the state as the dominant unit of analysis. This enduring focus on the state, and

therefore, on the state level of analysis, is referred to as the relative ‘state-centrism’ of the discipline. This means that

IR scholars would generally not only regard states as the central unit of analysis as such, they also conceive of the

state as a point of reference for other types of actors. From this perspective, the state acts as the arena in which state

officials, politicians and decision-makers operate. The state is seen as the framework that encapsulates society and

as the main point of reference for the individual. This predominant focus on the state is strongly related to an

assumption IR scholars have made about the state also being the main location of power within the international

sphere. This idea that the state is where power is primarily concentrated and located has to be seen against the

historical context within which some of the most prominent IR scholars operated – the Cold War. It was an era in

which much of international affairs appeared to be run via state channels and in line with particular state interests.

Other actors that we would consider important from today’s perspective, such as those explored in later chapters in

this book, seem to have had little leverage during the Cold War. This was because the period was dominated by

great power confrontation and overwhelming military might on each side of the systemic conflict.

Although the Cold War has long since passed, a lot of today’s political life remains managed in the state framework,

based on issues like national security, domestic cohesion or internal stability. States form the primary kind of actor in

major international organisations such as the United Nations, they feature prominently in the global discourse on

most of the major challenges of our time, and states still hold what famous German sociologist Max Weber called the

monopoly on violence – the exclusive right to the legitimate use of physical force. States continue to matter and thus

have to be part of our considerations about what happens in the world and why. The state as a unit of analysis and

frame of reference will certainly not go away any time soon, nor will the interactions of states as a key level of

analysis in IR.

IR as arena or process?

It is important to highlight that thinking from the point of view of different – and to a degree, separate – levels of

analysis as discussed up to this point has been contested by some. Leftwich (2004), for instance, has argued that

thinking of international politics as something that takes place in a certain site or location is just one possible way of

looking at things. He calls this the ‘arena’ approach given the way in which it focuses on the location, or ‘locus’ of

interactions, on different platforms that provide the stage to particular events and instances of international relations.

He distinguishes this ‘arena’ approach from what he calls the ‘processual’ approach, which assumes that

international relations should not primarily be looked at as something that happens in a particular location or at a

particular level of analysis but that it can instead be thought of as a complex web of processes that takes place

between people.

Some theoretical approaches have what is often an implicit preference for a conception of IR as a process rather

than an arena with various distinctive levels. This is because they aim to highlight the meaning of interactions as

opposed to the meaning of physical structures and locations, such as the state or particular institutions within states.

An example of such a perspective can be found in environmentalism or so-called ‘Green Politics’, which traditionally

refuses to think of the practice of international relations as something that can be studied at different ‘levels’ of

analysis. This is mainly because analysts pertaining to this approach perceive any proposed division of political

reality into arenas or any attempts at physically locating a problem in a particular context as arbitrary and misleading.

They would also argue that thinking in those divisions conveys a false sense of structure, when all aspects of any

societal challenge are fundamentally interconnected and should thus be studied in a ‘holistic’ way – meaning, in

conjunction with each other.

Another example of such a theoretical approach is feminism, which would argue that politics does not exclusively

occur in public places such as state institutions and international organisations. Feminists would instead argue that

‘the personal is the political’, meaning that all human interactions carry and reproduce political meaning, and are

therefore part of the intricate process of global affairs. Other thinkers would even go as far as to suggest that politics

as a process is not even confined to the human species. Frans de Waal (1982) argues that even the interactions

between animals, such as chimpanzees, can carry political meaning and should thus not be excluded from any

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Written by Carmen Gebhard intellectual accounts of politics including its international and global dimensions .

We will not develop these kinds of perspectives further at this point, but it is nevertheless useful to note how such

contentions challenge any assumption of there being any kind of clear cut structure or specific levels of analysis that

we can rely on as students and analysts of IR. Regardless of perspective, it is important to be aware of the multiplicity

of actors and processes that make up the global system. Reminding ourselves of the complexity of international

relations equips us with the ability to recognise any overgeneralisations as they are being presented to us by the

media, by political leaders, activists, pressure groups and through our social networks, making us more informed,

nuanced and rounded in our thinking.

Beyond the state

While the legacy of conventional Cold War-style thinking still looms large in contemporary analyses, researchers

have been interested in developing non-state-centric and more fluid perspectives. We already mentioned

environmentalism and feminism as examples of analytical perspectives that acknowledge the importance of actors

other than the state, and the role of individuals in particular. Some analysts have not completely abandoned the state

perspective but suggest looking into what exactly it is inside states that might be contributing to what happens in the

global sphere. This could be related to their internal characteristics, such as their form of government, their economic

profile, their cultural and ideological composition or their demography. This perspective includes a distinctive focus

on the societies that make up a specific state as much as particular groups and individuals within those societies.

Many analysts invite their readers to open the ‘black box’ that way. In other words, to break up the conventional IR

habit of treating states as secluded units and containers of power, politics and societies. They also openly challenge

the assumption that there is such a thing as ‘unitary’ state action. They would dispute, for instance, that ‘Germany’ –

as a nation-state – would push for austerity measures in Greece. Rather, they would insist that related policies are

initiated by specific German politicians that advocate such measures out of a particular sentiment, out of an

individual interpretation of current developments, or for reasons that might be linked to their own political future or

specific preferences of their electorate.

Apart from a focus on the individual and group level of official decision-making, this ‘sub-state’ (meaning, ‘below the

state’) level of analysis also attempts to expand the scope of scholarly investigation beyond formal interactions of the

state, its official representatives and of its constituent parts to include informal relationships and non-official

exchanges, such as flows and transfers of goods, information, communications, services and people – above and

below the purview of the state.

Contemporary IR is interested in looking at actors that operate across state borders instead of being specifically

confined by them – for instance, citizens of a particular state or proponents of a particular ethnic or cultural minority

within that state. The study of IR has gradually widened to include all kinds of interactions between a variety of

actors, including the general public and individual members of it, people like you and me.

Such an analytical move seems welcome if we think of how potent the influence of individual actors can be that do

not officially represent or act on behalf of states or any of their constituent parts. An example of this is the activist

Julian Assange, who spearheaded a widely publicised whistleblowing campaign leaking government secrets via the

website WikiLeaks. Another example is Osama Bin Laden, who built a global terrorist network (Al Qaeda) based on

his own religious and political visions. Both Assange and Bin Laden, although very different in nature, have had

lasting impact on top-level global politics from the position of a private persona with no official political status or role.

What is significant in this context is that the traditional conception of the state as the main framework of political

interaction and the main point of reference for both society and the individuals within it has lost a lot of its meaning

and importance. If we look at the world around us, state borders do not seem to accurately delimitate global affairs.

The majority of global interactions – be they related to global finance, production, education, personal and

professional travel, labour migration or terrorism – no longer occur via state channels the way they once did. We

could say that the increased focus on non-state actors and cross-border issues has marked a close-to-revolutionary

turn in IR; something that could be interpreted as a shift away from the inter-national (‘between-states’) to the ‘trans-

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Written by Carmen Gebhard national’ (‘across/beyond-states’ and their borders). Robert Keohane, one of the leading scholars in the field, recently

stated that ‘International Relations’ is no longer a suitable label and that we should instead refer to the discipline as

‘Global Studies’ or ‘World Politics’ (Keohane 2016). In today’s world, few societal and political issues, challenges and

problems are neatly confined by the borders of individual states or even groups of states. Thinking about world affairs

in ‘transnational’ rather than in purely ‘inter-national’ terms therefore seems more of an analytical necessity than just

a choice.

Individuals and groups interact across borders and thus relativise the meaning of space and territory as conventional

IR knew it. International commercial aviation and the rapid spread of information technologies has further increased

people’s mobility and the rate at which interactions occur across and beyond state borders. The ability for common

people to store, transfer and distribute large amounts of information, the possibility for data to travel across the world

in virtually no time, and the increasing availability of high-speed internet have not only changed lives at personal and

community levels but also dramatically altered the general dynamics in politics and global affairs.

Social media provide accessible platforms of communication that allow for the projection and promotion of ideas

across borders at virtually no cost to the individual or group generating and advocating them. Various political

agendas – be they progressive, revolutionary or outright dangerous – can unfold in a relatively uncontrolled and

unregulated way, posing real challenges to governmental agencies and the political leaders that try to improve and

direct them. Random individuals can potentially start a revolution from their homes, bypassing any conventional

conceptions of power and transcending spatial and material boundaries to the point where political activity and even

confrontation become weightless and immaterial altogether. A powerful illustration of this can be found in Thomas

Neuwirth, an Austrian singer, who is most commonly known by the stage persona ‘Conchita Wurst’. The political

messages displayed during a show at the Sydney Opera House in March 2016 multiplied and spread through social

media. This eventually urged various representatives of the Australian government to take a stance on gay, lesbian,

bisexual and transgender (LGBT) issues and also gave momentum to the global LGBT movement. A national

politician from, say, Austria, would likely not have been able to influence the domestic debate in Australia to that

extent, let alone spark a worldwide debate that way.

IR and you

This chapter has introduced you to the idea of levels of analysis as an analytical device that makes the variety of

issues in IR more manageable and structured. More specifically, we distinguished between the system level, the

state level, the group and the individual level, highlighting differences as well as connections between them. We have

shown that the academic discipline of IR has gradually moved away from a dominant focus on the state and the

system to deal more with the role and perspective of groups and individuals. As you are reading this book it should

be an inspirational thought that never in the history of humanity has it been easier for individuals like you to become

directly involved in the practice of international relations, or should we say transnational relations. As an individual

you are not just a passive subject of international relations as directed by political elites and official state actors; you

have the means of being an actor in your own right – or at the very least being counted as more scholars focus

beyond the narrow confines of the state level of analysis.

*Please consult the PDF linked above for any citation or reference details.

About the author:

Carmen Gebhard is Lecturer in Politics and International Relations at the University of Edinburgh. She has a

particular interest in small states as well as in inter-organisational relationships in security and defence matters.

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