Please correct the paper as the following : 1/Those are very specific business problems. Well done. 2/You might have discussed models more thoroughly. You generically referred to them but did not nam

Effective Organizational Leadership: Final Report Scoring Guide

Due Date: End of Week 10

Percentage of Course Grade: 30%.

Create an executive summary that accurately summarizes the main points of the report.


Describe best practices for the creation of a business plan that aligns to organizational goals, including a business planning model and an illustration of that model.

11% .

Formulate three well-defined business problems that justify the need for a project.

11% .

Discuss authoritative models and theories that can be used to further understand each problem.

11% .

Create diagrams that illustrate the causes-and-effects for each business problem.


Identify an applied framework for each problem, including the rationale for selecting that framework.


Construct a mind map to illustrate logical relationships among frameworks selected for the three business problems, explaining the mind map in detail.

11% .

Reflect on the nature of constructive feedback and how you will improve the quality of your scholarly writing.


Convey purpose, in an appropriate tone and style, incorporating supporting evidence and adhering to organizational, professional, and scholarly writing standards.

11% .