Instructions Strategic Plan: Part 3 In this third part of the final strategic plan development assignment, you will follow up on the content that you developed during the first two sections by adding

Strategic Plan


Institution Affiliation

The Organization Selected

The organization selected is the Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA). The particular policy or department that the strategic plan will be developed for is the Claims Processing Department. The Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) was created on January 21, 1991, as a result of the Department of Veterans Affairs Reorganization Act of 1989 (Fried et al., 2018). The VBA's primary mission is to provide veterans and their survivors with benefits and services earned through military service. The VBA is structured into three regions: East, Central, and West. Within each region, there are field offices that process claims and deliver benefits to veterans and their families.

Why the Policy Deserves Strategic Planning

The VBA is in charge of providing veterans with a wide range of benefits, including disability compensation, pension, education, home loans, and life insurance. In recent years, the number of veterans seeking assistance and filing for claims from the VBA has increased significantly, leading to longer wait times for benefits, a higher backlog of claims, and a greater cost to taxpayers (Ensrud & Sandefer, 2012). A strategic plan could help the VBA address these issues and improve the delivery of benefits to veterans.

Challenges during the Strategic Planning Process

The Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) could face various challenges during the strategic plan process. First, the VBA could experience resistance from employees who are opposed to change. Second, the VBA could face budgetary constraints due to increasing demands for services. Third, the VBA could encounter resistance from veterans who are reluctant to change the way they receive benefits and services (Wright, 2020). Finally, the VBA could experience opposition from outside stakeholders who are opposed to its policies. To address this challenge, the VBA should ensure that staff members are involved in the planning process and have a voice in shaping the plan. Additionally, the VBA should communicate its goals and objectives clearly to staff members and provide them with regular updates on progress made towards meeting those goals (Wright, 2020).

Nevertheless, VBA has several strengths that it can capitalize on during the strategic plan process to overcome the challenges. First, the VBA has a large pool of experienced employees who are knowledgeable about the department's programs and services and can be used to reduce the level of resistance through education (Fried et al., 2018). Second, the VBA has a well-developed infrastructure that can be leveraged to deliver services more efficiently. Third, the VBA has a strong brand that is respected by veterans and the general public. Finally, the VBA can adapt to changing conditions and is willing to make changes to improve its services. All these strengths can be used by VBA to overcome challenges that might be experienced throughout the strategic planning process (Fried et al., 2018).

List of References

Chen, J., Rosenheck, R., Greenberg, G., & Seibyl, C. (2006). Factors Associated with Receipt of Pension and Compensation Benefits for Homeless Veterans in the VBA/VHA Homeless Outreach Initiative. Psychiatric Quarterly78(1), 63-72. 006-9027-6

Fried, D., Helmer, D., & Davey, V. (2018). The Methodological Challenges of Using Veterans Benefits Administration Disability Codes to Ascertain Agent Orange Exposure Among Vietnam Theater Veterans With Service-connected Disabilities. Medical Care, 1.

MacGregor, C., & Heilemann, M. (2017). Deserving Veterans’ Disability Compensation: A Qualitative Study of Veterans’ Perceptions. Health & Social Work42(2), e86-e93.

Manske, J. (2006). Social Work in the Department of Veterans Affairs: Lessons Learned. Health & Social Work31(3), 233-238.

Roosa, S. (2016). From the Editor: Strategic Planning. Strategic Planning For Energy and the Environment36(2), 5-7.

Sanders, D. (2016). Influencing Change: Leadership From a Foundation’s Perspective. Human Service Organizations: Management, Leadership & Governance40(4), 302-304.

Steinberg, R. (2007). Strategic planning for public and nonprofit organizations, by John M. Bryson. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1988, 311 pp. Price: $24.95 cloth. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management8(4), 679-683.

Uhl-Bien, M., Marion, R., & McKelvey, B. (2007). Complexity Leadership Theory: Shifting leadership from the industrial age to the knowledge era. The Leadership Quarterly18(4), 298-318.

Zeng, H., Zhao, L., & Zhao, Y. (2020). Inclusive Leadership and Taking-Charge Behavior: Roles of Psychological Safety and Thriving at Work. Frontiers in Psychology11.


Ensrud, E., & Sandefer, A. (2012). Poster 280 The Development and Benefits of a Veterans Administration-Based Neuromuscular Clinic in Improving Physiatry Residents' Neuromuscular Education. PM&R4, S284-S285.

Fried, D., Helmer, D., & Davey, V. (2018). The Methodological Challenges of Using Veterans Benefits Administration Disability Codes to Ascertain Agent Orange Exposure Among Vietnam Theater Veterans With Service-connected Disabilities. Medical Care, 1.

Wright, P. (2020). Strategic planning. Nursing Management51(4), 40-47.