Anthropology class: Listen to lecture and read(2hr), Dissection post due on WEDNESDAY along with the quiz(1hr), Take the racism quiz(comes with a video)(1hr)(due Thursday)also will have to login on th

9 Lecture Quiz

Highlight the correct answers!

  1. Which of the following is NOT part of human classification?

  1. Artiodactyla

  2. Animalia

  3. Mammalia

  4. Chordata

2. Put the following names of the Linnean classifications in the proper order by matching:

Word box: Genus, Class, Order, Homo, Family, Tribe, Kingdom, Sapiens, Phylum, Species

-First and largest:






-Seventh and smallest:

3. Bats, birds and insects have wings that allow them to fly. Similarities, such as the wings of a bird and the wings of a bat that have a common function:

  1. are called analogies.

  2. are shared, derived traits.

  3. imply common ancestry.

  4. are called homologies.

4. Humans and apes have certain characteristics in common such as five fingers and four limbs. These traits are:

  1. analogous traits.

  2. shared derived traits.

  3. primitive, ancestral traits.

  4. specialized traits.

5. The dorsal fin in a shark and the dorsal fin in a dolphin can be described as:

  1. homologous traits.

  2. shared derived traits.

  3. primitive, ancestral traits.

  4. convergent evolution

Anthropology class: Listen to lecture and read(2hr), Dissection post due on WEDNESDAY along with the quiz(1hr), Take the racism quiz(comes with a video)(1hr)(due Thursday)also will have to login on th 1

6. In the above cladogram, where would you place humans, sharks, and tuna fish?

  1. Humans would be at position A

  2. these three species are not related.

  3. Tuna fish would be at position A

  4. Shark would be at position A

Anthropology class: Listen to lecture and read(2hr), Dissection post due on WEDNESDAY along with the quiz(1hr), Take the racism quiz(comes with a video)(1hr)(due Thursday)also will have to login on th 2

7. In the above cladogram, where would you place crocodiles, Tyrannosaurus rex, and birds?

  1. T. Rex would be at position A, Birds and Crocodiles at B and C.

  2. We can not tell who T. rex is related to.

  3. Birds would be at position A, Crocodiles and T. Rex at B and C.

  4. Crocodiles would be at position A, Birds and T. rex at B and C

8. The type of chart that shows evolutionary relationships with a relative time component, rather than absolute time, is called a:

  1. Laddergram

  2. phylogenetic tree

  3. Bushogram

  4. cladogram

9. In the cladogram we worked on in the Chapter 5, part 1b lecture, which species is more closely related to humans?

  1. Octopus

  2. Tunicate

  3. We are not related to any of these species.

  4. Oak

  5. Sea Anemone

10. The protective bubble which surrounds the fetus of some animals is known as the:

  1. amniotic sac

  2. amphibious egg

  3. Placenta

  4. mesocell