Hello . Im trying to make a argumentative essay on the story of battle royal By Ralph elliot . I only got 60% the first try . And I'm hopping i might get some help here . Under I will attach the objec

Upload your first 3-page essay here. Your essay should be approximately 1000 words. Choose one or more works of poetry, fiction, or drama from the Schedule of Assignments and write an argumentative essay in which you present your interpretation of some aspect of the work(s) you have chosen and try to convince the reader that your interpretation is correct, using mainly the text of the work(s) as evidence. You may use works from outside the Schedule of Assignments with my approval first. Do not do any kind of research for your essay. Citations are not required. IF YOU ARE WRITING ABOUT POETRY, I STRONGLY SUGGEST THAT YOU USE BETWEEN THREE AND FIVE POEMS. Study carefully the lectures and resources "Aspects of Literature", "What is Poetry, Anyway?", "How to Write the Papers for this Class", "How to Prove an Argument", "Elements of a Solid Literary Analysis Essay", "Good Husbands in Bad Marriages Revisited" and the example student essays before your write. Make sure your work is virtually free of any kind of mechanical or grammatical errors before you submit it.