1. After reading “Appeal for Human Rights” (Roselyn Pope, Atlanta Student Movement, 1960) and “New Appeal for Human Rights” (Freedom University, 2017), name two common factors in the struggle of immi

Required Readings

• “60 Voices: Charles Black and Dr. Laura Emiko Soltis on the fight for civil rights”


• “The Atlanta Student Movement: A Look Back”


• “Appeal for Human Rights” (Roselyn Pope, Atlanta Student Movement, 1960)

• “New Appeal for Human Rights” (Freedom University, 2017)


• “Georgia’s Underground University for Undocumented Students” | The New Yorker


  • Interview with Morehouse alumnus Mr. Charles Black, civil rights activist

  • Background of the Vietnam War


  • Escalation of the War by LBJ

Escalation of the Vietnam War by LBJ | PBS LearningMedia

PBS resources (excerpts from Ken Burns series on the war)

  • French colonialism in Vietnam:

French Conquest of Indochina | The Vietnam War | PBS LearningMedia

  • First Indochina War (1946-53); the Fall of Dien Bien Phu

The First Indochina War: 1946-1954 (usc.edu)

• “Apocalypse Now: Surfing and Napalm” [See suggestion on watching the film.] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmErYWQ5noc&t=226s

Discussion 2

3. Immigrant Rights, Civil Rights, Human Rights / Websites on Vietnam (PBS and USC) (20 points)

Answer the following questions in approximately 2-4 sentences for each question.

1.  After reading “Appeal for Human Rights” (Roselyn Pope, Atlanta Student Movement, 1960) and “New Appeal for Human Rights” (Freedom University, 2017), name two common factors in the struggle of immigrants/undocumented people and the African American struggle for civil rights. Include (and correctly integrate/punctuate) one key quote and cite the page number (MLA form for internal citations). (10 points)

 2. After watching the two videos that feature Charles Black, what is your reaction his perspective on the issue stated above and his collaboration with Freedom University? (5 points)

 3. What foreign powers occupied Vietnam in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries?  Why did the U.S. briefly express the support for Ho Chi Minh and Vietnamese independence in 1945 and then declare war a decade later? (5 points)