Can you write about 1200 words (excluding references) regarding political science for me? I will tell you the details after I hire you.

Topics in Japan’s Contemporary International Relations

(List of Essay Questions and Topics I)

Points to Remember:

NEVER PLAGIARIZE – always give your own comments, ideas and opinions, based on your own research, reading, note taking and discussions. You are expected of course, to quote and paraphrase from the set textbook and any other sources you are studying, to support and augment your arguments, as long as you cite carefully and accurately – both in-text (APA Method) – and at the end of your essay, in your list of References.

For more information on APA usage: or http://owl.english.purdue/edu/owl/resource/560/01/

Coursework Essay Length: 1000 – 2,000 (+) words (with an accurate word-count)

Deadline for submission: Tuesday, May 17 (provisional)

(Please make sure you have a separate TITLE PAGE and make sure that you number your choice from the list. You can either write out the Question/Title in full, or edit it and construct your own title based on the content given.)

A mixture of summary, analysis, comment and discussion is expected – with clear APA in-text citations from the textbook and any other sources you are currently studying.

Choose any ONE of the following questions/topics to work on for your first essay:

  1. Drawing mainly from your reading and note taking in Part I on “The Significance of Japan’s International Relations (pp. 3 – 22), what, in your view, are some of the key themes/issues/problems which you find the most interesting and of most significance, and which you would like to study more closely?

  1. Drawing mainly from your reading and note taking in Part I on “Explaining Japan’s International Relations” (pp. 23 – 76), what, in your view, are some of the key themes/issues/problems which you find the most interesting and of most significance, and which you would like to study more closely?

  1. Why is an understanding of Modern History so important when it comes to analysing and discussing topics in Japan’s Contemporary International Relations?

  1. Explain and assess the reasons for the overall dominance of the LDP in Japanese Government, since the end of the American Occupation in 1952 to the present time – and how this has affected both Japanese Foreign Policy and outside perceptions of Japan.

  1. Summarize and discuss the significance and influence of the various opposition parties in Japan – and how they impact (or fail to impact) upon various issues pertaining to Japan’s International Relations.

  1. Summarize and discuss all (or some) of the “Metaphors” mentioned on pp. 3-7: change, challenge, contradiction, and capriciousness.

  1. Summarize and discuss the significance of some of the key points outlined by the authors in the sub-section: 2.2: “Historical overview: from the Chinese world order to the post-Cold War world”(pp. 24-35).

  1. Summarize and discuss some of the so-called “Norms” of Japan’s International Relations as outlined on pp. 64-68.

  1. Summarize and discuss any (or all) of the subsections of my 2004 paper: “Remembering the Past and Questioning the Future – Japan’s Search for Self-Definition as It Enters the Cosmopolitan Century”, and put forward your own arguments and other examples from your research so far, in relation to the content of whichever section you refer to.

  1. Using any one (or several, if related) of your “On-Going” Journal Research Articles/Topics as a starting point for an essay – create your own title – but make sure that you check it with me first.

  1. Summarize and discuss some of the key factors of “Reactivity and proactivity”, outlined on pp. 68-70 – giving some further examples.

  1. Summarize and discuss some of the key factors of “Normal modes of instrumentalization”, outlined on pp. 70-74 – giving some further examples.

  1. Summarize and discuss some of the key factors of “Instrumentalizing policy”, outlined on pp. 74-76 – giving some further examples.

  1. From your reading and study so far of PART II of the textbook: “Japan – United States relations” (pp. 77-156), what do you currently deem to be some of the most important areas and issues for reflection and research? (Choose one – or more – areas, and proceed with summary, discussion and analysis.)