Population Ecology Paper We will explore the field of population ecology and survey factors involved in the decline, expansion, and maintenance of a population. Simulated growth of a population will b

Modeling Population Growth

Exercise 1 - Questions

Question 1

How many generations did it take to reach a population size of 100?

Question 2

Consider the mode of reproduction modeled in your population. Would sexual reproduction or asexual reproduction likely be the cause of a birth? Are individuals of the species likely or unlikely to have separate male and female sexes?

Question 3

Did the modeled population exhibit linear growth, exponential growth, or no pattern? Use Graph 1 to support your answer.

Question 4

Were changes in population size greatest when the population was smaller or larger? Which generation exhibited the greatest change in size? Use Graph 2 to support your answer

Question 5

What resource constraints were placed on the modeled population?

Question 6

Could the modeled population exhibit indefinite growth? If so, how? Is indefinite growth observed in nature? Explain why or why not.


Population Ecology Paper We will explore the field of population ecology and survey factors involved in the decline, expansion, and maintenance of a population. Simulated growth of a population will b 1


Population Ecology Paper We will explore the field of population ecology and survey factors involved in the decline, expansion, and maintenance of a population. Simulated growth of a population will b 2